Coming and Going...

Thursday, August 27, 2009
The boys (husband and son) just got back from a cruise to Alaska on Monday night. Next Wednesday we say good-bye to Michael (son) until Christmas again. I hate this time of year just for that reason. We always miss him so much when he is with his other family. The Authentic fabric you saw in my giveaway is for a quilt for him. He loves to sit with a blanket wrapped around him in the mornings and watch...

We Have A Winner!

Sunday, August 23, 2009
Thanks to everyone who answered my post about pre-washing. I think I will try to save some energy and time and not pre-wash (sometimes) :)Now on to the important part...I typed all of the names into Excel in order of when they came in and used the randomizer to choose one...Carin is our winner!Carin my email is linked to the blog please email me your address and I will get your prize out to you tomorrow.Thanks...

Run don't walk....

Saturday, August 22, 2009
Today is the last day to get in on this great giveaway at p.s. i quilt Rachel is giving away a wonderful gift cert for FABRIC... go go go...

Friendship Bag Swap...

Thursday, August 20, 2009
I have had these done since about 3 days after I joined the swap I have just been too lazy to take pictures. We get our partners on the 25th (oops I was wrong earlier). This was also a tutorial from Rachel Griffiths at p.s. i quilt...

A revelation, questions, then a giveaway...

Here is what I have been doing today...On the chair back is the "scruffily" quilt top I finished. Tutorial by Rachel Griffith at p.s. i quilt for Moda BakeshopA fat quarter bundle of "Authentic" by Moda freshly washed and ironedAnd a layer cake freshly washed and ironed... So my few simple questions are... Am I the only one that pre-washes precuts? Do you wash all precuts or only some (say layer...

A little bag I made a few days ago...

Monday, August 3, 2009
This is a handbag I made by using an Amy Butler pattern. I copied the pattern at 75% and made it out of 1/4 yard of fabric... and crocheted the flower brooch (tutorial found here) to add a little whimsy...I also registered for this swap it looks like fun.......

Hello World

I created this blog as a crafting log. I hope that I can encourage and inspire as so many others have done for ...

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