Erin's Quilt... finally!

Friday, June 18, 2010
Sorry I have been gone so long. I was on the big push to get Erin's quilt finished. I had the top done forever but was trying to get the backing fabric and batting sorted. I started it in September and finished the binding last night.

I worked on this in the mornings before she got up for school. I was trying to get it done for her Birthday... oh well 5 months late isn't too bad ;P

It came out even better than I had hoped and she loves it. Have I mentioned how picky she is? Now she can finally get rid of her purple butterfly quilt she has had since she was 5. Oh joy for a 12 (nearly 13) yr old.

I used the fabric above, "Sound Waves", as the inpiration for the quilting. I did random wavy lines all the way across the quilt. It only took me about 4 hrs to quilt it.

I haven't forgotten that I promised a give away (and I am a week late) but it will have to wait a little longer. I promise it is coming though so hang in there.

Talk soon...

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15 comments on "Erin's Quilt... finally!"
  1. This is realy nice. Love the colors :-)

  2. Oh I just this quilt and the quilting is fabulous! I'm sure your daughter is just thrilled!

  3. What a wonderful quilt! Very lucky girl.

  4. This is such a wonderful finish!! Absolutely love it! I am sure Erin is just tickled! Great job on the quilting too. I often like to use fabric in the quilt for inspiration for the quilting design.

  5. Welcome back to quilting! I love this one-- is it a bento box? I want to make one with black and white with some pops of red, but these colors are so wonderful I might have to rethink it.

  6. I love this quilt! Do you think your daughter will share??? I think this is my favorite Bento Box ever! I love your fabrics in it to... I don't think I have seen those before?

  7. I love your quilt, my favorite color aqua!!! It is beautiful. The quilting looks fab too, good job

  8. just got directed to you by love laugh quilt...

    LOVE your quilting on this's exactly what i'm doing on my WIP (dh's quilt).... it's slow going for me....only because i'm having thread should have been speedy..


  9. What pattern did you use. Just saw this on pinterest. Love your colors!

  10. Making quilt for new granddaughter-what pattern is this? My daughter wants me to use turquoises and purples. Thank you!!

  11. I love the way you quilted this quilt. I'll be quilting my granddaughter's quilt with curvy lines.

  12. Hello! I want my mommy to make this beautiful quilt pattern for me. Do you have the pattern for it? Or one I can buy?

    Thank you!

  13. Love your quilt! Wondering where you bought the sounds waves fabric? Such pretty colors!

  14. Love your quilts & the colors. Where did you find the sound wave fabric at. Thank you!

    1. Hi Ann,

      It was many years ago I do not remember where I got it. I am sure that it isn't available anymore. I am sorry about that.


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