Beginnings QAL

Welcome To The Beginnings QAL Page!

This Quilt along is all about beginners. I am writing tutorials to make blocks that I made my first year of quilting (25 yrs ago). That is where the name came from my beginnings.

The Beginnings Quilt Along - A Free Quilt Along for Beginner Quilters
Beginner's Quilt Along Free Pattern
 It has long been on my list to do a quilt along for beginners because I want to teach things you don't hear often anymore. A lot people teach themselves with YouTube or Google, and that is great, but sometimes you miss something when you don't learn from experience. I am here to help with that. We will get started this week and I hope you will join along with me.

The Beginnings Quilt Along - A Free Quilt Along for Beginning Quilters

If you are on Facebook and want to join our Facebook group you can do that here.
And if you would like to post on IG when you make something you can hashtag #beginningsqal I will be giving away little prizes to one person each month that posts.

Links to posts:

Part 1 Fabric Requirements

Part 2 Nine Patch Blocks 

Part 3 Pinwheel Block 

Part 4 Friendship Star Block 

Part 5 Hovering Hawks Block 

Part 6 Farmer Jill and Sashing the Nine Patch and Friendship Star Row 

Part 7 Sally's Sheep Block 

Part 8 Dutchman's Puzzle 

Part 9 Whirly Gig

Part 10 Ribbon Row 

Part 11 Variable Stars 

Part 12 The Cat 

Part 13 Windmill 

Part 14 Bowtie

Part 15 House

Part 16 Rows and Borders

The End :)

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10 comments on "Beginnings QAL"
  1. I have my 3 nine patch blocks made looking forward to next step.

  2. Yay...this is going to be fantastic when it's done 😊

  3. I have farmer Jill and the sashing done. Thanks for the great idea how to pin it and sew.

  4. How wide is the border of the nine patch row?

    1. Hi Kay, I am sorry but I couldn't repply to you because you do not have a reply address. The first two cuts on the block cutting are the sashing for the row. I am sorry that I didn't notice that I left that note off until now. They should be 32 1/2" by 1 1/2" and 6 1/2" by 1 1/2".

  5. I have farmer jill and the sashing done. Look forward to next block. Thanks for all your tips,

  6. The block 6 Sally's sleep was fun to make.Turned out perfect. Great instructions.

  7. Block 6 Sally's Sheep was fun to make and it turned out great. Thanks for good instructions.

  8. Anxious for the next block!!!! 😃

  9. The ribbon row was fun to make and I never did that before. Thanks for the great instructions.


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