December Schnibble...better late than never

Thursday, December 31, 2009
Well, it isn't really late. I got it done before the first and that is what counts :) I love Mill House Inn. So here are my two little Tuffets on the tree. The strip pieced one is also pieced a bit I thought it would be fun to add a couple scraps from the nine patch....

Merry Christmas AKA Stella's First Christmas

Thursday, December 24, 2009
We have a puppy! Boy do we ever... she is 10 months old... we got her at a very young 5 wks... I know, I know but it was that or the pound for her so we just had to take her home. Anyway... a few months later here we are... she likes presents:But who could get mad at a face like this....She wrote a note to the boy who's present is on the left... it says:Deer Mikull,Yor prezent tasted gud! Nom Nom!Luv.StelliePS....

Woo Hoo! Thank you Santa!

Monday, December 21, 2009
I won my wish from Santa (AKA the Fat Quarter Shop) I am so happy! I can't believe it! I have never won one of these blog giveaways before! I really didn't think I would be able to get this fabric... we haven't had a lot of extra money lately so it was going to have to wait... a while anyway... This is a big Merry Christmas for ...

Sorry I am so late with the winners...

Monday, December 14, 2009
I am sorry... I let everything get away from me. Here are the winners of my three giveaways:Mary On Lake Pulasky won the Amy Butler pattern and fabricHeather won the Book (Heather please email me your address I can't find an email for you)Susan won the County Fair canvasCongratulations to a...

Dear Santa

Deeer Zanta,I haf been a very, very, good girl. Pleeze could you, Dear Zanta, bring L'Amour to moi zees Chreestmas? It has been ever so long since I have had zees amour. Amour, as you know clever man, ees oh so importement to the French. Oui, I have been waiting sooo long. Zanta, baby, sil vous plait just a little L'Amour as I have not been down to the fat quarter in some time.Merci,Juliette...

Giveaway number 3... Denyse Schmidt designed canvas...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Here is number three Canvas from County Fair by Denyse Schmidt this is a full yard 54" wide... it would be great for a tote bag... nice soft canvas with a wonky log cabin print in all those patterns we all love so much...just leave a comment if you would like it....

Number Two... just for moms, grandmas (dads) of little girls...

A super fun craft book for girls... "Christmas Fairy Things To Make And Do" ... I took a picture of just a couple of the projects so you can see how fun this book is...there are many more projects including ornaments and wands ... etc... just comment if you would like it....Tree Top Fairy Fairy Castle Advent CalendarFairy Princess Cr...

3 Giveaways... number one...Amy Butler pattern and fabric

In the spirit of Giveaway day at Sew Mama Sew ... and because I have been wanting to do another giveaway... I am having a three part give away... These giveaways will be open until midnight December 9th... all you have to do is make a comment on the one you would like to win. I am posting them in seperate posts to make it easier. I will be happy to send international but it will have to be the...

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