Hi! Did ya miss me?

Monday, April 26, 2010
Oh my goodness... did you think I gave up blogging? Nope! See what happened is I lost a week somewhere. It just flew out of the window. Seriously I was just sitting thinking (and sewing) this morning and thought it was just two days ago that Rachel posted the  finishing instructions for the pinwheel quilt along... but no, it was a week and two days ago and now I only have a few days to get...

Quilt Along Blocks...

Saturday, April 17, 2010
Seems like all I show lately is quilt along blocks... here are some from today...For the Pinwheel Sampler today was pick your own day... I did two different blocks. The Hexagon Quilt Along was doing Kaleidoscope setting. I think my fabrics blend a little too much for this setting so I only did three of them.First some Hexigons from the Hexagon Quilt Along Weed Whacker (I don't know it's real name)Jax...

A little bit of what I have been doing this week...

Friday, April 16, 2010
I made a decision at the beginning of the week that I was going to try to finish at least the tops of my UFOs ... they might have to wait to be quilted but I wanted them out of the working on box into the waiting box. First I made a few more of these:From Quilt Dad's quilt along a few months ago... I had made 7 blocks so I decided to make it an even 9 for setting purposes. Then I ordered the sashing...

....and my Pinwheel Sampler Blocks

Saturday, April 10, 2010
Week 7 one more block tutorial to go...

Hexagon Quilt Along...

My frame showed up while my husband was on a business trip so we just started putting it together today. Almost done... Right when I decided to take a break Julie posted the cutting instructions for the first blocks of the Hexagon Quilt Along. Very quickly, this:turned into this:I am really excited I think this quilt will be so much f...

Guess what is coming today...

Thursday, April 1, 2010
I will give you a hint...Okay, I guess it is more than a hint... a Grace Mini-Pinni and a mid arm machine... today...UPS... e...

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