Spring To Finish ... what I finished...

Monday, May 31, 2010
Hi Everyone,I joined Jacquie In the Spring To Finish Challenge today is the day to say what we finished in May. Here are my goals as posted for the challenge:1. Finish Wonky Log Cabin top2. Finish Tic Tac Toe Top3. Finish Christmas quilt including binding4. Quilt one quilt on my quilting frame (it is brand new and I am a little intimidated)Goal #1     Goal #2Goal #3  (quilted but...

Giveaway winner...

Friday, May 21, 2010
Random. org says #4 that is:Crystal said... I LOVE your swap quilt! I'd be super happy to be your partner!Also, I'd love to win your scraps! I'd promise to make a quilt and never show you the picture. :) May 19, 2010 6:37 AM   Congrats Crystal... I promise not to blargh if you show me what you make :)   Here is a full picture of my PIllow Talk Swap Pillow Top:   Talk so...

A couple swap things and Christmas in May

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Hi Everyone....I will get the most important part in first. I am having a give-away. Have you ever had a line of fabric that you made so much out of that you hoped you never saw another piece of it again? I have a couple and each week until I get tired of it I will give a scrap bag of them away. This is definitely the largest of the bags (I think) Figgy Pudding... I made a Gazillion things with...

A few swap stuffs...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Hi Everyone...I have been working on my quilt alongs and a couple of swap. I haven't started anything new from scratch in a while but I am kind of liking things a little low key right now. I have a quilt 1/3 quilted on the frame (big win for me) and a bunch back logged waiting for their turns. I joined Heather's "Handsome Hexies" group on flickr and while my daughter was in SAT testing last week I...

Modify Tradition Swap

Friday, May 7, 2010
If you are not my swap partner. Then you probably don't need to read this :) but you can if you want. Hi Partner,Thanks for coming by. Thanks for making me something. I am so happy that you are.I love everything. I love modern fabrics. Some of my favorite designers are Joel Dewberry, Heather Bailey, Amy Butler and Tina Givens. I have a feeling you love them too. My favorite color combos right...

May the 4th be with you!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
I know I am a geek... for which I am proud. Have a lovely Star Wars day.... move along...

Some other top finishes...

Saturday, May 1, 2010
Hi Everyone... I am so happy to be finishing these tops that have been hanging around. These two are ones that are new but still nice to finish.Here is a Disappearing Nine-Patch from 12 Days of Christmas by Kate SpainPinwheel Sampler Quilt Along (Sorry for the picture... this is such a light bright quilt that it is hard to get a pic that isn't washed out)Here are some more hexagons for th Hexagon...

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