I will try not to....

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
...only post stuff that I am putting in my Etsy shop. I just hate a good photo to go to waste. For the next week or so I will be posting stuff to the shop so most of my photo taking time will be wrapped up with that. Here is my second offering:Made with fabric from the "Nest" collection by Valori Wells and a bit of "Dill Blossom" from Kaufm...

Now I've Gone and Done it!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
... well... I did it a few weeks ago actually. I opened an Etsy shop. There is nothing in it yet but I am going to remedy that tonight by posting this bag for sale:This is how lovely that Brooklyn Heights Fabric looks made into something. So go enter my giveaway but hurry tomorrow is the last day.Did you ever wonder why I have such a silly name for my blog? It is because at the time I was making...

Mama's got a brand new bag!

Thursday, June 24, 2010
I know... so cliche......

Lot's of things to share and ... Finally!!!... the giveaway.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Hi Everyone,Been super busy here. Our trip to Italy feels like it is sneaking up on me way too fast. I wanted to make some things for the girls (SILs and MIL) to take on the trip. I had been  promising my Dear MIL a new tote bag for summer. She loves warm tones and this Poppy fabric, by Laura Gunn, is perfect:Then I wanted to make the Dear SILs some lingerie bags, so that the airport...

Erin's Quilt... finally!

Friday, June 18, 2010
Sorry I have been gone so long. I was on the big push to get Erin's quilt finished. I had the top done forever but was trying to get the backing fabric and batting sorted. I started it in September and finished the binding last night. I worked on this in the mornings before she got up for school. I was trying to get it done for her Birthday... oh well 5 months late isn't too bad ;P It came out even...

What to do with leftovers from the Hexagon Quilt Along... a mini tutorial

Friday, June 4, 2010
Here is the block I made with some of my leftovers:If you would like to make a block like this from your leftovers you can follow along here. First take 12 of your leftover triangle hexie wedges and arrance them in a pleasing manner. To make the star put two of the long wedge pieces facing each other to make a diamond then make some more diamonds until you have six that go together in a nice...

The San Francisco Bay Area Modern Quilt Guild

Tuesday, June 1, 2010
We are trying to get the word out about the Modern Quilt Guild here in SF Bay Area. If you are interested in meeting with us and you are in the area please email me. Also we have sub-groups since we are widespre...

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