Posy is here:

Wednesday, January 30, 2013
So Sweet! Posy ...

Happy Monday... and a few of my favorite things...

Monday, January 28, 2013
Hi Everyone, It has been a while since I have had time to sit and read blogs. Yesterday, I took some time with my coffee and had a browse through my favorites. Here are some of the things that I am adoring from the Blogiverse... The Divided Basket Pattern from Anna at Noodlehead I am so making some of these for the shop. Miss Tracy's Scrappy Sprout Quilt top Little bits of Glimma showing...

Having a little Sale..

Saturday, January 26, 2013
Hi Everyone, Use this coupon for 10% off everything in your cart SUPER10 ... it is a Go Niner's Sale! The Coupon is good until Friday 2/1/12 We just marked down a bunch of favorites to the sale section and our Valentine Fabric Collections are in the 30% off sale section too. Http://www.intrepidthread....

Friday Fun Day and the Giveaway

Friday, January 25, 2013
Hi Everyone, Okay something not so fun first. Today until 5 PM Pacific US time is the latest you can purchase and get the old shipping rates. Shipping goes up on Monday. Domestic isn't too bad but International and Canada go up a whopping $7 per envelope. I will try to do some shipping relief sales for my lovely internationl customers soon. I appreciate you ladies outside of the US so much and you...

A real person lives here...

Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Hi Everyone, You might have noticed my posts lately have seemed rather .... ummm... I would say boring, robotic, haried? Well, I promise there is still a real person here. I have just been so overwhelmed with getting the shop off the ground that I haven't had a chance to do anything. Let alone sew or design. I finally have the shop fully staffed (5) eep it is so much responsibility. This allowed...

Our three latest collections

Saturday, January 19, 2013
Lots of fun fabric ... Honey Honey Life in The Jungle   Ocean View  &nbs...

Friday Fun Day and the Giveaway

Friday, January 18, 2013
Hi Everyone, Okay it is true I actually do have some fun for us today. I am so fortunate to be able to meet the most genius people in this business. My friend Anne is one of them. She and her friends have made the most amazingly easy Palette Builder I have ever used. Look at this: My Crown Jellies picture from the Aquarium Don't blame me if you spend hours uploading pictures just to see what...

Happy Monday

Monday, January 14, 2013
Hi Everyone, The opening of the shop went great! Thank you so much for all of your well wishes. I read each one and I truly appreciate it. A notice to all of my international customers shipping is going up on the 28th to $24 for a priority envelope. I am sorry I promise it isn't my fault. Domestic shipping is going up too. Yuck! The inventory is still not updating on the website so I apologize...

Yep, I checked and it is still Friday!

Friday, January 11, 2013
Even on the East Coast.... So happy Friday Fun Day... The Giveaway is wuth Maureen today. We are giving away this fun duel bundle of Lillybelle and Rock and Romance: Big thanks to Maureen for making the mosaic. So head on over there and see if you can get some of that :) Grand Opening at the Brick and Mortar tomorrow... phew... I am beat just thinking about it. Love, Ju...

Comma Fat Quarter Bundles are here...

Thursday, January 10, 2013
We have yardage coming next month but here are the fat quarters... Here is the Market booth ... loved these quilts ...

Happy Monday

Monday, January 7, 2013
Hi Everyone, It is Happy Monday with Happy Quilting and Echinops and Aster today. Melissa at Happy Quilting is starting a fun new quilt along. For all of you that wondered what those fabulous fabric bundles were for the other day. It was this... I didn't count up all of the comments one way or the other but it seems Fruit Loops and Cocoa Puffs and Figs and Plums were the favorites with Fairy...

Saturday it is the other Friday... Giveaway

Saturday, January 5, 2013
Hi Everyone, Saturdays have become my Fridays now that I have the shop open 6 days a week. I hope your weekend is starting off good. My friend Sally is hostng his weeks fabric giveaway. We are giving away this: A fat quarter bundle of Blomma... just head on over to Sally's blog and enter to win. Today the shop is hosting the Bay Area Modern Quilt Guild for sew day. It should be fun! Have an...

Making Custom Bundles

Thursday, January 3, 2013
... for a secret project. Mallory (my friend that moved away this week) and my niece had fun pulling fabrics and making up these bundles. Tell me which ones you like best: Fairy Dell: Figs and Plums: Frosty Autumn: Fruit Loops and Cocoa Puffs: Peaches No Pits: I think they like orange ...


Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Hi Everyone, I have been up for a while... Honesly you know I don't sleep this late. I was getting things ready for dinner tonight because we are going to have guests. So who won a little bit of this: Mr. Random said: And #4 is: Lisa Mather said... My hubby bought me a Singer Quilting Machine for my birthday which has helped me tremendously! I hope one day to upgrade this one as well....

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