Tilda Circus is here... In the United States for real!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Hey Everyone, From the Tilda's World Blog used by permission It is finally here... so exciting. I just sent out a newsletter with tons of info but I wanted to show these IRL photos I took at the shop so you could get an idea of scale... this fabric is perfect for fussy cutting because the scale is so nice... The colors are so pretty!  I love this print... There is also a pre-view...

I made something with fabric...

Saturday, June 10, 2017
I know you thought it would never happen :) So this is funny... I have always wanted a French Noteboard... when I was a little kid I dreamed of having one. I have thought of making one a million times but never did it. Why? I have no idea. I make things all of the time why not that? Silly really ... So I finally did it... I grabbed a painter's canvas ... it is 16" by 20" and made a pieced cover...

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