Winner Winner!

Saturday, December 29, 2018
Hey Everyone, I am sorry I didn't pop on on Thursday with the thread winner. My husband is out of town so I always get behind the eight ball when that happens. Let's give this box away. Signature Cotton Quilting Thread. I used Random number generator to pick the winner. Number 50 is: rosemaryschildDecember 20, 2018 at 11:07 AM I like to use grey, it's neutral & so nice a color too!...

A little something extra for Christmas

Sunday, December 23, 2018
Hey Everyone, I made one more set of stickers for you. I am on a mission to use up what I have. So in that spirit I decided to re-purpose the unused weeks in my 2018 planner, because I was a sporadic planner and I have a million planners that I like to switch back and forth in. I made this page of stickers to cover the one or two things that I put on my dailies and cover the month on the top left...

Who needs a little thread in their stocking?

Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Hi Everyone, Gütermann thread makes Signiture Cotton Quilting Thread and they asked me to tell you about this pretty little box of thread that is available for a special price, 20% off, for the holidays at Joann stores. It is twelve 700 yard spools. Signature cotton thread is 40 weight, 100% extra long staple, 3-ply mercerized Egyptian cotton. This gives it strength and softness with low lint. I...

New Quilter's Planner Stickers for January '19

Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Hey Everyone! [Quilter's Planner link is an affiliate link. No extra cost to you just helps me pay for sticker paper :)]  Can't believe I started this a year ago. Have you gotten your new Quilter's Planner yet? It is about time to start planning for next year. I missed a couple months of making stickers while I was dealing with health stuff but it  was never far from my mind. I hope...

12 Days of Cricut

Monday, December 3, 2018
Hey Everyone, Public Service Announcement. Cricut is having 12 Days of Sales including up to 80% off all of their new materials. It is pretty awesome. I used the Bejeweled Sampler Iron on Foil for my ornaments I shared a few weeks ago. You can find the sale here(affiliate link) ...

New Quilter's Planner Stickers for December

Saturday, November 24, 2018
Hi Everyone, I made new fun stickers for December. If you prefer non Christmas stickers you can use the Winter Stickers from January of this year. This time I made day changer stickers too, for those of use that prefer Monday starts on the week (my personal favorite) as well. These stickers will cover the day labels in the planner. I made every color of the rainbow and you can reprint your favorites...

Easy Christmas gifts with the EasyPress 2

Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Hey Everyone, I know I have been talking a lot about my Cricut machines lately but I am always surprised how much I use them. I have so many new ideas for projects to use them with.... you all may not believe it but I do not cut quilt blocks with my rotary cutter at all anymore. Right now (since I had abdominal surgery 5 weeks ago) I can't even use my rotary cutter at all because my cutting table...

Beginnings Quilt Along Rows and Borders

Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Hi Everyone, Here it is the final post in the QAL. I told you we would have the top done before the end of October :) I am just going to dive right in here: The Beginnings QAL Rows and Borders (Final size 44” by 52”) Printable PDF Cut (after your rows are sewn together): 2 - 2 ½” by measurement of your quilt length approximately 40 ½” Inside Border fabric 2 - 2 ½ by measurement of your...

Beginnings Quilt Along Block 15

Friday, October 26, 2018
Hi Everyone, How about this... the last block already! So you have two to work on this weekend. If you are using the Maker to cut your blocks here is the file. The Beginnings QAL (Printable PDF) Block 15 House (8” Finished) For One Block (that is what you need for the quilt) Cut: 2 –  2 ½”” Squares of Background Fabric 4 –  2 ½”  by 2” Rectangles of Background Fabric 1 – ...

Beginnings Quilt Along Block 14

Thursday, October 25, 2018
Hi Everyone, Here is our second to last block. I love this Bowtie Block and I want to make an entire quilt out of it soon. I hope you love it too. If you have been using the Maker to cut your blocks then some of this block is cut already, but... I did change the size of the small pieces so you will want to re-cut the small squares at least. If you are using the Maker to cut your blocks here is...

Custom Post Signature

Custom Post  Signature