New Quilter's Planner Stickers for December

Saturday, November 24, 2018
Hi Everyone, I made new fun stickers for December. If you prefer non Christmas stickers you can use the Winter Stickers from January of this year. This time I made day changer stickers too, for those of use that prefer Monday starts on the week (my personal favorite) as well. These stickers will cover the day labels in the planner. I made every color of the rainbow and you can reprint your favorites...

Easy Christmas gifts with the EasyPress 2

Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Hey Everyone, I know I have been talking a lot about my Cricut machines lately but I am always surprised how much I use them. I have so many new ideas for projects to use them with.... you all may not believe it but I do not cut quilt blocks with my rotary cutter at all anymore. Right now (since I had abdominal surgery 5 weeks ago) I can't even use my rotary cutter at all because my cutting table...

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