They were going so fast I couldn't keep up and now nothing for a week... I wonder if they are waiting for the first to start more stuff... Wahhh... I need my fix!
Clearance SaleHey, I have to make some room CLEAR20 is the code for 20% off. Come and get it :)…Read More
A quiet Monday?Well... quiet from the keyboard but not in my shop. I have way too much to get out today so I can't say umuch this morning. Guinea Pig Army I am sorry but it looks like I can't giv…Read More
Hope to have some more stuff up for you soon! I think with Halloween coming up it has slowed alot of us down with getting some projects posted. Not to worry.. there are definitely some projects in the works... more to come very soon. Glad to hear you are wanting more!
Hope to have some more stuff up for you soon! I think with Halloween coming up it has slowed alot of us down with getting some projects posted. Not to worry.. there are definitely some projects in the works... more to come very soon. Glad to hear you are wanting more!