I have a little crush....

Sunday, September 26, 2010
...or six!(Innocent Crush by Anna Maria Horner)And guess what? I am gonna share. Remember I said my 100th post was coming... just 4 posts away!I finally have a design wall. I have needed one forever (of course who doesn't) but never had a place to put one. This now stands behind the quilt frame where my ironing board was. I will just have to put up and take down the ironing board from now on. There...

Help Needed

Tuesday, September 21, 2010
I like bright colors... have ya noticed?? My husband is an engineer...all you ladies married to engineers know what I am talking about right now. My husband is conservative :) I made a quilt with Fandango by Kate Spain... I want it on the bed... my husband ... not so much. So I have some pretty Fig and Plum... a whole fat quarter pack... it is the perfect colors for him. I need a pattern ... I have...

A question...

Monday, September 20, 2010
Hi Everyone,Only 6 more posts until my hundredth... I missed my blogiversary in August (just too busy getting ready for Italy) but I am going to do a nice give away for my hundredth so stay tuned. My question is... would you mind seeing posts about the clothing I make for my dolls? The dolls I collect are called Asian Ball Jointed Dolls and some people are bothered by the way they look. They have...

I won't forget...

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Urban Home Goods Swap and Another Quilt Along

Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Hi Everyone,I joined the Urban Home Goods Swap a few weeks ago knowing that I was going to be missing 2 weeks right in the middle... but I did get it all done and it went in the mail today.Here is the machine cover all finished.And here is all the goodies together. Her sewing room and living room are red, black, and white but she likes green and blue, birds, and owls. So this looks a bit eclectic...

I need to get motivated...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010
I just can't get motivated to sew the binding on this sewing machine cover. It has to be mailed by Friday... I will do it tonight if it kills me. I also have to get a new quilt on the frame today. I am quilting it for a charity raffle at my church. Wish me luck...

What I did on my summer vacation....

Monday, September 6, 2010
Hi Everyone! We are back from Rome. I have tons to show you... hope you don't get bored. I know haven't blogged for a while so I thought I would show you what I have been sewing... then some pictures from Italy...Here are the projects in no particular order:Dresdens (20 of them... possible for a quilt for my bed)I had some fat quarters of Verna leftover from another project and made these strippy...

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