New Play Crafts Palette Builder

Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Hi Everyone, I am so excited that I get to bring you a sneaky pre-view of Play Crafts new Palette Builder... you know how much I enjoy messing with their software.... What I love most about the new version is that you get to choose which colors it picks up... so say you have a gorgeous picture with a lot of blue sky you can pick one or two blues then choose other colors... well you will see when...

More blocks and a coupon code

Monday, April 29, 2013
Hi Everyone, We had our meeting of the Tula Pink Quilting Club on Saturday and we worked on the Tula Pink City Sampler BOM blocks... here are Anne, Gerre, and my #1, #11, #21 blocks all together:   Here is #81 from Anne and I    And here are my #31, #41, #51, #61, #71, and #91 There is a 10% off coupon code until midnight tomorrow (Tuesday 4/30) it is MAYDAY, not as in trouble...

Friday Fun Day and the Giveaway....

Friday, April 26, 2013
Hi Everyone, I hope you have all kinds of fun up your sleeves for the weekend. I am going to the first concert of the outdoor concert season tonight. It is my favorite venue, an amphitheatre close to here (Shoreline for those that are curious). I love how there is nary a bad seat in the house and the fact that I have been there so many times that I don't get nervous about logistics anymore. (Oh didn't...

Field Study Linen Is Back

Wednesday, April 24, 2013
and I added a few more prints ...

Blog Vomit

I figure if everyone can go around calling their quilts Scrap Vomit I can call this blog vomit. It is just a fast a furious list of all the stuff swirling around in my head this week. Two great causes, and two great MQGs, that you might like to consider: I found all of the info on this on Maureen's blog so hop on over to take a look. Info can be found here at the Vancouver MQG page I am super...

More blocks

Sunday, April 21, 2013
yep... totally like potato chips.... Tula Pink's City Sampler 100 Modern Quilt Blocks Book Block 41 Block 31 Block 21  I am proud of myself ... I have almost all of my Low Volume quilt done. Just another hour or so to go and it will be finished. It is going to be our charity pattern for the year so I can't wait to share it with you all....

Made the first two blocks... Tula Pink's City Sampler: 100 Modern Quilt Blocks

Saturday, April 20, 2013
Okay these are so fun and easy... that they are like potato chips... and are totally addicting. Working on 21, 31 and 41 right now. Block 1 Block 11 These are the first two blocks in the QAL come over and join in... Here our first allotment of books is sold out but we will have more in a few days then they will uploaded for sale on the websi...

Friday Fun Day, Tula Pink Block of the Month, and a Giveaway

Friday, April 19, 2013
Hi Everyone, So much fun going on right now! Look what showed up at the shop on Wednesday:  It got here at 3pm, and by close of business half of my initial order of 10 books was gone. Every single page in this book is a work of art. Look at Miss Tula's gorgeous drawings... Block of the Month Club! So we are starting a Block of the Month using this beautiful book! Each month we will...

Flash Sale

Monday, April 15, 2013
Flash Sale! 15% off for 15 hours on the 15th... because the taxman cometh.... until midnight Eastern time Monday (today) the 15thUse this coupon codeTAX...

Friday Fun Day.... and the giveaway.

Friday, April 12, 2013
Hi Everyone, It's Friday and that means only one thing around here... time to give something away. How about this gorgeous bundle of yummy Indian Summer: I really adore this collection... Do not leave a comment here. You must go visit Maureen to enter. Good Lu...

Glimma is here...

Thursday, April 11, 2013
Hi Everyone, This has been a hectic week. I had to rely on someone else to open the shop all week because I had to take my daughter (who is home schooled) to STAR testing. We do this every year, meet with the rest of her charter school to do the standardized tests that the state requires. I usually get a lot of binding done while I sit and wait LOL... If you don't know me in person you might not...

Field Study Linen and Happy Go Lucky Hexagons

Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Hi Everyone, I got to sew for the first time in almost a month on Sunday. I got 3/4 of a quilt, that I have had rolling around in my head for a month or two, done. Now the harder part... you will see it soon. Field Study Linen is here and it is so much more gorgeous than I expected it to be... wow! And also here are the Honeycombs of Happy Go Lucky... I am going to kit up Camille's Juggle quilt...

Friday Fun Day!

Friday, April 5, 2013
Hi Everyone, Yes, we have a giveaway being hosted today by Sarah at Sew What, Sherlock? Isn't that the cutest name? I just wanted to show you the cute paper pieced pattern she has for a pair of Geek Chic glasses: Totally adorable! Here is what we are giving away: Street Siren Fat Quarters from Urban Mod So head on over to see Sarah and enter the giveaway. You can find the details there. Talk...

New Stuffs... Indian Summer and something coming from Tula Pink

Thursday, April 4, 2013
Hi Everyone. I almost feel guilty for showing this but I am so excited... this is the new collection from Tula Pink coming in September: Acacia Indian Summer Arrived today ... so much neat stuff! Talk soon... I promise I will have more interesting things to say soon...

Happy Go Lucky, Shades of Black, and Aspen Frost

Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Hi Everyone, Sorry I have been so quiet. We are buried with the sale orders still. I just wanted to show you the new fun stuff that came in yesterday... We got Happy Go Lucky Fat Quarters, Charm Packs, and Jelly Rolls Shades of Black Fat Quarters And ... yes, it is true... Christmas already... Aspen Frost Fat Quarters Yardage for each of these is coming next month. Now back to the...

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