OMGoodness! I missed it...

Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Hi Everyone,

So this morning as I was getting ready to head into the shop (literally in my undies) I realized that I missed posting on my 5 yr Blogiversary. I can't believe it has been five years since I quit my corporate job to stay home and home school my daughter.  Back in the day I did a lot of sewing... Here is my first post ... Uh oh... I just discovered that none of the pictures from August of 2009 show up anymore. All of the September ones are showing still. Look I was still a traditional girl then hehe.

I don't remember making this quilt... I wonder where it went... I wonder if I gave it to someone or if it is in the bottom of one of my piles somewhere... It was Nov 2009... look perfect points!

These two pictures are for all of my friends that know how much I love brown and batiks NOT!

This one won a design contest.

What! Applique?

Then I discovered Tula Pink....

Sad thing? I didn't know who Heather Ross was but I had some tiny pieces of Mendocino 

Here is where I announced I was opening the shop

Enough of the walk down memory lane :) Thanks to all you lovelies that have been following me since the beginning. Lots of you have been here since before the shop opened. Just hanging out being my friends. I have watched a bunch of you get famous :) Quilty Famous. I love you all.


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29 comments on "OMGoodness! I missed it..."
  1. It's been an incredible five years for you!!

  2. Congratulations on five years of awesomeness! I've been follow for at least three of those years, I think. And I'm looking forward to many more!

  3. congrats Julie! It has been a boon to all of us. I can't believe you used Brown!!!

  4. Happy Blogaversary! I think brown is a 'starting' color for many of us. Then we see color, fabrics, designers, techniques - a whole new world opens up from that start of brown.

  5. Love seeing how your taste changed. Congrats on 5 years!

  6. Congratulations on five wonderful years of growth and fun. Thanks for sharing your journey with all of us backseat drivers. It's been a pleasure.

  7. Happy Blogiversary!! You've certainly accomplished so much! I love the selvedge tumbler, so cute! And I like the term "Quilty Famous" you!!

  8. Congrats, Julie!

    wow, you opened your shop almost the same time we came to the bay area - we moved into our house February 17th, 2011, I think.
    And I do believe it wasn't long after I made my first purchase at your shop. I never would have guessed it was quite brand new back then. so super professional!

  9. Happy Anniversary! I'm so glad that I recently found your shop! :-)

  10. Congratulations Julie -- we're happy you've been around for 5 years.. and here's to 5 more!!

  11. Woohoo! Congrats on a big 5 year anniversary!! Happy to be here from (almost) the beginning!

  12. Fun to see the transitions over time. Thanks for taking the time to share them.

  13. Wow, 5 years! Congratulations & well done! What a fantastic journey, here's to many more.

  14. Congrats for five years of blogging. I've only been with you less than a year but enjoy all that you share! I will be here for the next five years!

  15. Time flies by when you're having fun doesn't it! Congrats on five years.

  16. That was so fun Julie!!!! Thanks for sharing all of your quilts from your start. Congrats on 5 years!!! You are amazing and your shop shows it. I am so impressed with how much you have grown. I love watching your dreams come true ;)

  17. Happy 5th Anniversary Intrepid Thread and Julie!!!!!!

    It's so wonderful that you made that decision 5+ years ago to begin your online shop, then transitioning into a B&M too! You are a very talented woman and know that we all appreciate you VERY much!!! And many Thank You's to your family for supporting you in this endeavor!

    Time to CELEBRATE!!!

  18. Five years, time sure flies! Congrats on the blogiversary!Your blog is always a pleasure to read, and your shop is always filled with amazing fabrics. Here is to another 5 years of of wonderful posts, quilts, and fabrics!

  19. Five years, really? It doesn't seem possible just a sign that I'm getting older! Still your your store and thanks for the memories!

  20. Congrats on 5 blogging years Isn't it funny how we change? Some of my fabrics really make me wonder what I was thinking when I bought them, and it wasn't really that long ago!

  21. happy day to you! glad to be along for the ride!

  22. That was a fun post to read! I cringe when I look at the first quilts I ever sewed, but it makes me happy to know how much better I've gotten. Your shop has been my favorite for years!

  23. 5 years,that's great and it was nice meet you.Congratulations and more to come!!

  24. How exciting for you. Congratulations on a very successful new career and Happy Anniversary.


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