Love a Challenge... an Annual Party

Saturday, February 14, 2015
Each year these super fun girls:

Get together to make a little something something... out of a mini charm pack of  Vanessa Christensen's latest fabric collection. This time it is Color Theory I guess we are all feeling a little rebellious since both Sally and I cheated a little bit. It was supposed to be a finished project but instead I made a block... I will explain why but first here is a picture:

It is a house...with a heart... now let me just say that heart's are not my favorite motif and I did not do it because the challenge always lands on Valentines day. I did it because my mother was here in the house on Hospice when I made it.... I wanted to express that "There is love in my house" right now, today, a lot of love! That was Wednesday at lunch time... Wednesday by dinner time she was gone. Now let's not be sad. Let's celebrate the love in our house.

Today my husband and I spent 7 hours on the road and a couple at my mom's house moving things. Bringing home some of my mom's earthly treasures. Deciding what to do with the rest. I promised a tutorial for this block but it will not happen until Monday now... I am sorry about that. I will post links to everyone's projects on Monday too.

This will be the first of a series of  tutorials of house blocks. Each one will express something that is in my/your house. They won't be super formal or anything like a perfect pattern because I want it to be free flowing and fun. This block started out as a nebulous idea and I started with the roof... then just added on pieces as I went until it seemed done. It is 16" but I am not going to guarantee any of the others will be that size. Like I said free flowing. I have no idea how big the quilt will be I might make 4 blocks I might make 20... and I don't know when the next one will be... a month-ish.

I got the idea to do a house project from my friend Andrea who owns an awesome Art Studio called A Work of Heart here in San Jose. She has an on going house project... you can see some of it here on the walls in this picture:

If you are local and haven't been to AWOH you should go and take a class... so much fun!

Anyway... see ya Monday with a tute!

Hugs to you all and thanks so much for your prayers and good wishes. If you didn't get a personal answer it is because you didn't have an email attached to your blogger account. I do appreciate them all though, so much!

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26 comments on "Love a Challenge... an Annual Party"
  1. Julie.I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I know you said lets not be sad, but I am sending ❤️and hugs to your house.
    Holly from Family Threads

  2. I am so sorry for your loss, Julie.
    But it sounds wonderful that your mom could pass in your house instead of a hospital.

  3. Oh Julie, I'm sorry to hear about your mom, but happy that you had the chance to say goodbye in such comforting surroundings. Your block is lovely, and I hope it always reminds you of your mom.

  4. Julie, so sorry to hear about your Mom. Prayers for you and your family. Love your blocks and you girls look to be having a great time. Enjoy!

  5. I'm sorry to hear about your mom, dear. You and your family will be in my thoughts.

  6. Sorry to hear about your mom. Jan from sew ans sow farm sent me over to see your blog. well done

  7. Losing a parent, no matter what their age, is very difficult. I was extremely fortunate to have my dad till he was 104, but it was very traumatic for me, and still is. Lots of hugs and love to you and your family.

  8. I am so sorry about your mom. I love that you had a little sewing time in the middle of the chaos. Warm thoughts of love in your house.

  9. I'm so sorry for your loss and can totally relate to how difficult it must have been to see your Mom go. (I am going through something similar with my 83 yr. old Dad.) Hold your memories of her close and you will always have her with you!

  10. There is so much love coming your way. You will always have the comfort of knowing you took good care of your mother and that she was surrounded by love. To know we are beloved, and to show that love--is there a more tender gift in this life? I can't think of one.

    It is so like you to share this time with us. I hope you feel the caring that is encircling you.

  11. Julie, I am so truly sorry for your loss. Please know that I am sending much love and many hugs your way. Take care of yourself during these next weeks and months. You and your family are in my prayers.

  12. You are amazing julie! Thank you for sharing.

  13. You are amazing julie! Thank you for sharing.

  14. love, love it!!
    thanks for the great idea!

    hugs to you1

  15. So sorry for your news, but I'm glad that there was love in your house right up to the end (((((HUGS)))))

  16. I'm so sorry about your Mom. I lost my mom too, and there is nothing I can say to you except "I'm sorry". Nothing can replace those special women, and I wish I were there to give you a big hug and cry with you. Take care, and I hope that many happy memories will come to you of your sweet mother. Hugs, and more hugs, H in Healdsburg

  17. I'm so sorry about your Mom. I lost my mom too, and there is nothing I can say to you except "I'm sorry". Nothing can replace those special women, and I wish I were there to give you a big hug and cry with you. Take care, and I hope that many happy memories will come to you of your sweet mother. Hugs, and more hugs, H in Healdsburg

  18. While we've never met I know your heartache and my prayers are with you and your family. As hard as it is to lose someone close, it is very special to have them cared for in your home. You were a blessing to your Mom. Been there and understand. Hugs.

  19. I am so sorry to hear about your great loss. Thank you for sharing the beautiful story behind your block. Surely your mom felt every bit of the love that inspired it. Be good to yourself in this difficult time.

  20. This past week marked the 3 year anniversary that I said goodbye (for now) to my Dad, after a brave, yet short battle with brain cancer. I understand and know the various emotions that you are feeling. I am sorry for that, but I'm sure you are also comforted knowing that she was loved, and felt loved, until the very end.

  21. So sorry to hear about your mom. We can be glad she was surrounded with love there at your house. Hugs and blessings to you, Julie.

  22. I join with all the others sending you hugs! My heart goes out to you!

  23. Julie, Sorry to hear about your mom - hugs being sent your way.

  24. Thoughts and prayers sent your way. Losing your mom is so hard. It has been over six years and I miss mine daily.


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