I'm the BOM post... finally

Saturday, December 12, 2015
Hey Everyone,

Do you want to know what goes in to trying to decide on what to do for a Block of the Month? Months of research. I have been looking for the perfect thing (which usually magically appears by chance) since September. Only this year... nothing magically appeared. So instead of doing one BOM I am doing four. I know "Go big or go home!" The other part of this is writing the perfect outline for each one so that you know what you are getting yourself into... then figuring out how to price it so that you get a good value and we don't lose our shirts :) So please check back on this page it is/will be a permanent tab on the blog page that you can reference. I will add things as I get questions from you... it is hard to think of everything you might ask before hand :)

This year I am going to have reservations for each BOM they will just be a fee that reflects how much my initial investment will be so that I don't lose money if you change your mind. Some of the patterns and tools are expensive that I will have to pre-order and I don't want to lose my shirt :) Also, I reserve the right to cancel (and refund) if we don't get enough sign ups for any of the BOMs to make them a go.

We will take reservations until January 31st
Without further ado....

Magic Friendship Medallion B/ROM

We will start with this gorgeous Medallion that Maureen designed

We will be using a combination of all Art Gallery fabrics for this quilt. Inspired by and coordinated with that gorgeous Cabernet color of theirs. It is the one we use very time we do a Fig and Plumb bundle. And it is featured in some of Maureen's gorgeous fabrics in her new collection Fleet & Flourish:

Those fabrics right there in the middle will inspire our colors. There will be a gorgeous Mediterranean dark blue to add to our Cabernet, some aqua, some pops of gold and orange, and that lovely warm green that goes so well with all of them... we will lighten it up with a bit of cream and white. Each month the fabrics will be the newest we have from Art Gallery so it will always be something fresh, and we will continue adding bits from Maureen's Fleet & Flourish along the way. This will be a bit of a mystery because I am only showing you the medallion. Each month there will be a new round or partial round (hence the R in the name) and we will have a couple of guest designers along the way (that is the friendship part). This will be a 7 month BOM starting in January and ending in July the finished quilt will be big, somewhere around 70" or  80" square. Each month you will get an average of 2 yards of fabric (that is me adding it all together and dividing by 7) sometimes less and sometimes more the monthly cost will be $29 including shipping. Reservation fee is $10

The Makers Mini Quilt of the Month (MQOM)

At Market in Fall everything was about Mini Quilts that is when I had the idea to do a mini of the month. There are lots of patterns using lots of different techniques. We will start out with a few of the easier ones to get our feet wet (but they will still be cute and fun) and finish with some more challenging ones ... but still they are mini's and won't take long to make. I thought it would be fun for those like me with Crafting ADD to get to finish something each month. I also have a selfish motive. I want one of those super cute craft rooms with a wall of minis :) So yes, we might have a focus of a few minis in here that have a Makers theme... not all but some :)

This will be a 8 month BOM starting in January and ending in August. The colors will be very similar to what you see in the picture light and bright. Each month you will get an average of 1.5 yards of fabric.  Some months that means you will get enough for backing and some months just enough for the top and binding.  This was the only way to make the cost the same each month between the small and larger or more pieced minis.  The monthly cost will be $19 including shipping. Reservation fee is $12

Key to Quilting Modern Mystery BOM

These are mini rulers attached to key chains :) You see where I am going right? This BOM will be a mystery block each month using one of these templates or possibly another mini template. They will be different size and at the end I will give directions for a couple different settings. Since you will have a choice of settings this will not include the fabric to finish the quilt. It is just a block a month with the template, fabric (enough for the block), and a pattern. The fabrics will be coordinated you will have a choice between warm (red,orange,yellow) or cool (blue,green), or Holiday (red,grey green,gold,silver) This will be a 6 month program starting in March it will be $12.50 per month including shipping. Registration is $12.

The Local by Carolyn Friedlander

Yay! Carolyn is redoing this pattern that we love so much with her new fabrics so we don't have to worry about those pesky ones that are out of print. It will be re-released in February. It is paper pieced but it the best possible way. Nice large pieces that even I can handle (I am notorious for not loving PP ;)) We will start this in March (so that we are certain to have everything available right away) and it is 9 months long. The first month is when you get the lion's share of the fabric because the sashing and background will all need to be sent at once so the first month will be $84, following months will be $14.99 including shipping. Registration is $22.

Registration fees are non-refundable (unless we cancel the BOM due to low turn out)

Woohoo... a 5 hr blog post LOL

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9 comments on "I'm the BOM post... finally"
  1. Oh wow - I love the key to modern quilting mystery BOM idea.....
    ... but I still didn't finish my Gypsy Wife BOM Quilt....
    ... the older ones might remember this was the BOM of 2014. ...

    Should I, or shouldn't I?

    1. You so should finish the Gypsy Wife. The finished quilt is so lovely. Julie did an awesome job picking out all the fabric. They make one colorful and fun quilt.

  2. Key to Moden Mystery sounds perfect to me! I love mystery quilts. Plus, every December we have a Christmas lunch where 8 of us exchange quilty gifts, so these little quilts would be just right (I'd have to ad lib one extra). Hope this one works out!

  3. No fair! They all sound awesome!

  4. Hi Julie, What are the dimensions of The Local?

  5. Oops. Sorry. I see the dimensions now. Was looking at it on my phone previously.

  6. Hi Julie,
    one question concerning your bom's, are they open to international friends also? I am interested in Magic Friendship Medallion BOM, how much would it cost monthly for shipping to Greece? Many thanks, Eleni

    1. Hi Eleni,

      I offer several options for international customers. If you want to save on shipping I offer a quarterly version where you receive three months at once to save the shipping charges on two months. International shipping is going up again this month to $26 for a flat rate envelope. Please email me, you can find my email link at the top right of the blog, and we can discuss it.

      Thanks for asking!

  7. So if I did the Key to Quilting Modern Mystery BOM I would get the key chain templates?? And where do I fing to sign up for it???
    I'm thinking my Mom and would do this.


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