Oops... the last night of the sale that wasn't...

Saturday, January 30, 2016
Hi Everyone, Well, I never said I was perfect. I thought that I had said the sale was through Friday morning not Friday night... guess I should have checked myself. So... since I messed up I will make it up to you. Moonlight Madness will go back up on Sunday night through Monday morning 6pm to 9am. Then on Monday I will have another special sale. So watch for that announcement. I sewed an itty bit...

Moonlight Madness Sale

Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Hey Everyone, We just got 116 bolts of fabric from Cotton + Steel and we are about to get another 30 or so from Andover (Alison Glass Sun Prints Booya!) So again we are in need of some shelf space. So you know me I can't just have any old sale there always has to be a twist. I am calling this one Moonlight Madness. Every night through Friday this week (1/29) we will have a special sale with prices...

Fabulous Fabric Friday... What I have been making.

Friday, January 22, 2016
Hi Everyone, Well, I have been so busy. I am making all of the new BOM Medallions, Quilts, Blocks, Patterns... it is so fun but kind of exhausting too :) I am in love with these mini quilts that we are making for the first month of our Mini Quilt of the Month BOM. I just need to get them bound :) We have extended sign ups for a few more days for all of the BOMs if you are interested. Here...

Cotton + Steel is Here. BOM Deadline Extended.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Hi Everyone, Cotton + Steel arrived late Monday afternoon and all of the pre-orders shipped yesterday. We have every one of the quilting cottons and it is awesome to see them all on the shelves. We have bundles of everything still so come and get it. We also got the new basics some fun red, orange, and a blue (Sea Monster). We have extended the deadline on signing up for the new BOM programs...

Intrepid Thread Challenge Link Up Party

Friday, January 15, 2016
Hey Everyone, It is finally that time. Below you will find the link up for the challenge. It is open until the 31st then I will pick some winners :) If you do not have a blog you can put in a link to your instagram. Challenge Link-u...

Moda Shuffle Quilt...

I am sorry the picture is not great. I need to get it outside for a better one... I hope you enjoyed playing along with us....

Just a few more days to sign up for BOMs

Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Hey Everyone, Friday is the last day to sign up for the Medallion BOM You can find all of the information on the 2016 BOMs tab at the top of the blog. January 31st is the last day to sign up for The Local by Carolyn Friedlander. I am in love with how she has reimagined this quilt. Don't miss out! These are going to be so much f...

Fabulous Fabric Friday

Friday, January 8, 2016
Hi Everyone, We are giving away this sweet bundle that Maureen curated over on her blog.   she chose the fabrics to coordinate with her peach floral there on the right. It is a mix of Fleet & Flourish, Artisan, Round Elements, Succulence, and the last print we have from Hello Bear :) We also have a few up for sale if you want to buy yourself one. Also I am super excited that Avant Garde...

Pink Chalk Exclusive Bundles Available

Monday, January 4, 2016
Hey Everyone, If you loved Pink Chalk over the years as much as I did you will be excited to learn that the blog is up and running again. My friend Adrianne (of Little Bluebell) is behind the wheel and she is going to take us to new and exciting places. If you don't know Adrianne she has been a quiet, sweet, ladylike, lovely force behind the scenes in the fabric world for quite sometime. She is truly...

Sampler Block Shuffle

Sunday, January 3, 2016
There are new Blocks up: Stay tuned for New Year's news coming soon...

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