This weeks fabric Giveaway...

Saturday, June 30, 2012
I guess I am just in the mood to giveaway some stuff this week... How about more of this super fun collection from Erin McMorris: La Dee Da To win head on over to Jeni's In Color Order blog In other news I uploaded 8-10 new collections in the coming soon page if you want to get a gander at what is coming round the pike :) Have an awesome Saturd...

Friday Fun Day...Giveaway and last day of sale.

Friday, June 29, 2012
Hi Everyone, Wow, I have been quiet this week. Remember on Monday I said I had a friend coming... well... she couldn't make it. So I decided to do the same things I was going to do with her... only on my own. Obviously not as fun but still a nice break. I made some fun Jewelry and I will show it to you in a day or two. I am giving away "The Book" today: This is the adorable book that my...

Riley Blake and Andover on Sale this week

Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Hi Everyone, I marked down all of Riley Blake and Andover to 30-50% off this week. Including Ric Rac Rabbits, Dress Up Days, Apple Of my Eye... and more. ...

Happy Monday!

Monday, June 25, 2012
Hi Everyone! I am so happy! This is going to be a great week! I finished my Pillow Talk Swap #8 pillow over the weekend. I put the darker grey in and decided it was too dark so I mixed in some white and I adore how it came out. It was a crises for a while though. I almost scrapped the whole thing. I am glad I persevered. I hope she likes it. Tomorrow my best friend is coming down to spend a...

It's National Pink Day... having two fun sales today

Saturday, June 23, 2012
Since it is National Pink Day... I put all my pinks on sale for today only they are 30%-50% off... check here and all Pre-cuts are 30% off today so Charm Packs are only $6 and Jelly Rolls are only $26 until Monday at midnight or whenever they sell out :) I know it is funny but what can I say get to loving some pink :) ...

Friday Fun Day... and the Giveaway

Friday, June 22, 2012
I Love Friday don't you? I love it almost as much as Monday :) I am giving away this gorgeous bundle of yummy at Ellison Lane Quilts Head on over to win some. But be sure to come back here tomorrow morning I am doing something special for the weekend. Wink Wink! Don't forget 10% off until midnight eastern tonight ELBOWROO...

Going to the beach....

Thursday, June 21, 2012
I made a resolution that this summer my daughter and I are going to live our lives rather than watching them go by from the window of the shop room.... so today (as soon as my orders are cut and wrapped) we are going to the beach. Here are a couple pictures from her Birthday beach party in January. We always go to this beach because it has awesome tide pools and we love to play with the...

A Little Mid-Week Giveaway

Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Hi Everyone, My friend Lorelei from The Bay Area Modern Quilt Guild emailed me yesterday to ask advice about giveaways and such since she has just updated her blog she wanted to do something to celebrate. I gave her some advice and something to giveaway. Since sh had just gotten some Lucy's Crab Shack and It's A Shore Thing from me we thought everyone else might like to make something beachy too. We...

La Dee Da and Joy are here...

Monday, June 18, 2012
Okay, well, now we have fabric in the dining room :) and down the hall almost to the guest room... La Dee Da by Erin McMorris  Joy by Kate Spai...

Pretty Little Things and a Sale

Friday, June 15, 2012
Pretty Little Things is here: I love Dena Fishbein... and this is no exception... I am having a sale this week it goes until Midnight Eastern next Friday. 10% off everything with this coupon code ELBOWROOM The usual sale rules. You will not be able to choose individual fat quarters during the sale but bundles are still available. I will do my best to keep inventory caught up but I might run...

Friday Fun Day (for real) and the Giveaway

Hi Everyone, I got up at 4:30 this morning... what am I nuts? No, just an insomniac :) I am so excited about the newsletter today. These are some amazing tutorials and I am so proud to be able to offer them to you. This is what we are giving away today: Fat Quarters of the Warm Sunset colorway of LillyBelle: Oh the lovliness of it all... the giveaway is being hosted by Maureen so head on over...

LillyBelle, Serenade, and Starflakes and Glitter Are Here

Thursday, June 14, 2012
Ummm there is almost not enough horizontal space in the house to sleep in... :) You can find LillyBelle here ( I will have the plus bundles up tomorrow)  You can find Serenade here:  And you can find Starflakes and Glitter here:...

The Newsletter is tomorrow

Don't forget to sign up! It is a May/June combined one because I was on my way to Market on the 15th last month. So it is extra packed full. You can sign up to the right -----> Here are a few things that you will miss if you aren't signed up: The Charlotte Bag from Fairy Face Designs The Envelope Clutch from Ella The Cross Body Satchel from The Littlest Thistle Obviously this was...


Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Hehe it is pouring fabric again.... It's a Shore Thing is here: And Bukhara is here: Serenade Charm Packs are here:  Serenade Jelly Rolls are here: Lucy's Crab Shack Charm Packs are here: More Chevrons are here:...

Playing again... and some new stuff in the shop

Hi Everyone, After getting all of my orders wrapped up for shipping yesterday I finally put together a bundle I have been wanting to do for a while. I kept seeing all of these new pink and burgundy fabrics coming in and thought wouldn't they be so pretty all put together. So I finally took a half an hour to get just the right combo and came up with this: (you can find this in the Fat Quarter...

Happy Monday! There is a Giveaway too...

Monday, June 11, 2012
Hi Everyone! I am so excited! This week is gonna be so fun. I have 8 new collections coming... unfortunately I have no place to put them.... :) I will share a little secret with you my closest 1000 friends... I might be renting a space soon. Eep that is scary :) I hope you all had an awesome weekend! I was so fortunate to get to sew for an hour or two on Saturday. I got my Bee Blocks done (one is...

Campgrounds and Showers

Sunday, June 10, 2012
Hey Everyone, One of the new manufacturers I picked up while at Market was Dear Stella... I love their fun whimsical collections. It's a Shore Thing will be here on Tuesday. Tomorrow some basics and a couple of single prints are coming.  I don't know why but I just fell in love with these two prints. They don't have a supporting collection they are just by themselves but I will make bundles...

Friday Fun Day and the Giveaway

Friday, June 8, 2012
Hi Everyone, Sorry I have been so quiet this week. My husband was out of town and I took the extra time to have a "Chuck" marathon with my daughter. I love that show and it is right up our geeky alley.... Anyhooo.... on to what you really want to see. Coquette Charm Packs came yesterday so that is what we are giving away today. I was describing this collection to my best friend yesterday and...

Lots of new sale items....

Thursday, June 7, 2012
Hi Everyone, I just put a bunch of new items on sale. I made some subdivisions in the sale category on the website a few weeks ago and just now filled them all. These Fabrics are 20% off MSRP: Summersville Cocoon Apple of My Eye Quilt Blocks These Fabrics are 30% off MSRP Maya Fruit Slice Flock Poetica Summerlove Pezzy Prints There are still lots of items in the 50% off category to...

Flying Free is here

Tuesday, June 5, 2012
I love this collection. The birds, the butterflies the trees.... especially the Dandelions... Youc an find it he...

Happy Belated Monday

Oops I lost another Monday... it usually happens when my daughter has an Ortho appt first thing in the morning. Then I have to run as fast as I can for the rest of the day to get all of the orders out. I just thought I would show this super fun custom kit I just cut for a friend of mine (yes, Becky it is yours)... she is making a fun zig zag quilt out of it. Yucky rain here for the last couple...

Are we ready for some winners?

Saturday, June 2, 2012
Yeah! Let's do it! First prize to giveaway is this sweet book: Mr Random says: #150 is:   Diane H said... Way to go, Julie! Great projects. May 25, 2012 4:49 PM Second prize to giveway is this Fat Quarter Bundle: Mr Random says: #42 is: Nancy said... Good luck in getting to and finding the door - and thanks for the giveaway! May 26, 2012 9:42 AM Third...

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