Birds and bees and flowers and trees... and fabric...

Friday, July 13, 2012
Hi Everyone,

The Birds and the Bees, Cameo, Cameo Voile and Pagoda Lullaby are here... dang I am tired.

 Birds and the Bees
 Pagoda Lullaby
 Cameo Voile (New blouse here I come)
13 comments on "Birds and bees and flowers and trees... and fabric..."
  1. Aaaaaaand, ordered. :) Thanks for all you do, Julie!

  2. and the moon up above, it's a thing called love...
    This fabric is gorgeous

  3. I'd be exhausted, too, after getting 600lbs of fabric!!!!!

  4. How do you work with all these delicious fabrics and not just go round the bend with delirium from the joy of it? Those fabrics are just delicious. Get some rest!!

  5. Holy buckets batman! I really need to get a job to afford all the yumminess!!!

  6. Goodness this fabric is stunning. Here is to replenishing the fun money pocket so I can place an order!

  7. You are slowly pushing me to the point of needing to get a part time job. Too bad right now I don't have the time. Send good vibes my way that I can get this house sold quickly and move across country so I can start buying a lot of this lovely fabric!!!

  8. Oh I think I may need some birds and bees come pay day!

  9. beautiful bundle Julie, so inspiring!

  10. The Birds and The Bees have been ordered. Many thanks!

  11. So excited! I have been eyeing that Birds and the Bees fabric all summer! Can't wait till I can order some. :)

  12. Ooh, I wish I lived closer and could help you! Of course, my ulterior motive is getting my grubby hands on that fabric! :)


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