Fabric Avalanche!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012
It is way better than a flood. My prayers are with you all on the East Coast. I came home to 6 new collections still in boxes... been working all day to get them out of the boxes and up on the website: I have to admit this is my favorite. Bella by Amanda Murphy Seven Wonders by Parson Gray (David Butler) Floressence by Pat Bravo for Art Gallery Fabrics Flutter by The Quilted Fish Blooming...

Happy Tuesday!

Hi Everyone, I am back from Market... phew what a whirlwind. We were up early every morning and got home late every night. It was so much fun to spend time with Miss Brooke and My Sally and our sweet friend Donna. Had to add a pretty picture. I have 4 or 5 new collections to unpack from the boxes today. I will get pictures up as soon as possible. Don't forget we have an after Market sale going...

First Day of Market and a Giveaway (closed)

Saturday, October 27, 2012
Howdy from Texas! Hope you all are having an amazing week. I am so fortunate to have my sweet friend Sally here in Houston to stay with for Market. Her family is so sweet and they make us all feel at home. Today we get to see all of the lovely designers booths and I have a ton of appointments. Then the Moda party and the Modern Meet Up. Here is the goodie pack I picked up last night to giveaway...

Friday Fun Day

Friday, October 26, 2012
Hi Everyone, We are off to Schoolhouse this morning then Sample Spree tonight. Keep an eye on the Facebook page for pictures. I post a giveaway tomorrow... maybe you can get a little something from Sample Spree... This is what I am working on in the airport. My PTS9 pill...

Happy Monday!

Monday, October 22, 2012
Hi Everyone, I know I was quiet last week. It was a crazy busy week. I think this week is shaping up that way too... since I am leaving on Wednesday morning for Market... eep! I am going to be sharing our adventures on the facebook page again so keep an eye out over there. The shop will be open but I won't be able to ship anything until I get back so if you need something this week you will have...

The Sweetest Thing is here

Thursday, October 18, 2012
For some reason this collection reminds me of conversation hearts... so sweet and yummy! The Sweetest Thing by Zoe Pearn ...

This Weeks Giveaway

Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Hi Everyone, We are over at Red Pepper Quilts with a text print giveaway today. I know Rita loves text prints so I put this bundle together for her readers: So go see if you can get yourself some :) Talk so...

Happy Monday!

Monday, October 15, 2012
Hi Everyone, Today is the day. I have three options for shop space (the first one didn't work out) and today I am making a decision. I can't wait to get some sleep :) So possibly a month from now we will be in a space that you all can visit and pet the fabric :) The Newsletter is due today. I will do my best to finish it up and send it out but it might be one day late. There is just so much going...

A Winner and the Friday Giveaway.

Friday, October 12, 2012
Hi Everyone, We are over at Maureen's blog today for the giveaway. I am giving away some of my own precious stash of Melody Miller fabrics as well as some matching Essex Linens. We had to do something big for the final giveaway right? So head on over to Maureen's Blog and enter to win. I guess I wasn't very clear when I wrote the last post. I meant to ask who is your favorite pattern designer...

Wednesday Winner and Giveaway

Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Hi Everyone, This is what we are offering today: A Fat Quarter Bundle of Frippery I wish pictures did this justice... the colors are delicious! To Enter: Leave me a message telling me who your favorite pattern desingers are and why. Giveaway is open until Friday when we will announce the last giveaway. We have a winner of the Avignon Fq Bundle. Mr. Random said: And number 61 is: Karen...

Handle With Care is here

Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Hi Everyone, This is the newest from Suzy Ultman... I love her stuff! Handle With Care ...

Kona Solids, Essex Linen, and Spot On

Monday, October 8, 2012
I got a shipment from Kaufman today. Kona (I know I need more colors this is just a start) Essex Linen Spot On And since I did some fun bundles with Spot On here is a picture: Talk soon...

Happy Monday ... my 600th post and giveaway.

Hi Everyone, This is my 600th post! Three years and 2 months that is how long it took... I can't believe you all are still hanging out with me but I am so glad you are. One of the sweet friends I have made along the way is Terry she moved here last year and happens to be an old friend of my Quilted Fish team mate Jana's ... here is the adorable quilt she made from Peak Hour and what a great...

Extending the Coupon Code

Saturday, October 6, 2012
Hi Everyone, In case you missed it on Facebook. I am extending the coupon code through this week TAKE10 until 10/12/12 on the website. Considering all of the new yummys that just showed up and all of the awesome stuff coming this week you should be able to find something to use it for. What's coming this week? Kona (finally), Essex Linen, Handle with Care by Suzy Ultman, A new dot line from Kaufman...

Frippery and Cosmos are here...

Friday, October 5, 2012
Hi Everyone, I have been looking forward to Cosmos so much...Laura Gunn is a favorite! Cosmos Frippery is oh so fun!...

Rock and Romance is here...

Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Woot Woot Rock and Romance GORGEOUS!...

My brain on scrambled eggs

Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Here are some thoughts that are scrambling my brain right now... first off because we need a pretty picture: Don't you love what JodieLeighWu did with Down Under? LOVE Okay now for the scrambled eggs that are my brain at the moment. To go brick and mortar or to go warehouse? That is the question. I forgot my blogiversary it was in August 3 yrs... it is 5  4 posts until my 600th post......

Happy Monday ... This week's giveaway is here

Monday, October 1, 2012
Hi Everyone, We are mixing it up this week with a Giveaway on Monday instead of Friday. But first I wanted to show you what one of my lovely clients made with Nevermore: Isn't it the coolest? You can click the link above and check out her Etsy shop. We are giving away som Mama Said Sew at Fresh Lemons Quilts today so head on over and see if you can win some of this: I have tons of orders...

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