We have a winner.

Saturday, June 29, 2013
Let's see who won this: The mega charm pack from Dear Stella Mr Random said: Yay... number 4 That is: Paula said... That's some charm pack. what a giveaway. I'm really looking forward to Koi by Rashida Coleman Hale. June 21, 2013 at 11:36 AM    I will email you in a moment Paula... Thanks for playing everyo...

Friday Fun Day, Giveaway, Reminisce, and Squared Elements

Friday, June 28, 2013
Hi Everyone, I got to the shop early yesterday... picture this.. sitting at home with hot rollers in my hair the phone rings... it is ADT telling me the alarm is going off at the shop. In less than 10 minutes I was out the door ... when I got to the shop everything was fine so ... phew. Then the UPS man knocks on the door (because it was 2 hours before we normally open) he has 5 boxes of fabric.......

It is almost G day and do you love Saffron Craig?

Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Hi Everyone, It is almost time for Google Reader to go bye bye... so if you like to read from RSS feed you will need to sign up for a new reader before this weekend or you will lose your blog stream... You can sign up to continue following my blog by clicking the link below. Bloglovin is super easy to use even for the computer challenged. All you have to do is go over and sign up with your email...

Rainbow Must - Stash Club

Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Our latest fabric club... inspired by this adorable embroidery that my best friend Sally made for my new shop: Here is our version of a Botanical print... LOL The bundle of Art Gallery Squared Elements is just a representation of our idea. (although they will be included in some of the bundles :) ) Do you love to have a bunch of  modern basics to work with? So do I! I also like instant...

More potato chips!

Hi Everyone, I got to sew because it was Open Sew night on Friday and Tula Pink Club on Saturday. I did all of my 10 blocks for June and started working on the July blocks. Packages shipped last week to those of you in the club. When I send out the packages I usually send along some charms which I actually cut from fabrics in my own personal stash just for fun... Sometimes I don't get to use the...

Art Gallery is on sale this weekend...

Saturday, June 22, 2013
Hi Everyone, We marked down all Art Gallery fabrics this weekend to 20% off. That includes stuff that is already on sale. No coupon needed good through Sunday 6/23 http://www.intrepidthread.com/shop/Fabrics-by-Manufacturer/Art-Gallery.htm...

Friday Fun Day the Giveaway and a Birthday Party

Friday, June 21, 2013
Hi Everyone, It's Friday! Woot! It is Open Sew night at the shop and the longest day of the year... that means more sewing time right? Tell ya who I wish could be here for sewing tonight... my friend Sally. Sally and her family have graciously hosted us the last two years for Fall International Quilt Market because they live in Houston. If you were lucky enough to go to Spring Market you might have...

The Boo Crew and In From the Cold are here.

Thursday, June 20, 2013
Holiday happy fabrics... The Boo Crew In From The Cold It is redundant to say that I love these because... obviously I love them or I wouldn't have bought them... but really they make me so happy! See ya tomorrow for a fun Giveaw...

Paloma is here

Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Here is the latest from Dear Stella... This would make the most beautiful nursery set or summer decor for the whole house.. Very sophisticated but soft ... Paloma ...

All Riley Blake is on sale 20% off this weekend

Saturday, June 15, 2013
Hi Everyone, We marked down all Riley Blake fabrics this weekend to 20% off. That includes stuff that is already on sale. No coupon needed good through Sunday 6/16 http://www.intrepidthread.com/shop/Fabrics-by-Manufacturer/Riley-Blake....

Thesaurus is here...

Thursday, June 13, 2013
It sure is brightening the place up... Thesuarus I hope you will all go and read the story behind this from Thomas himself it is inspiring. Check out these Aeroplane Bags from Sew Sweetness ... PS. Will have the pattern available in the shop in the next couple days and we also have all of the supplies to make them except for the 24" or 26" zippers which I am sourcing right now. ...

Kate Spain Blog Hop... Today is my day!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013
If you have been around here anytime at all you know how much I love Kate Spain. I not only love her designs but she is just about the nicest person you ever want to meet. When I returned to quilting after a couple year hiatus (attending school etc) I discovered her first collection Verna and it has been a love affair ever since. When Alyce at Blossom Heart Quilts asked me to join the...

Fabric Avalanche

Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Hi Everyone, This is what came in ... gorgeous! Tanger Ikat from Dena Designs   World Tour by Parson Grey / David Butler    Wish by Valori Wells   Wish Voile   World Tour Linen (bag making baby... I am all over it)   Enjoy the eye can...

Moda Weekend Sale 20% off

Saturday, June 8, 2013
We are having a sale on Moda Fabric this weekend only (ending Sunday night) all Moda is on sale 20% off (including bundles, pre-cuts, and already marked down sale items). No coupon needed. http://www.intrepidthread.com/shop/Fabrics-by-Manufacturer/Moda.htm...

You Are My Sister

Calling all of my local friends (that would be those of us from the SF Bay Area) or those that have the means to get here on relatively short notice. Heather Ross, the amazing designer of so many of our favorite fabrics, is having a benefit for her sister who was just diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Here sister Christie lives here locally, so Heather has chosen to partner with Hart's Fabric in Santa...

Friday Fun Day! And a Giveaway! And Hip Holiday is here.

Friday, June 7, 2013
Hi Everyone, You know what day it is... We are over at Maureen's for the giveaway today. When you go over be sure to wish her a Happy Birthday... it is Monday. You can win this bundle she picked out and named Summer Sunset:   We also have it for sale in our fat quarters and half yards sections. And we just got Josephine Kimberlings Hip Holiday. I am in love with this... the picture came...

I sewed again....

Thursday, June 6, 2013
Yay Me! I fit in a tiny bit of sewing time after shipping was out and before I left the shop last night at 7. I had an end of bolt piece of my favorite fabric from In My Room by Jenean Morrison and a flawed piece of Flax Yarn Dyed Essex and they just happened to go together perfectly this tote bag popped into my head so I whipped it up... I love how the Peach Blush Free Spirit Sold goes with it too. I...

Flash Sale

Tuesday, June 4, 2013
FLASH SALE... all Free Spirit and Westminster fabric is on sale 20% off (even 20% off sale prices) today only. It includes Linen, Voile, bundles, and quilting cotton. http://www.intrepidthread.com/shop/Fabrics-by-Manufacturer/Westminster--Free-Spirit--Rowan....

Happy Monday

Monday, June 3, 2013
Hi Everyone, Here is my big news.... I sewed! Yep, it's true. For the first time in a month. I did my Pillow Talk Swap Pillow. This is something I would have loved to have about 2 yrs ago.... but my partner had a Union Flag in every mosaic she has done and no one had made on for her... she also had aqua and red so.... Voila:   Not my best picture but ... it came out pretty cute if I do...

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