Treats No Tricks...

Thursday, October 31, 2013
How about we fill your candy bucket with yummy fabric? You can take 20% off everything in the shop for 31 hours starting now and ending 3pm Pacific US time tomorrow Friday 11/1. Use this coupon code: TREAT...

Selfies a day late...

Hi Everyone, Sorry I am a day late with this... not that you really want to see my face that much anyway. I was super busy yesterday getting some things uploaded to the website. Two Jen Kingwell patterns, three Green Bee (Alexia Abegg) patterns and a new collection called Ahoy Matie that is just about the cutest pirate fabric ever seen, and Northcott is giving the profits to a charity called Quilts...

Quilt Market... Warning Many Photos Ahead

Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Wow what a whirlwind.... I had so many appointments to go to that I literally only had 3 hrs to walk the floor. I saw a lot of lovelies, and brought a lot of them home, the rest will be arriving over the next 6 months or so. Do you believe they are showing Christmas 2014 already? Eeep! First of all let me brag on my friends... Sally (our lovely hostess for the weekend) made this gorgeous quilt...

New stuff and... Market :)

Wednesday, October 23, 2013
So I am off to Market tomorrow. I haven't even started packing. I will get to it eventually. I just wanted to remind you that if you want to keep up with my adventures you can follow my instagram @intrepidthread there is a link over there to the right ---> or you can like my Facebook Page there is a link in the upper right ---> I will be posting fun things and maybe even a giveaway or two while...

Happy Monday! Minimalista and Fun & Games are here.

Monday, October 21, 2013
Hi Everyone, The last week has been crazy. Pacific International Quilt Festival was happening here just 10 minutes from the shop and we had tons of people come over to check us out, which was great! We also got in these two super fun collections: Minimalista by Art Gallery Fabrics Fun & Games by Lori Whitlock for Riley Blake We have a whirlwind week this week with Market happening next...

All Moda Fabrics are marked down 20% or more

Saturday, October 19, 2013
Hi Everyone! I am sorry I have been so quiet this week. I am getting all of my errands run before I leave for Market next week. I have to make some shelf room because goodness knows we can't squeeze anymore on the shelves right now. So we marked all of Moda down at least 20% off our regular prices... did you know that our normal prices on regular quilting cotton are already always 15% off retail?...

oops forgot to show this...

Tuesday, October 15, 2013
I had fun in my 10 minutes of free time yesterday and put together this custom bundle... a little mint green and aqua... Call Me on Your Celadon in Fat Quarters and Half Yards Maybe I can make some more fun bundles today...

New stuff... and I sewed

Monday, October 14, 2013
We got Scrumptious Dots and Scrumptious Fat Quarter bundles and Jelly Rolls : And I made this Aeroplane bag as a quilt as you go project. Yay ... something new to take to Market. This thing is huge by the way.... HUGE!...

Friday Fun Day... and a giveaway.

Friday, October 11, 2013
Hey Everyone, I was super lucky to get to preview this adorable pattern before Maureen published it for sale: She did a great job with this pattern each block is fully color illustrated and super professional. I also had the honor of being the first person to buy the pattern from her :) We need to have that quilt in the shop. Today we are at Maureen's Blog with a giveaway. You can enter to win...

Feeling Happy

Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Hey Everyone, This is a fun week... first of all last night just before we were leaving the shop this showed up: Why am I so excited about this particular book you ask? Well it just so happens that bunches of my friends are the authors and creators of the quilts in this book. Two of which are local and whom I get to sew with this week. So exciting... maybe I can talk them into coming and doing...

20% off sale fabrics

Saturday, October 5, 2013
We are having a fabric avalanche in the shop... how about 20% off all of the sale fabrics until Monday 10/7 at Midnight Eastern? Then we can regain some shelf space. The fabric in the sale section is already marked down an extra 20% so no need for a coupon. Please remember to use the drop down menu to tell us what to do if we are out of something. Inventory gets messed up during a sale so sometimes...

Wallflowers and New Yarn Dyed Essex

Friday, October 4, 2013
Hey Everyone... it is Fabric Avalanche week isn't it? Wallflowers by Allison Harris of Cluck Cluck Sew and we got new colors of Essex Yarn Dyed... they went from 4 colors to 10 woohoo......

Andrea Victoria and Enchant

Thursday, October 3, 2013
Hi Everyone, Riley Blake is releasing all of their fabrics at once... we just got: Andrea Victoria Enchant ...

Just wanted to share...

... if you have ever bought anything from me you have received a note that you could barely read because my handwriting is the worst!!! Ever!! Seriously when we had handwriting in school the Teacher would give me a C just because she knew I was trying so hard. I should have failed :) Anyway, an adorable young lady that frequents my shop has these wonderful digitized calligraphy notes that you can...

And Barcelona is here too!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Love the architectural bits in this... Barcelona ...

Hello Tokyo is here...

Garsh it is cute! Hello Tokyo...

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