Challenge - Free Fabric for you

Wednesday, September 30, 2015
... all you have to do is make something with it. What's the deets you ask? It is really simple. We will give you a mini charm pack of Modern Background Paper, a fat eighth of Arrow fabric from Lori Holt's Modern Minis, and a Fat Quarter of the Word Find fabric from Melody Miller. The only catch... you have to make something and you have to have an Instagram account and post progress photos in which...

Fat Quarter Tuesday

Tuesday, September 29, 2015
IT is up Link ...

Lots of new fun stuff in the shop....

Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Hi Everyone, I know I have been really quiet lately... the busies seem to have taken over my life :) But I wanted to show you all the fun new fabrics that we got in. I love, love, love the colors and designs in The Lovely Hunt by Lizzy House... well of course I do :) it is gorgeous! We also got this gorgeous collection from Joel Dewberry called Atrium I love it as much as I loved Heirloom and...

Fat Quarter Tuesday... Ready Set...

Tuesday, September 22, 2015
GO! Link to sale ...

Who Remembers Fat Quarter Tuesday?

Monday, September 21, 2015
Remember we give you 5 bundles to choose from at an amazing price and you have to race to see who can get them first? It was really hard for us because we hate disappointing you guys. So I suspended it for a time to try to rework it... This time the bundles are still limited but there are more than one of each. So hopefully you will have a chance at the one you really want. It is 12 Fat Quarters for...

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

Friday, September 11, 2015
Hi Everyone, Let's see who won this little bundle of happiness, shall we? Mr. Random said: Number 14 is: Marjorie's Busy CornerSeptember 4, 2015 at 4:26 PM I get your newsletter...great!!!! Wooohoo! I will be sending you an email in a moment. Thanks to everyone that comment...

If you live in the Sacramento area....

Monday, September 7, 2015
This is a quick public service announcement... My friend Janice is opening a sew lounge in Sacramento called Sewn Stitch Studio. A great place to go and sew if you don't have space at home or in your dorm, or if you just want to hang out with like minded people. She will have fun classes (looks like an open sew  at 6pm on the 11th) and has a small rotating stock of fabrics from my shop that...

Labor Day Sale, New Stuff and a Giveaway

Friday, September 4, 2015
Hi Everyone, We got tons of new stuff in the shop... and next week is going to be so crazy because we are getting even more... We also have a Labor Day Sale to tell you about... Starting tomorrow (Saturday) night at Midnight Eastern through Monday at Midnight Eastern  you can get 20% off all in stock items including clearance (we just added 300 new items to the clearance section and all...

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