If you live in the Sacramento area....

Monday, September 7, 2015
This is a quick public service announcement...

My friend Janice is opening a sew lounge in Sacramento called Sewn Stitch Studio. A great place to go and sew if you don't have space at home or in your dorm, or if you just want to hang out with like minded people. She will have fun classes (looks like an open sew  at 6pm on the 11th) and has a small rotating stock of fabrics from my shop that I am curating for her. So you will have to go check her out...

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2 comments on "If you live in the Sacramento area...."
  1. Thanks for posting this! I'm so happy to see someone doing this in our area.

  2. How awesome!! I signed up for her newsletter and can't wait to find out more details. Thanks for the info!



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