Introducing My New Business Adventure...

Friday, June 29, 2018
Hi Everyone, I did mean adventure :) A few years ago I started to fall in love with this lovely Romantic style of clothing. It was hard to find pieces that I thought were wearable for real people and also came in a size that would fit me. Most had to be purchased from overseas and shipping added $50 to $60 to premium priced clothes. So when I found reasonably priced real woman versions I got really...

The Beginnings Quilt Along Block 8 - Whirly Gig

Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Hi Everyone, I hope your summer is going well. I have been super busy getting ready for some medical stuff and my puppy had surgery so it is like having an infant in the house. I have to feed her by hand and carry her everywhere. If you are using your Cricut Maker to make the blocks you can find the cut file here. There are pieces from the Ohio Star block included in this so put those aside for...

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