4 Great Resources for Sewing Your Own Wardrobe

Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Hey Everyone, Today on Facebook I am starting a series on making and fitting your own clothes. There are a few great resources I want to share with you here: First of all there are two wardrobe planners that I love: 1. Seamwork's Free Wardrobe Planner they have a sew along twice a year for building your own wardrobe too. 2. Tina Given's Free Wardrobe Planner she is starting up a wardrobe make...

A new video series starting Tuesday.

Sunday, April 28, 2019
Hey Everyone, If you have always wanted to make your own wardrobe and are looking forward to getting started with #memademay2019 you will love this... I am doing a video series starting on Tuesday on Facebook (I will post a link here when it is done if you can't make it live) teaching how to make yourself a sloper for blouses. This is a tool that will help you fit patterns so that you won't have...

What I have been up to lately... and a free pattern.

Saturday, April 27, 2019
Hi Everyone, About a month ago I decided to start going live on Saturday afternoons on Facebook. It was scary and it still is but... Hey, scary can be fun :) Join me on most Saturdays at 1PM for a chat and some sort of teaching. I am calling it Saturday Stash Buster Club (who remembers Scrappy Stach Buster Club I did a few years ago?). Right now I am teaching how to make my Heartline Quilt: This...

Tutorial for making a leather B6 Size Traveler's Notebook with Cricut

Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Hey Everyone, I have been in Japan...  I know isn't that crazy? It was so exciting and if you follow me on Instagram or on Facebook you probably saw it. It was amazing. I went with friends and toured a bunch of Stationary Stores one was 16 floors of nothing but stationary, art and office supplies.  You might have seen that I love planners (I have shared them before) and one type of...

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