Go look at Lila Tuellers blog she is giving away a set of Jelly Roll and Layer Cake of her new fabric line "Eden". http://lilatuellerdesigns.blogspot.com/ go go go ....
If anyone has a question or finds a problem with my instructions please email me (jewelsarmcandy at Gmail dot com). When finished with this portion you should have something that looks like this:Fabric needed for this entire project (including the houses): 1 1/2 yd Moda Marble in Indigo (or whatever you want for your night sky) 17 Jelly Roll Pieces (9 brights for stars, 3 green for...
I thought I would post a couple of less busy pics of my busiest quilt ever. Seriously it is crazy busy. Funny story, about these pics, I didn't have anything holding the quilt to the fence it stayed up there all by itself with the help of a little breeze. First tiny huge bite of tutorial will be up in a couple minutes. Take a look at my post for the tutorial even if you don't want to make the quilt......
I am going to be posting a tutorial here on my blog for this:Abundant Stars and Simple HousesIt is made from a Jelly Roll and Layer Cake, in Simple Abundance, and a yard of Moda Marble. I am going to post the tutorial in bite size pieces starting with the stars on Monday Wednesday (foiled again). Hope to see you he...
This one seriously gave me fits... right down to ironing the binding (where instead of ironing the fabric I ironed my fingers). It all went together fine but it seemed to fight me every step. It is super busy but very Christmasy out of "Figgy Pudding".And a close up of what I did with the quilting... instead of the geese getting all of the attention I decided to make the squares the focus....
This is just a bit of what I have been working on. There are a couple of things I can't show because they have to be "Revealed" :) Anyway, on the back a Christmas table runner from a Moda Bake Shop tutorial.To the left a "Simple Abundance" layer cake and jelly roll. Speaking of "Simple Abundance" pictures do not do this line justice it is so rich and gorgeous. The red tone on tone floral is literally...
I promise some pictures later today of my recent projects...but for now go check out This Blog she is giving away something really fun. I answered her question about what I wanted from "The Quilt Shoppe" to enter. Here is what I chose Happy Flowers...
I made my little Schnibbly quilt for the club. It was a struggle all the way... don't you hate when one just doesn't want to go together? It is very bright and busy but much better with the borders holdng all the busy inside. I got half way through and was really worried as it was quite schizophrenic. But it all came together in the end. I will get it quilted this week and hopefully have a pic of...
On this day when we remember tragedy I just wanted to take a moment to remember our all volunteer armed forces. No matter where you stand on the political spectrum you can't deny that they put their lives on the line for their country everyday, willingly. So to our military men and women, no matter where you serve, thank y...
I don't have pictures sorry... it is red with green stuff in it... hehehe...I just made Salsa for our Labor Day BBQ with our Small Group from church. So I thought if you didn't already have a tried and true recipe you might like one...watch out this doesn't taste like it came from a jar. Ingredients:1 large can of whole peeled tomatoes (or 3-4 fresh tomatoes blanched and peeled)2-4 cloves of garlic...
Sorry it has been so long since my last post. I have been sewing away... so much so that I haven't wanted to stop and take pictures. I have more pictures to take today but here are a few to start the morning with.I joined John for the "Wonky Log Cabin" quilt along. Here are my first two blocks.#1#2I like #2 best. I think I was too worried about where I was placing fabrics in the first one.I also joined...