Coming soon to a blog near you....

Saturday, September 26, 2009
I am going to be posting a tutorial here on my blog for this:

Abundant Stars and Simple Houses

It is made from a Jelly Roll and Layer Cake, in Simple Abundance, and a yard of Moda Marble. I am going to post the tutorial in bite size pieces starting with the stars on Monday Wednesday (foiled again). Hope to see you here!

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2 comments on "Coming soon to a blog near you...."
  1. What a pretty quilt! I took a class in this pattern a couple of years ago, and really like the tessellations.
    Love your interpretation with the "background" colour constant, and of course the adorable houses.

  2. Thanks... I have been making the stars for about 14 yrs. These are a little different in that I made a pattern for them out of Jelly Roll strips so they are super fast and come out to 12 inch square blocks making this a quick big quilt.


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