2nd Day Giveaway! Looking for Contributors.

Saturday, December 31, 2011
Hi Everyone, Do you guys ever think to yourself a whole wonderful blog post with lots of witty lines and things, and then forget half of it when you sit down to write? I did that yesterday. Oh well :) I am gonna sew today... this makes me giddy with excitement! I wanted to show you my Secret Santa gift from the Twitter #SSSwap... umm can I just say when I got the box and saw the return address...

Friday Fun Day--- Number 400 Woo Hoo!!!!

Friday, December 30, 2011
Hi Everyone, It is my 400th post yay! We got there finally... actually I planned it to be today... sorta :) Our own little New Year's party of sorts. Nezumi has her party hat on! (Okay the only reason I put this picture here is.... that hat is the only thing I sewed in all of December) Pitiful! So why not start the new year off with a bang... or a windfall... of fabric of course. Each day for...

Something New and Extending The Sale

Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Hi Everyone, We have something new in the shop... a quilt kit. Melissa From Happy Quilting posted a new project on Moda Bake Shop today called Flying in Squares Here is her original: But since Terrain has been sold out in most places for a little while :) She and I  decided to work on quilting it up with Power Pop. My friend Jennifer did some stunt quilting for me. Here is...

Happy Monday ... After Christmas Sale

Monday, December 26, 2011
Hi Everyone, Yay... the house is a disaster area! Paper, boxes, bows, dishes everywhere.. I am gonna leave the hubby to deal with it and go to the shop LOL Even if it is only about15 feet away :) We are having an After Christmas Sale. 20% off everything in the shop with the coupon code HAPPYNY20 it is only for today and tomorrow so hurry in to the shop to get a great deal. Two more posts...

Merry Chrismas!

Sunday, December 25, 2011
The kiddies aren't up yet. They are so funny! Sometimes we have to wake them up on Christmas LOL It looks like this right now... peaceful... I wanted to say how much I love you all! Thank you so much for your Holiday wishes over the last few days. For the fun and friendship and the little gifts I have received from some of you :) You mean the world to me. Have yourselves a Merry Little Christmas!...

Friday Fun Day And The Giveaway

Friday, December 23, 2011
Hey Everyone, You are gonna want to head on over to Maureen's blog and enter win yourself some of this: I know I have been saying this a lot lately but this fabric is super soft. I am not sure what is up, but the mills have been producing some of the softest fabric ever lately. I will be closing the shop at noon Pacific time today to take some time off with my family but you will want to...

It is that time of year again....

Thursday, December 22, 2011
Hi Everyone, It is that time of year again... I know you think I mean Christmas but really...It is that time of year when a million Quilt Alongs are getting started. This one caught my eye so I thought I would mention it: I mean what could be better? Grey, Red, and Teal :) I am thinking I need to pull out the Walk In The Woods FQs... yeah baby! Head on over to Sew Happy Geek and get your QAL on....

Guest Tutorialing and More New Fabric

Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Hi Everyone, I am guest tuting over at Sally's Blog today. If you go over there you can see how to make this: I called it "Better Than Mistletoe"  because flowers will get my hubby more kisses than mistetoe will :) The minute I saw Flora I thought Christmas... I know... weird LOL  I hope you like it. It is seriously an easy project. So I am pretty wiped out with all of the new fabric...

Busy Monday... 15% off coupon

Monday, December 19, 2011
Hi Everyone, I have a crazy hectic day planned today. I have to finish my little project for Sally's Blog tomorrow as well as getting a bunch of orders out. Have you been following along ocer at Sally's? I love this picture of her youngest (who is actually a super hero but don't tell anyone because it is a secret). I just wanted to share this coupon code with you. It is was in the Newsletter...

Wow! What a Week, Friday Fun Day and the Giveaway

Friday, December 16, 2011
Hi Everyone! I can't believe I literally had fabric show up every day this week... crazy. It is a good thing the boy his home from college to help me lug the boxes around. This showed up yesterday: Isn't it yummy? I only have small bolts so get it early if you are gonna get it. The newsletter went out last night. I hope you all got it. If not email me and I will forward you a link to it. Don't...

A Sneaky Peeky and More Fabric

Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Hi Everyone, Lest you think I only ever post fabrics that have come to the shop (I can't help it I love those pretty fabric pictures)... Here is a Sneak Peek of something I am tuting up for Sally's 12 Days of Christmas Celebration she started yesterday, so make sure you go check it out she is doing something fun every day for 12 days. My day is the 20th and I will be showing you how to make...

Oh me oh my.... lots of fabrics came today.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Hi Everyone... Wow a lot of fabric came today :) Karavan  Sugar Hill Half of Impessions came and the other half will be here Monday. PS It is 10 more posts until my 400th... I can't believe it :) We will have to celebrate...

Good Fortune Jelly Rolls and Charm Packs are here.

Monday, December 12, 2011
Yippee... so pretty! You can get them here. ...

I sewed and a Sneaker Peeker and another Giveaway

Hi Everyone, I sewed yesterday. Unfortunately I can't show you what it was because: 1. It is a surprise 2. The college kid is sleeping in the room with the computer that I use to download photos from my camera. So instead here is a picture of one of the tutorials coming in the Newsletter on Thursday night: Sally's wreath... isn't it precious? And Jenna Over at Sew Happy Geek is hosting yet...

Winner in da house!

Saturday, December 10, 2011
Hi Everyone! Gotta give away some of this fun stuff: Mr. Random said: And #156 is: Marcia W. said... It would be grand if some "Good Fortune" came my way. Thanks for your lovely giveaway. December 3, 2011 12:42 PM   Yeah! Marcia I will be emailing you :) Have a great weekend everyone!...

Friday Fun Day and The Giveaway

Friday, December 9, 2011
Edit: Please leave your follow comments on her blog to be entered. Thanks so much! Today Melissa at Happy Quilting is hosting our giveaway. She is doing one each Friday leading up to Christmas so don't forget to enter over there. Of course I will have some fun ones here for you too so just make us both stops on your blog tours on Fridays :) This is what she is giving away for me today... yes,...

Art Gallery Elements and A Stitch In Color Jelly Rolls Arrive

Thursday, December 8, 2011
Hi Everyone, I gotta say... these are the softest fabrics (escept Petal Pushers) anywhere... so soft and the colors are so gorgeous! I am in love! Nature Elements, Oval Elements, and Pure Elements from Art Gallery Fabrics Yay! A Stitch in Color... I know one person that is gonna be happy to see these ... Huh D? See ya tomorrow for Friday Fun Day... wo...

A Giveaway...

Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Hi Everyone, I am sponsoring a giveaway on The Fabric Shopper today so go over and make me sound good. Giggle... PS. Lorin is my husband... Wi...

A little Good Fortune coming our way...

Hi Everyone, I got notice that in a few days Good Fortune and Stitch in Color Pre-cuts will be here...Yay! And since you asked... Here is the large cuff all blinged up: A bezel with vintage papers, Ice Resin, two rows of rhinestones,some freshwater pearls, crystals and silk ribbon. Kinda pretty :) I also spent about 5 hrs the other night working on a bracelet for my friend Deanna. I gave...

What I Did Over My Winter Vacation.

Monday, December 5, 2011
Okay... it was really over a Winter Weekend but it felt like a vacation.... Saturday was the December meeting of my Modern Quilt Guild (Bay Area Modern Quilt Guild) So many pretties on display... Like this Walk In The Woods Quilt by Alison (on the far left). Alison works for C&T publishing. And this gorgeous little quilt by Colleen with Heather Ross'  Far Far Away..... Much talent...

Friday Fun Day... It must be Giveaway day again :)

Friday, December 2, 2011
H Everyone, There will be lots of fun giveaways going on this month all over but I am hosting my own this week instead of sending you to one of the other blogs I sponsor... I do that sometimes :) I wanted to show you what I made in my free time from 2 AM to 6 AM yesterday morning :) I made this little zip bag for my Twitter Secret Santa Partner. I wasn't really trying to make diamonds,...

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