Tula Pink, Lizzy House, and Alison Glass... Oh my!

Sunday, March 29, 2015
Happy Monday Everyone! I decided to put a pre-order for 5 new collections that are coming.... You all seem to like to make sure you don't miss something. These are the 5 collections that you all mentioned most in your comments from our 1000th post Giveaway... and luckily they were all ordered and in the works already... SCORE! Just a reminder about pre-orders. You need to order each collection separately...

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Thursday, March 26, 2015
Hi Everyone, Our winner for the Remix Cotton & Steel Bundle below... We used Random.org and it picked number 241 that is: Lauren Maedge said... I love Tula Pink's True Colors! Congratulations Lauren. Unfortunately you are no-reply on Blogger so I can't email you. Please email me...

Something gorgeous and new....

Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Hi Everyone, We got this gorgeous new collection in on Monday. Leah Duncan has been a favorite of mine since she worked for Anthology fabrics a few years ago. I had all of her collections. She is with Art Gallery now. A few of these prints might look familiar from one of her Anthology collections if you have been around long enough to remember those :) I really adore her florals.This is Morning Walk...

1000th Post And You Get The Present Giveaway

Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Yep, it's true this is my 1000th post on the blog... Crazy... how shall we celebrate? How about a Giveaway? I knew you would like that :) See the bottom of the post about how to enter to win my own personal re-mix of Cotton + Steel. We have two more pre-orders posted on the website (if you didn't see the newsletter). One is for Tinsel by Cotton + Steel it is their Christmas collection which consists...

Pre-Order is up for Black & White by Cotton & Steel

Monday, March 16, 2015
Just thought you should know I put up the pre-order for Black & White ...

Last day for the sale and two more t-shirts

Hey Everyone, Don't forget all Apparel Fabrics, Color Theory, and Shot Cottons are on sale 20% off until Midnight tonight. You don't need a coupon they are already marked down. I am so excited that I worked out a deal with the designer of the Flora Top so we will be able to sell the patterns in the shop. I am also going to set a date to teach it as a class as it is an easily done in a day project....

A sweet weekend sale....

Friday, March 13, 2015
Hey Everyone, In addition to all of the Apparel fabric being on sale I also put Color Theory on sale 20% off ... including the fat quarter bundles and all of the Shot Cotton too. I was inspired by Imagine Gnats Selfish Sewing Week and Riley Blake's Knit Love blog tour. It is a good time to buy some apparel fabric and have a go. Gloria, one of my customers, made this gorgeous dress and shared...

Doing a little giveaway and I sewed

Thursday, March 12, 2015
Hey Everyone, Be sure to get over to Happy Quilting and enter to win our giveaway. Here is the little bundle I curated it is half yards this time: Melissa loves purple so I always try to pick something purple for her. I am in love with that Hot House Flowers print so I designed the bundle around it. You know I hate pictures of me... this is no exception but.. since I sewed a t-shirt for myself...

Pretty New things... Elizabeth by Tula Pink and Wanderer by Aprl Rhodes

Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Hi Everyone, Everyone has been holding their breath for Tula's Elizabeth and it arrived yesterday. After cutting the pre-orders we still have a bit left, some bundles and a few yards of each print, but it is going fast so don't miss out. I think it would be fun to make a blouse out of the chain mail print. Here is April Rhodes' Wanderer........it reminds me of Summer in California. Something...

Elizabeth by Tula Pink up for Pre-order, lots of new stuff, and what I am making!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Hi Everyone, Lot's of new pretties to show you. I posted a pre-order for Tula Pink's Elizabeth it will be in on Monday and pre-orders will ship on Tuesday. Still a few bundles left if you want to get it. We got this adorable collection from Cori Dantini Called The Makers It has her sweet girls sewing, painting, stitching, knitting, crocheting, quilting... it is perfect to make a quilt or a bag...

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