Fabulous Fabric Friday, Sampler Shuffle, and Giveaway

Friday, November 13, 2015
Hey Everyone,

Today is the last day to pick up your kit and patterns for the first and second week of the Sampler Block Shuffle. You can download your 3rd week block patterns today through next Friday and the kit will be available to order on Monday. From now on only the current week's kit and blocks will be available. If you haven't downloaded them yet, please to so today. Please email me if you want to be on a pre-paid plan for the kits we will send them every 3 weeks to save you on shipping.

We posted a new newsletter a couple days ago have a look here if you didn't receive it. We have lots of new collections in... Anna Maria Horner, Alison Glass, and Denyse Schmidt to name a few.

Finally, we are doing our monthly giveaway with Maureen for a lovely bundle of Art Gallery's newest basics Round Elements

Have a super weekend!

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18 comments on "Fabulous Fabric Friday, Sampler Shuffle, and Giveaway"
  1. Wow - those are beautiful fabrics! I adore the aqua.

  2. How do we get in on the drawing? I love these rounds :-)!

  3. I LOVE Art Gallery's Fabrics. They are such a joy to quilt with. These are so cute! I guess I am going to have to make room in my studio for a little more fabric

  4. Those are really pretty ! Thanks !!

  5. Julie, I just had to let you know that the package that you sent me on Monday arrived on TUESDAY!!! Knock me down with a feather!! Thanks so much!!! And those circles/dots look scrumptious: I see them walking towards my cart... :-) Hugs, Helen

  6. Love the fabrics in this giveaway--particularly the peach!

  7. The bundle is really lovely; great colors and nice design!

  8. Love the colors of the fabric. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.net

  9. Loving the Cherry Geranium color!

  10. I love the feel of the Art Gallery fabrics! This line is so pretty and I see at least three colors I would use on my current project with the Hello Bear line!
    I have a question about pattern #9 in the sampler block shuffle. It says that the finished HSTs are 2". Wouldn't that make this an 8" block, 71/2 finished? The others are 6". Just wondering if I'm not clear on this. I plan on getting these all cut and sewn this week. Thanks!

    1. Hi Pam,
      You are no reply so I couldn't answer you directly. The directions say to sew the triangles then trim them to 2". Then after you sew them together (finished) they will be 1 1/2" so 1 1/2" 4 across will be 6" it is correct.

    2. Oh gosh.....what was I thinking? Thanks for responding so quickly!

  11. The colors in this line are amazing. What fun to have a chance to win these. thank you.

  12. These are so beautiful! thank you for the opportunity.

  13. Love all the colors and the circles. This fabric could be used anywhere. I can see it in big pillows for the chairs in my sun room. Just gorgeous!


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