Sampler Block Shuffle

Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Hi Everyone,

Sorry this is a little late this week... I hate to say this but I had a heart attack on Sunday. I do not have heart disease it was a combo of stress and changing my thyroid meds... won't go into a ton of detail but I am home and mending. The blocks and kits are up for week 4 and we have a couple of finishing kits still available if you want one. Here are pictures of the peachy pretties from this week:

I hope you are signed up for the newsletter because it came out this morning and it is all about our Black Friday Sale.

Talk soon!

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23 comments on "Sampler Block Shuffle"
  1. I am so sorry to hear of your heart attack. I am glad to hear that you are home and mending.
    The blocks look great.

  2. Take care and have an speedy recovery!

  3. Oh my goodness, I hate that for you! I hope you will recover quickly and completely!

  4. take care...wishing you a speedy and complete recovery

  5. So sorry about your illness! Sounds like it snuck up on you. Blessings on a fast and thirough recovery! Take it easy!!

  6. Wow, you had a heart attack and still managed to get this out at all. I'd say all is forgiven. ; ) I have a thyroid disease and Lupus so I TOTALLY understand and am floored you are worried about being late, lol. Get well soon! Slooooow down.

  7. Wow, you had a heart attack and still managed to get this out at all. I'd say all is forgiven. ; ) I have a thyroid disease and Lupus so I TOTALLY understand and am floored you are worried about being late, lol. Get well soon! Slooooow down.

  8. Take care of yourself. We can wait! Hugs....

  9. Oh no! Take care of yourself and I hope you have a speedy recovery

  10. May this season of Thanksgiving bring you rest and total healing!

  11. so sorry to hear. i will keep you in my prayers.

  12. Take care of yourself!!! I hope you will recover quickly and will be in good health soon!! Hugs, H

  13. Oh Julie, I really hope you feel better soon! This is a stressful time of year. Take care and I hope you get some time to rest this Thanksgiving Weekend.

  14. Oh my gosh--that is so scary! I hope that your meds are straightened out now and that you have time to rest and decompress! Have a wonderful holiday!

  15. Just heard and I'm so glad you are home and on the mend. I bet Boston Market is looking pretty good at this point. Relax and enjoy the downtime, everything else can wait!

  16. Oh my. I just read this . I hope your recovery is progressing well, and that your stress levels don't creep up with the Black Friday sale. Good luck and look after yourself

  17. Oh my, I just read this today .. I do hope you are mending quite well. My DH has arterial heart disease , he dislikes the meds but is mended as much as possible (he had stents put in his arteries as they were clogged with Calcium which cause lack of blood flow).
    Try not to stress (yah right lol), stay calm and sew on ! Take care of yourself !

  18. Sorry, I'm behind on reading blogs but wanted to reassure you that, although extremely scary, one can go one for years without further issues. My husband had his first heart attack at 46 and his second at 48--three stents put in at 49 and is now 65 (thank God!). Hopefully, you'll have a long and healthy life! Thank you for all the inspiration!


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