Stuff ... and more stuff :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Hi Everyone, You probably noticed that Friedlander arrived :) We have a couple Wildabon kits left if you need one. I also decided to make a few new custom bundles. The first one I am tongue in cheek calling "Kelly's Jam" because of a comment on Instagram... :) But I also wanted to show you this... I know, out of the blue, right? Well, for those that have been around here a while you...

TokyoMilk and a Giveaway

Friday, January 20, 2017
Hey Everyone, Have you heard of TokyoMilk? If you have been to Sephora you might have. They are a company specializing in high end beauty products. The lady behind the brand is named Margot Elena and she designed a gorgeous new collection for Freespirit called Neptune and the Mermaid. We picked up the collection that is coming in May and I am so excited about it. Here have a look at the beautiful...

Whoa... It's Wednesday...

Wednesday, January 4, 2017
Holiday weeks are weird... I never know what day it is. :) The Kona Color of the Year is Flamingo Pink. We shop owners order this sight unseen months in advance so we never know what we are going to get or if people are going to like it. Luckily people liked it and we sold all of our 75 yards that we ordered right away...  Here it is as we unboxed it... And here it is a 1/2 hour later...

Happy Monday and Happy New Year

Monday, January 2, 2017
Hey Everyone, I am so excited about this week and so excited about the possibilities of this New Year. I can't wait to dive into all the things that I have been putting off until after the surgery (and recovery). I am going to streamline my life and declutter not only my home and my shop but my way of doing things. I have discovered a new resource (I am not a paid spokesperson) in Powersheets...

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