Are You A Pretty Princess?

Thursday, January 27, 2011
Do you know one? I am not one, but I play one on TV... :)

I do know a pretty princess. You think I am going to say my daughter don't you? Well, she is a girl and she is my princess but if I called her that, or especially "Pretty Princess", she would smack me (tomboy much?). No, my pretty princess is my niece Ashley... she loves all things pink. (You do still like pink right Ashley?) I designed this quilt with her in mind. It is a girl's best friend. You know the 3 Cs? No, not cut, color, and clarity. It is candy, cupcakes and cookies.

Approx. 52" x 55"

Of course I am using Sweet Divinity by The Quilted Fish. Starting in two weeks and for the next 5 weeks I am going to post a row by row tutorial for making this quilt. Would you like to quilt along with me? This will be a super easy peasy quilt along. Perfect for beginners. I will post the fabric requirements tomorrow. We will start piecing Monday after next  2/7/2011 (this was edited because something else you all will want to see is coming next Friday, trust me it is super cool!)
10 comments on "Are You A Pretty Princess?"
  1. How cute! I am very much a princess and have the crown to prove it! It even says so on it. :) I'll try to sew along, but don't know that I'll be able to. I am so far behind on other sewing commitments, this one might have to wait. :(

    Sandy A

  2. I'm not but my 22 year old thinks she is and loves cupcakes. Very pretty

  3. So cute! Is this your project for the design team? Or are you just doing this in addition? Either way, it's great!

  4. I love row by row quilts - this is so cute and I may just have the fabrics. I'm not a princess and I have no granddaughters, but I'm sure I can find a home for it at the Children's Cancer Ward.

  5. Wow!! You are impressive! You go girl!

  6. What a beautiful design Julie! I may try to catch up with you once I'm home and have access to my fabric! It's so cute in Sweet Divinity!

  7. That is totally amazing... i adore it! Talk about setting the bar high.

  8. LOVE IT! And, I totally am a pretty princess!!! ;)

  9. Super cute.....I'm going to try to quilt along but I do have some other sewing projects that have deadlines.


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