The Stash Buster Block

Thursday, January 13, 2011
Hi Everyone,

I decided to try to get the center for my Good and Fun Round Robin Quilt done yesterday. I am on a mission to bust my stash this year. I  had a pile of fat quarters and half yards of Joel Dewberry's Modern Meadow so I took them out and thought I would do a film strip style block with them. My husband loves what I came up with but... I think it is the lack of Raspberry, Red or Tangerine that keeps me from adoring it... otherwise I think it is pretty okay... I put the measurements and layout below so that you can bust some stash with it too if you can twist and turn the four blocks any way you want but I laid them out a lot of ways and liked them best like this.

One of the things that I like about this block is that it doesn't take much background fabric (something I am always notoriously short one) ;)

ooops you get to see my lack of ironing here LOL
For each block you need:
2 background rectangles 1 1/4 by 12 1/2
1 background rectangle 1 by 6 1/2
1 background rectangle 1 1/2 by 2 1/2
4 background rectangles 1 1/4 by 2 1/2
4 squares 2 1/2
2 rectangles 6 1/4 by 6 1/2
1 rectangle 3 by 12 1/2

I made a mistake and had to use green out LOL
5 comments on "The Stash Buster Block"
  1. I really like this! It's going to be a really cool quilt.

  2. Very cool! I love the blocks and the fabrics. You are so clever!

  3. It's so pretty, Julie! I'm wishing I had bought up some Modern Meadow after seeing this and making my most recent bee block.

  4. That is really pretty! I'd love it large, too - imagine how pretty it would be as a full-size quilt!

  5. i really love this block!!! and I love the idea of stash busting!!! pure awesomeness! ♥


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