Friday Fun Day and the Giveaway Stays Home This Week

Friday, September 30, 2011
Hi Everyone, Here is a little sneaky peek of the tutorial that will be in the Newsletter tonight. Because no matter how crazy things get around here the amazing Mistress Brooke never lets me down. I love you Brooke! Yummy yummy Terrain... Last month when I booked a class at A Work Of Heart for yesterday I had no idea how busy I would be. I felt a little guilty for playing hooky for 2 hrs...

An interview

Wednesday, September 28, 2011
eep... Rhonda over at Quilter in the Gap did an interview with me that she will have in her podcast today. Very scary... everything you never wanted to know about me LOL If you want a pre-view go over to Rachel at Contented where she has some excerpts... so embarrassing.....

.... the other Monday

Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Hi Everyone, Tuesday is the other Monday this week. I worked on this for a minute yesterday: They are 3" blocks to make an 18" pillow for the Pillow Talk Swap. I hope my partner likes it. There are so many projects to do this month I am a little overwhelmed but I will persevere. I finished my Mug Rug for the Scrappy Mug Rug Swap last night. I kinda love how it came out... batiks aren't my thing...

Friday Fun Day and the Giveaway

Friday, September 23, 2011
Hi Everyone, Oh my goodness... My daughter doesn't do pop culture but my son does so now every Friday I hear him in my head singing that stilly Friday song... you know the one. I bet you have an idea of what I am giving away this week... Moroccan Mirage of course! Go over to Happy Quilting to enter. You might like to say best wishes on Melissa's new baby while you are there she went in yesterday...

We All Need Something To Believe In... Giveaway and Stuff

Thursday, September 22, 2011
Hi Everyone, I am a Christian. Nope not gonna talk about religion. I am just going to say that I believe we are meant to help those that are less fortunate. My friend Jacque over at Lilypad Quilting agrees and today she has posted about a charity that is near and dear to her heart. Helping some orphan children. A lot of us (not all) are fortunate to have deep stashes accumulated over a few years....

Terrain is here! Yippee!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Super New Quilt Along To Check Out

Hi Everyone, My good friends Rhonda and Rachel are co hosting a quilt along. I always say I don't have time for a quilt along but if you look at the kick off post, here on Rachel's blog, I think you will see that the pace of this quilt along will be very easy... even for us time challenged persons. Rhonda has a podcast and she is interviewing Rachel today so if you haven't checked that out...

Moroccan Mirage is here...woot woot woot!

Monday, September 19, 2011
Oh so pretty! Here ...

Monday, Monday, A Giveaway to Check out and Stuff...

Hi Everyone, Today is gonna be fuuuunnnn! 'Cause I know UPS man is coming with something I am so excited to get. I can't tell you yet because it is a surprise..... but he will be visiting a few times this week to bring: Terrain! And: Moroccan Mirage (this might even get here today) Yippee! I need fabric to be happy! No more months like August without my drug of choice ...

Kindle Cover Instructions Finally

Saturday, September 17, 2011
I know you thought it would never happen :) 1001 Adventures Kindle Cover Sewing Instructions Place 4 3/4" x 7 1/4" pieces of peltex centered on the 5 1/4" x  7 3/4" pieces of fusible fleece Place the 6" x 8 1/2" pieces wrong side down on top of the Interfacing pieces and press to fuse all three layers together. If desired you can quilt the pieces ... here is what mine look...

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