2nd Day Giveaway! Looking for Contributors.

Saturday, December 31, 2011
Hi Everyone,

Do you guys ever think to yourself a whole wonderful blog post with lots of witty lines and things, and then forget half of it when you sit down to write? I did that yesterday. Oh well :) I am gonna sew today... this makes me giddy with excitement!

I wanted to show you my Secret Santa gift from the Twitter #SSSwap... umm can I just say when I got the box and saw the return address I squeeeeed :)  Literally! My husband thought I hurt myself. :) I was jumping around going "Elizabeth Hartman is my Secret Santa" Totally lost on him of course... So you may have seen this on her blog her pictures are way better than mine:

This is the adorable bag with Vicky the love of my life (ROFL)
It is a sewing first aid kit, go here to see the other side which is even cuter. Mistress E. I am sorry for taking so long to get this picture up.

So what shall the prize be today?

A Stitch In Color Fat Eighth Bundle. It does not look like this anymore, though, because I let my quilt guild take the ribbon off and look through it :) It is all nice and clean and still nicely folded though :) They were very respectful of the fabric LOL Just leave a comment to be entered in the giveaway. Don't forget to enter on yesterdays giveaway if you haven't already

Now I have a request... Those of you that receive my newsletter know that it is all about fun and giving back to you, not a huge sales pitch or anything. I have a great group of ladies that contribute every month, but they are working their fingers to the bone (without a complaint I might add). I thought it would be nice to add a few new people. I would love to have one new "Guest" each month contribute to the offerings. If you don't know about the newsletter, we write 2 or more tutorials for you each month just for fun and inspiration.

I am looking for people that want to write a tutorial and provide it to the readers of the newsletter. What do you get in return? I will send the guest contributor a free pack of fabric the month of their guest post to make their tutorial with (I usually let you pick your own fabrics unless I have too many from one collection).

So if you want to give it a shot email me at intrepidthread at g mail dot com with "contribute" in the subject line of the message. Tell me what you like to make, what kind of crafts you do, what month or holiday you have an idea for, and anything you think is relevent and I will pick the first few months guests. Please don't get your feelings hurt if I don't pick you for the first few months ... there are a lot of months to come. I love you all and don't want to hurt anyone's feelings :) PS. All skill levels are welcome :)

Last year a bunch of bloggers were picking a theme word for their New Year hoping to live up to it. I saw fearless and decided I wanted that one too. I changed mine to Intrepid though didn't want to be a copy cat LOL So now is the time to reflect... did I live up to Intrepid ... I am proud to say I did! Woot... so now to pick a new word... I will let you know what it is tomorrow.

Hugs! Be safe and have fun this New Year's Eve! Tomorrow we start a brave new year!

231 comments on "2nd Day Giveaway! Looking for Contributors."
  1. Beautiful first aid bag! And yes, I checked out the other side - you're right, it's adorable.

  2. Wonderful bag, I really need to try some this year.
    This is the year that I want to try new things, finish old and create some new ones of my own. I also need to hone my tutorial skills, I am lazy with keeping track of what I do, since I just go for it and then try to remember what I did;)

    I hope you and your family have a wonderful New Year and blessings in the coming year.


  3. Such a cute bag! Awesome giveaway :)

  4. That bag is too cute! Thanks for the chance to win such beautiful fabrics. Thank you too for your generosity. I hope you have a wonderful day sewing.

  5. Wow - I had to go back & read yoiur post 3 times, there was so much in it! cute bag. Love the word of the year idea - can't wait to see what you pick. Thanks for the giveaway chance.

  6. the colors look great - need to make another doll blanket for my grandaughter - looks like just the ticket!

  7. Great bag!
    Malka's fabric is one of the most exciting for a long time! I would love some!

  8. What a fun post, and a great fabric give away.

  9. I can understand the squeal! What fun. I love the pretty bag.

    Enjoy your sewing. I hope to make my way to the machine today too.

    I am looking forward to the new word. Happy new year.

  10. Love the bag - quite exciting and very cute!

  11. Thanks for the great giveaway! Happy New Year!

  12. hope you have a great sewing day! id love to sew with Malka's fabrics!!

  13. I would love to win! Thanks for the giveaway!

  14. I was telling my husband about the Hey Girl posts - he didn't get that either. I can certainly understand your excitement!

    Happy New Year! I'd love a chance to win.

  15. Love that bag - lucky you! Thanks for the chance to win some fun fabric! Happy New Year!

  16. Very cute bag. I would love to win the fabric!

  17. I remember seeing that bag on Elizabeth's blog. The embroidery on the back is awesome! Thanks for the giveaway :)

  18. Such a cute gift! The fabric is fantastic too ^^

  19. love your blog, would love to win thanks

  20. The sender's name wasn't lost on me :) Happy New Year's Eve!

  21. Wow loving that bag, what a good idea. Please put my name in the hat and I don't care if it has a ribbon on or not!!! Happy New year. xx

  22. Thanks for the giveaway.
    Happy New Year!

  23. Thank you for the giveaway - Intrepid is the perfect word for you! Ready or not, 2012 here we come! Happy New Year. Please enter me into your giveaway. Yesterday I saw a free quilt design of Malka's posted on http://quiltinspiration.blogspot.com/
    It would be such fun to make this using the prize! LOL

  24. I was squealing and shaking with excitement when I opened a package yesterday from the Phat Fiber group. I haven't managed to pick up a box yet but I did win one of their giveaways of 4 oz of Angora/Alpaca blend. I am so happy! The men in my life didn't really understand either, but G did almost did when he felt the stuff. Winning this fabric bundle from you might make me squeal, too, ;) ;)

  25. Cute bag, lucky you!
    Happy new year!


  27. I will have to check out your newsletter! I love tutorials...but I don't make them. Maybe someday. :)

  28. Have a BLAST sewing today! Thanks for the giveaways!

  29. Oh you are so wonderful to have all of these giveaways..thank you...I'm not good at tutorials; but will certainly give it some thought.

  30. What a beautiful little bag! Please enter me for the great giveaway!

  31. I wouldn't mind a fat eight pack with no ribbon! LOL!
    Thanks for the very generous giveaway!

  32. I saw that bag on Oh, Fransson! earlier this year! It is so cute! Hooray for awesome Secret Santas!! I've really enjoyed following your blog since I started blogging in August. Yours was one of the first I found and I'm glad I did! Thanks for the giveaway!

  33. Lovely zip bag, and I would not mind a bundle without the ribbon either. I like to do tutorials on my blog.

  34. Ooh, yummy fabric!

    Thanks for these giveaways!

  35. I love the fun embroidery Elizabeth put on the back of the bag, it makes it so special. And congratulations on post #401

  36. Happy New Year! I would love to win these yummy fabrics. Hope I am lucky!

  37. I saw that emergency kit on Elisabeth's blog and thought of stalking the lucky person who would receive it. Glad it was sent to such a nice person!

  38. Sewing would have been so fun today, but instead I got to clean a rabbit cage and 3 baby chick cages, vacuum the upstairs, figure out dinner, scoop kitty litter, etc..... It's only 11am and I'm tired, LOL.
    Thank you for the chance to win.

  39. While my machine is calling to me, it is Saturday and New Year's Eve and I need to tidy up and get snacks in order for tonight. I still have family here which has been wild and crazy and so much fun so I'd better go play while I still have them with me. Thanks for the giveaway. Have a great evening.

  40. Cute bag, lucky you! Fun fabrics, love them.:)

  41. I'd love to be in the drawing- would also like to be a guest blogger one day? I was one on SEW we quilt the other day

  42. Thanks for a great giveaway! I'd love to win!

  43. I would love to be a contributor, but have no idea what I'd write about and I have never written a tutorial before. If I ever come up with an idea, I'll let you know. :-)

  44. I love that bag too!! Happy sewing!!

  45. I sure hope you find someone to do tutorials as I love them. Happy New Year.

  46. Sweet bag!! You are right, the other side is awesome!! Thanks for the chance for your giveaway!

  47. Love the bag! Maybe someday I could be featured on a blog somewhere! Thanks for fun giveaways!

  48. Love the bag (the other side is really cute too) and the fabric giveaway.

  49. You are so generous! I love all your giveaways! I would love to win this!

  50. Happy new year !!
    The other side of the bag is really cute too :)

    And you might receive an email from me !!

  51. Happy New Year!
    Thanks for hosting another great giveaway!


  52. Nice bag. Thank you for the chance to win some nice fabric

  53. So glad I found you during the Sew Mama Sew giveaway day (week) - I love reading your blog! Happy new year. :)

  54. Thanks for offering another great giveaway. The colors in this bundle are lovely.

  55. HA! I have that forgetting half of what I want to write ALL the time!!!
    I'm very interested in tutorial writing... I'll email

  56. I would have been squealing, too! Love that idea of a "sewing first aid" bag. I have Elizabeth's pattern and may just have to whip up one of these, although it won't look nearly as good.

  57. Your posts always make me smile. Enjoy your sewing time! Thanks for another great giveaway.

  58. My current favorite word is 'flabbergasted'. Not sure how you could fit that into a blog though lol. VermontPines@aol.com

  59. I love the first aid bag and all of your posts! I think they are always fun and witty. thanks and happy new year!

  60. I think your new word for the year should be Flamboyant. adjective 1. strikingly bold or brilliant; showy: flamboyant colors. 2. conspicuously dashing and colorful.
    Sounds like a great word for fabric!

  61. My word to live up to in 2012 is "Finisher!" Happy New Year!

  62. a wonderful giveaway to begin the new year! i'm excited for what you have in store for us next year...

  63. What pretty colors in that fabric. Happy New Year!

  64. happiness is having a sewing day!perserverence is my word for the new year. having the fortitude to carry on is my mantra now that i'm older. those little fat eighths are great for applique! thanx for the opportunity to win this little bundle

  65. Have fun sewing today! (I totally did the same squee and dance when I realized Quilt Dad had me in a hoop swap).

  66. Love the pouch, and what a fab giveaway bundle :o) I'll hopefully drop you and e-mail soon. Happy new year!

  67. Happy New Year's EVE!!!! Have a Fabulously FUN day sewing!!! Can't wait to see what you've created!!

    Thanks for another chance to win wonderful giveaway!! :)

  68. I can understand why you were so excited to see Elizabeth H.'s name on your package. Perhaps tell your husband it's similar to him being in a baseball memorabilia swap with Derek Jeter or Albert Pujols.

    Thanks for another enticing giveaway, and thank you for all the effort that goes into making your blog such a fun place to visit.

  69. Very cute Secret Santa gift, and that fabric is lovely. I think the guest contributors for the newsletter is a great idea, as it gives the readers not only new ideas, but the chance to learn about new people as well. Thanks for the giveaway!

  70. The fabric looks yummy! Happy New Year and thank you for the inspiration that you bring to me!!

  71. what a fabulous giveaway idea - the pouch is so cute! happy new year!

  72. Seriously. . I would have been crazy with EH as a secret santa. . of course I would be the same with you as a partner. I love that you have a viking! I'm having mine serviced. :) Maybe leather work in in my near future.

    Here's to a new year. . Mrs. Intrepid!

  73. Happy New Year! I'd love to write a tutorial and will put my thinking cap on:)

  74. Happy New Year! Looking forward to following your blog this year.

  75. Glad I discovered your blog this year. Thanks for the chance to win! :)

  76. A present from Elizabeth Hartman - oh lucky you! Thanks for putting my name in for another lovely giveaway.

  77. Great give away. Thank you. Have a great New Year

  78. Beautiful stack! I will shoot you an e-mail about the newsletter as well. :)

  79. Gorgeous bundle! I'll definitely be shooting you an email :)

  80. Happy New Year to you - go out with a bang!

  81. Love your blog but mostly love the service and fabric through your store. I always check your site first when internet shopping Good luck in 2012

  82. Great looking bundle! Thanks for the chance.

  83. Happy New Year and good luck on your contributors hunt. I'm sure you'll end uphaving a hard time choosing,

  84. I remember seeing that bag. You are so lucky!
    The stack is great! thank you and happy new year!

  85. Cute bag! Thanks for the chance on your great giveaway! Happy New Year!

  86. I'd love a chance to win this fabulous fabric for my group, World of Charity Stitching, where we make lap quilts and totes for seniors citizens and children.

  87. Wow I bet you get a ton of guest contributor responses from your creative readers! I had not seen much on A Stitch in Color and I looked it up - funny how one design looks so different depending on how it is placed in a project!

  88. What a cute first aid bag. So lovely in its simplicity.

  89. Love the bag too, so cute!Thanks for another great give away!
    Happy new year!

  90. That bag looks fabulous! And I love your newsletter! Thanks for a chance to win that wonderful stack! :)

  91. Great bag! And thanks for the giveaway chance. :)

  92. Lucky you getting that gorgeous pouch! And thanks for another great giveaway :-)

  93. You DID live up to Intrepid! Go girl!!!!! Okay, so many things to say. 1) Yes, I totally forget all the things I want to say! LOL. I do it when commenting, too! 2) OMG! I would die if E. Hartman was my secret santa! How fun! I did see her first aid kit on her blog! So cool for you! 3) I know I told you I would do a tutorial. I will. I promise. I'm sorry my life has been so busy. It may be summer before I can, but I will do it! 4) I'm still working on figuring out my word for the year. Love ya!

  94. what a great post thank you for the chance to win

  95. Wow, such a great giveaway! Have a wonderful New Year!

  96. Great post! I too think of some great things to say, and if I don't do it right then, well, half of it is gone before I can get to the computer ;-) Thanks for such a great year and you amazing giveaways.

  97. Love that fabric! My word for 2011 was simplify. Still haven't picked my word for 2012. Guess I'd better get busy!

  98. More wonderful fabrics in your giveaway! I'm going to sign up for your newsletter....but I'd never be able to write a usable, readable tutorial. I really admire those who write tutorials to share with all of us.

  99. you are just amazing- did you know that?!! you are!! have a wonderful new year! :)

  100. Happy 2012! I'm going to think of what tutorial I might be able to offer.

  101. such a cute bag! What a thrill to be Elizabeth's partner. :)
    Word of the year??? I'd have to give that some thought. :S

  102. I know exactly how you feel - in one swap my partner was Pam from Uberstitch - I couldn't contain myself...I felt like my teenagers act when they meet their favourite band!!!

  103. What a fun gift you won!! We all need a sewing first aid kit!! I'd love to win the fabric bundle-even if lovingly examined by your quilt guild! Thanks for the giveaway!

  104. That would have to be the nicest First Aid Kit I have ever seen! Happy New Year.

  105. Thanks for the fun giveaways! Here is my entry. I'm looking for fabric to make all of my sisters a quilt this year!

  106. Awesome bag! Thanks for the generous giveaway!

  107. I would love to help out but at this point I would be contributing un-tutorials! lol This is how we shouldn't make things!
    Congrats on 401 posts!

  108. OMG, are you ever lucky to have an Elizabeth Hartman bag! I don't blame you for jumping around in joy! Your new bag is just wonderful.

  109. Lovely gift! I always have so much fun reading your blog :) Thanks for the chance to win.

  110. What a gorgeous bag! Thanks so much for this opportunity and Happy New Year!

  111. Hmmmm, I sew aprons. Need a tutorial on most any style of those and I can do it for ya!

    Thanks again for the giveaway chance.

    Happy New Year!

  112. I sewed last night for the first time in a week (the week was spent cutting my new project).

  113. What a nice idea. That's a great swap and very cute. Thanks for the wonderful giveaways.

  114. Gorgeous bag! I remember seeing it on Elizabeth's blog :) Happy sewing in 2012!

  115. happy new year, heres hoping for more threads! :)

  116. Great fabric bundle. I got so distracted thinking about what I could possible contribute to your newsletter that I almost forgot to leave a comment...lol

  117. Happy New Year, thanks for the chance to win this beautiful fabric. I love reading your blog.

  118. Oh that bag is adorable and how great for you! Thanks for the awesome giveaway! Here's to a great 2012! Happy sewing!

    esterling1923 at gmail dot com

  119. Love the bag and please count me in the wonderful giveaway!
    Thanks :)
    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  120. Oh my gosh, what a cute bag! I would have squealed too!!!

  121. That's is a lovely bag you got. Thankyou for the giveaway

  122. I love the Stitch in Color fabrics! Thanks for the chance to win!
    Happy New Year!

  123. I enjoy reading your blog.... THanks!

  124. You are a lucky person. Great gift.
    I would not mind being the Recipient of the stack of fabrics. Very pretty...karencg

  125. What a cute bag! I love those bright and cheery reds. You lucky girl you!

    Thank you so much for the chance to win the fabric bundle. :)

  126. What a great idea for a bag and goodie contents. Such fun. Thanks for doing this.

  127. Happy New Year! What a wonderful bag! Thanks for your generous giveaway!

  128. What a great gift from you SSS. Like your idea of a theme word for the year. Thank you for the giveaway.

  129. The fabric is still gorgeous, ribbon or no... Happy New Year!

  130. That bag is seriously cute! :) I love anything with red in it these days, so I can't help but find it to be adorable. Thanks for the chance to win!

  131. Thanks for the chance to win such cute fabrics!!! :-)

  132. Congratulations on your swap gift. I saw it posted on her blog and loved it then. I think my "phrase" for the new year should be 'Just do it.' no more excuses about why I can't get in there and sew, thanks for the inspiration (and great fabrics).

  133. Thanks for a chance to win some goodies. I had limited success in sewing today - not as much as I had hoped, but I got one marked off my list. Happy New Year!

  134. Gorgeous bag, and yes I'd have been dancing around the room too! :D

  135. I have not been blogging or sewing for awhile now, I missed reading your blog! It has grown a lot since I was gone! Congrats and thanks for the chance to win!

  136. Hope you enjoyed your sewing break!
    sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com

  137. I would love the fabric and I don't mind if it has been unfolded, loved and then stuffed into a bag. Between my iron, cutting board and machine I am sure I can turn it into something amazing.

  138. Thanks for a chance to win this yummy fabric. Happy New Year!

  139. Lovely as usual! I pick my 2012 word to be "patient". :)

  140. Happy day two of 400 posts celebration! I love that stack of fabric.
    I think if I was the recipient of a swap item from Elizabeth, I'd have to put it in a glass box! HEE HEE

  141. Looks like lovely fabric, you are a very generous lady.

  142. Wonderful! Thanks for the giveaway chance!

  143. Love the first aid bag, such a cute idea. Thanks for the giveaway.

  144. The bag is great and the fat eighths are just beautiful. I would love to win. A word for the year? Hmm---maybe "try", as in try everything.
    Happy New Year.

  145. Lovely little bundle! What fun! My word for the year will be "hope". Happy New Year!!

  146. Wow! Love the colors. Ican think of several projects to mke with this bundle.

  147. Awesome. Such loveliness.
    Happy New Year. And I love the newsletter guest idea. I can't wait until the next one comes out.

  148. Well, I'm very happy your hubby didn't hurt himself trying to get to you and find out what was wrong. LOL How awesome she had your name. I can totally understand the squeal.

  149. I have to say, Julie, that your posts usually make me chuckle and you didn't fail me today. I like to lol!
    Very cool bag....lucky you!
    You almost make being a quest on our blog sound like something even I could do. I will have to ponder that!
    I hope you get to do as much sewing the next couple of days as you would like to.

    Happy New Year and many blessings for 2012.....

  150. Ooh what a gorgeous First Aid kit, lucky you!!

  151. Great giveaway (as usual). Thanks for the opportunity. Ana

  152. I hope you enjoyed your sewing! HAppy New Year!

  153. thanks for that wonderful giveaway. happy new year to you too

  154. So nice of you to let the quilt guild members "respect" the fabric and drool through it. Thanks for yet again another lovely giveaway. Happy new year!

  155. Happy New Year! Thanks for the chance to win such beautiful fabric!

  156. Beautiful fat 1/8ths! Sign me up to win. Happpy new year.

  157. Lucky girl! I'd be dancing around too if Elizabeth were my Secret Santa! And lovely fabric for a giveaway - I've got a charm pack that would love to keep your fat eighths company!!

  158. What a Lovely giveaway and a nice way to start the new year too! I'm a relatively new follower, but I'm already in love with your creativity!

    Happy New Year!

  159. Happy New Year.
    I am new to the Intrepid Thread about 4 months and always enjoy what I read.
    Thanks for a chance to win some great fabric.

  160. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win this gorgeous fabric! I know how you feel...I love when I get the chance to "run away" to my sewing room...so enjoy your day!

  161. You definitely lived up to Intrepid! Thank you for yet another wonderful giveaway! I hope sewing yesterday was relaxing and fun!

  162. congratulations it is a very cute bag! I hope, that you have fum sewing togday, I hope you´ll show us soon waht you did sew.
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    I´ll think about a tutorial ☺
    Liebe Grüße
    Bente - Germany

  163. Fun bag! I love the whole sewing first aid kit idea. Someday when I am brave I will attempt a bag. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway...off to make sure I am signed up for the newsletter.

  164. It is great debbie jackson
    djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

  165. Love it! And I'll think about the contributions - I might have an idea :)

  166. What a neat idea, a sewing first aid kit. Love the bag. dorthac@aol.com

  167. Have a fun day sewing!

  168. Well done for being Intrepid, I like that idea of picking a word...today mine should be happy because I'm miserable as we been a ill family for 2 weeks now and I have had enough! thanks for the giveaway

  169. Love the bag! Lucky you.
    My word for last year was joy. I had so much fun with it, I may keep it again this year. I will have to think about it.

  170. Lucky you! Isn't Malka's Stitched In Color great?

  171. WEll, since you've already had a good response to your request, I'll wait for your next round. I think it would be fun to make a tutorial. I did do one on my blog recently. It's a bit of work. =)

    Thanks for such lovely giveaways....and Happy New Year!

  172. What a cute bag! Great idea. Love the picking a word idea for your year. I'm going to think of one for myself as well. Can't wait to see what you pick.

    Thanks for another super giveaway and a chance to win.


  173. I would love to build my stash with this! ellen@myerly.net

  174. Santa was good to you, and you deserve it!
    Happy New Year Julie, hope 2012 brings you happiness and success!

    I hope that 2012 brings me A Stitch In Color ;) It's #1 on my fabric wish list, followed by Summersville when that's released!
    Thanks for the chance to win this fabulous bundle!

  175. You are like 6 away from 1000 followers!!!! How cool is that!

    Just wanted to say Happy New Year! And I will always contribute when needed=) No fabric necessary.... just a virtual hug is good.

  176. I'm jealous! When I saw the bag on Elizabeth's blog I totally wanted it. Congrats!

  177. happy New Year Julie. did you see that I am offering your 1000th follower a charm pack of random fabrics from my stash? I think you are now only 6 away.

  178. Happy new year! Thank you for all of the great giveaways
    -Safiya (atouchoftheblues(at)gmail(dot)com)

  179. Thanks for the giveaways! Super-iffic bag!

  180. I've been thinking about putting my name forward to contribute, but it sounds like you've had more interest than you could fit into a year! Definitely something to aspire to though :)

  181. That fabric is so pretty... and I think I need my own sewing first aid kit! That is so cute!

  182. My word for 2012 is No. I need to learn how to say No to so many things - new projects (until others that are begun are finished); people who take advantage of my time and my tendency to procrastinate. Thanks for the chance!

  183. Happy new year. Word for the year for me will be hope- first I'm hoping this year will be a heck of a lot less chaotic! Thanks for the chance to win :)

  184. totally cute bag! It would be worth getting hurt just to get inside it!!

  185. what a great little bag!
    for 2012 I could use "Courage"...

  186. Beautiful fabric! Thanks for the chance at such a fun giveaway :)

  187. Cute bag! I used to enjoy making bags - I should make a few again!

  188. I love the sewing first aid bag - does it have chocolate in it, it's good for shock/comfort when you have to pull out several feet of stitching!

  189. I think my work for 2012 should be organize!


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