Lots and lots of new fabrics.

Thursday, July 31, 2014
Well, as usual we have tons of new fabrics. Wanna see the pretties? We got this super fun collection by the designer that designed "Angel Band" the, Christmas collection that we have almost sold out of, this is "She Who Sews"   I fell in love with those Ruler and Pattern Paper Paper Dolls. So I made separate bundles of those too. The fabrics in this collection are really fun! We got Hot...

Name that fabric... Found thanks everyone!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014
We found it thanks everyone! Here it is in the row of the quilt: Looks a lot like a Lotta Jansdotter print but it isn't. My Friend Ali ran out in the middle of her quilt and needs to find a tiny bit more of it. Let us know if you know what it is. Thanks so mu...

Sunday Download

Sunday, July 20, 2014
Oh my goodness.... we have gotten a TON of fabric lately.... then I was buried under Cotton & Steel and couldn't share anything with you. So be prepared for tons of pictures :) Also I actually sewed for an hour last Sunday so I can show you my Reversible Box Tote. This is a free pattern at Very Shannon if you haven't seen it yet. Super easy to make and comes out adorable. I love the reverse...

A Super Quilt Tutorial and a Sale.

Saturday, July 19, 2014
Hi Everyone, Wow, it has been a whirlwind of a week! I hope you get a chance to sew this weekend. Especially since we have this awesome tutorial from Jessica at Quilty Habit We shared a bit of Indelible with Jessica and this is what she made. You can find the PDF for printing "Point Me" Here. I love how you can make this quilt your own by rearranging the pieces. Don't forget to go over...

It's Here!

Sunday, July 13, 2014
Cotton and Steel is here... after about 15 hrs of cutting I am still not done cutting pre-orders. I am a control freak... but you knew that about me right? Anyway, I should have the rest of the stock up on the website by tomorrow morning. I just want to make sure the inventory is correct. Just one more day of patience :) There is still some pre-order stock up of everything except Mustang, but Mustang...

It's kind of like going to the Doctor

Thursday, July 10, 2014
You know when I am away from the blog too long it is kind of like going to the doctor. You haven't been there in a while or you missed an appointment and you know you should have called sooner. So you feel guilty and feel like you will get chewed out. I know you all wouldn't do that to me, though, right? Did  mention Cotton & Steel will be here in the next few days? I love that RJR is in...

Our Annual 4th Of July Sale

Thursday, July 3, 2014
Hi Everyone,  20% off everything tomorrow with the coupon code SALUTE20 ends at midnight Eastern.  Excludes Pre-orders, Clubs and BOM...

Sewing day... Aviatrix Medallion and Kits

Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Hey Everyone, I am finally starting to catch up after the whirlwind known as June 2014. I am doing my best to take a day off today. It never seems to work out quite the way I planned though. I am going to sew a bit on my Aviatrix Medallion today. I got a great start on it then came to a stand still a few weeks ago when everything got so hectic. I have a goal of finishing the 5th border today. Coincidentally,...

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