It's kind of like going to the Doctor

Thursday, July 10, 2014
You know when I am away from the blog too long it is kind of like going to the doctor. You haven't been there in a while or you missed an appointment and you know you should have called sooner. So you feel guilty and feel like you will get chewed out. I know you all wouldn't do that to me, though, right?

Did  mention Cotton & Steel will be here in the next few days? I love that RJR is in California

We will be hosting a new kind of class on the 9th of August. I know you all have seen the jewelry that I make.... One of my favorite teachers and friends is coming to the shop to teach. Her name is Lexi and she has a blog The Shabby Calavera

She will be teaching a class that I have been dying to take on making these awesome leather bracelets:

She is calling this a part two class but she will be teaching the basics in this class as well. She is adding extra content for those that took the original class already though. You can find info on the class here and you can sign up and pay her with the paypal button on the top right hand side of her blog.

Sometimes I forget that just because I have been posting tons on Instagram that doesn't mean you all have seen it.

I was playing and made some solid bundles to go with Indelible:

I made two new blouses

Feeling productive... 2 blouses 1 sew night
Sorry this is a terrible picture taken at midnight LOL I am really looking forward to teaching some classes on apparel this Fall.

We got more Aviatrix kits in and the Fancy Fox... I want to make it out of Indelible. I hope to show you more progress on the Aviatrix that I am making, tomorrow. I have the 5th border blocks done but I haven't got them on the quilt yet.

What does the fox say? Thanks for the fastest ever shipping @elizabethagh  ps. We have Aviatrix Medallion kits for sale!
What does the fox say?

Hope you have a great day!

Talk soon!

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2 comments on "It's kind of like going to the Doctor"
  1. It looks like you have been keeping busy. Thanks for giving us an update.

  2. Love your solid bundles that you put together, and I love those quilt patterns!!! Hugs, H in Healdsburg


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