Two of my new favorite blogs...

Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Hi Everyone,

So as I remembered my blogiversary late ... I started remembering when I first started reading blogs. How did I find new blogs to read? I couldn't remember how I ended up with over 200 blogs in my feed. I think it all started when I wanted to make a bag and I found U-Handblog. Who else follows Lisa? Then I started going through her list of must follow blogs and started following them. Then I started following theirs and so on. Anyway... by chance through the main page on Bloglovin' I found these two new blogs that I LOVE!

First off Cashmerette! She is a curvy girl that makes the most gorgeous garments for herself. She has tons of tips for fitting and her pictures rock! Through her I found a bunch more garment making bloggers and the Universe has expanded for me again. Check out this adorable shirtdress she made with Rashida's Tangrams print:

Then there is Jones Design Company. I love her simple elegant style and her house is what I want my house to look like someday when I get to pick my own house :) She is a graphic designer and has some super fun little tutorials to check out. I love getting her email updates because they get me energized to create.I emailed her for permission to use a photo but I haven't heard back so I will not use a photo. You will just have to go over and check her out. Also she is having a giveaway which I didn't know about until after I started writing this blog post. So go enter.

Speaking of Cotton + Steel Have you seen the sneak peeks of the new Cotton + Steel? I think I am gonna die! So stinkin' gorgeous! I ordered them a few months ago already...

The new Canvases:

The new Lawns:

We just got some pre-cuts of the C+S basics, Charms and 2 1/2 inch Roll ups, I will have them listed in the C+S basics section later today.

Have a super Tuesday! I am getting my toes did! Can't wait for my first pedicure in about 20 years... seriously.


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2 comments on "Two of my new favorite blogs..."
  1. Oooh, the new C+S looks very tantalising! I occasionally fall down bloggy rabbit holes, it's amazing what you can find to excite and entertain you )

    Hope you enjoyed the pedi. I've never actually had one. And only one mani. I'm a failure as a woman... ;o)

  2. In my world, pedicures are known as "happy toes"!


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