Hey Everyone,
Did you all check out the Honey Pot Bee and the Wild Card Surprise? I sure did... then I made a minute and (literally it felt like that is all it took) to sew and voila...
This put me in a Vintage Christmas Spirit and I finally got the kids together and decorated the Christmas tree... better late than never I guess LOL
We had a great Two of a kind Tuesday and One Off Wednesday you all seemed to enjoy the deals on the bundles so put it on your calendar for the weeks ahead and see what kind of deals you can snag. (It takes place at about noon on Instagram)
How would you like to win a fat quarter bundle of Colette?
All you have to do is tell me what you most look forward to after the Holidays. Leave a comment and I will pull a winner next Friday. Oooh that is Christmas Eve Eve :)
See ya soon!
Did you all check out the Honey Pot Bee and the Wild Card Surprise? I sure did... then I made a minute and (literally it felt like that is all it took) to sew and voila...
This put me in a Vintage Christmas Spirit and I finally got the kids together and decorated the Christmas tree... better late than never I guess LOL
We had a great Two of a kind Tuesday and One Off Wednesday you all seemed to enjoy the deals on the bundles so put it on your calendar for the weeks ahead and see what kind of deals you can snag. (It takes place at about noon on Instagram)
How would you like to win a fat quarter bundle of Colette?
All you have to do is tell me what you most look forward to after the Holidays. Leave a comment and I will pull a winner next Friday. Oooh that is Christmas Eve Eve :)
See ya soon!
The calm and quiet!
ReplyDeleteGetting all the decorations down (but not till after New Years). I feel the house looks twice as big without the decorations. sjvonfumetti at yahoo dot com
ReplyDeleteSome quiet time with no pressure and my husband off work.
ReplyDelete3dears (at) gmail (dot) com
ReplyDeleteQuiet time with friends and family.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to being back in school with kids who aren't hyper-excited with the anticipation of Christmas and gifts! In the week before Christmas, it's hard to hold their attention for more than 3 minutes! Collette would be fun to create with!
ReplyDeleteSitting around the house and getting myself organized for future projects that are more involved than small gifts I've been sewing currently. Thank you, peterstankovich@comcast.net
ReplyDeletePeace and quiet and time to think about goals for the new year.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to the lighter schedule. There is always less to do in January.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure this is really a "looking forward to" kind of thing, but we decided to do the 3-day potty training shebang with my 2 year old after new years,so that's what I'm thinking about. Yay?
ReplyDeleteJust being able to get around town...shopping, etc., without all of the crowds. Thanks so much for the wonderful giveaway! Merry Christmas!!
ReplyDeleteAfter Christmas sales and then back to quilting. Thanks for the opportunity to win
ReplyDeletelol,hopefully to get motivated to lose weight after all my holiday overeating
ReplyDeletePutting away the decorations so I can re-group and get ready for New Years! All great fun!Thank you, Susan
ReplyDeleteI look forward to peace and quiet, and more time to quilt!
ReplyDeleteI most look forward to seeing how my family enjoys what we got for them!
ReplyDeleteI look forward to the rest and having the time to get into some projects for myself.
ReplyDeleteHeading to Okinawa, Japan the day after Christmas to see my son and his family - 4 grandbabies!!
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to putting up the decorations, cleaning the house and enjoying some much needed quiet time
ReplyDeleteI look forward to reflection time and if time permits, the creation of a gentle craft to do list for next year. I'll also be enjoying priceless time with my 8 year old. They get big too fast.
ReplyDeleteAfter Christmas, I look forward to the house being put back to normal! I love the holiday decorations and especially making them, but the quite normal is nice! This is a beautiful fabric bundle I would love to create quilts with! Thank you for the give away!
ReplyDeleteI look forward to taking time to plan my years to do and reflecting on my done list. Love the giveaway, guess I'd better sign up for an instagram account so I don't miss out on "stuff"...
Putting up the decorations and having peace and quiet. Also looking forward to seeing what new adventures 2017 had in store. I will miss seeing the tree lit up after everyone has gone to bed and the lights are all out. It's so pretty and calming.
ReplyDeleteAfter Christmas,go shopping,(sales is around),begin to go to the swimming pool,it' s indoor,because that' s. will means that my shoulder is ok and hope family and friends are fine and with good health.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas!!
I look forward to stressfree crafting...no deadlines!
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to having time to relax and do some sewing.
ReplyDeleteSewing, Sewing, Sewing :-) Happy Holidays!
ReplyDeleteI really look forward to sewing for me....for the past few months, it's been all about gifts!
ReplyDeleteI really look forward to sewing for me....for the past few months, it's been all about gifts!
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to being able to go thru more boxes in the garage! Also to planning sewing, reading, exercising, walking and enjoying!
ReplyDeleteI look forward to seeing all my family at the holidays!
ReplyDeleteCalm, me time for sewing! Peace! Gonna miss my kids n grands tho!
ReplyDeletePeace and quiet.......
ReplyDeleteEverything being back to the "normal"
ReplyDeleteThe couch, Midsomer Murders (Netflix) and a quilt.
Our son will be traveling over the holidays so I look forward to seeing him when he gets back.
ReplyDeleteA bit of quiet relaxation!
ReplyDeleteI look forward to things getting back to normal after the Holidays so I can sew at my own pace.
ReplyDeleteI love the quiet after the holiday. I like to put my decorations down earlier than most people and my house seems uncrowned and serene. I get more sewing done when my house is peaceful.
ReplyDeleteUncrowded not uncrowned
DeleteI like to catch up with friends in a relaxed way without the pressure of the holidays - oh and to stitch for me - not the multitude of gift creation and completion that December brings.
ReplyDeletePlaying with my fabric and sewing!!! What a better way to start a new year.
ReplyDeleteI will look forward to beginning some new quilted projects... I have a few in mind but have to wait until all the festivities are done so I can put some serious time into working in my sweatshop,... I mean home studio!!! Well, that could be an accurate description after all, because I do sew in our basement close to our woodstove!! Lol
ReplyDeleteLove all the sights and sounds of Christmas. But what I look forward to the most is Christmas Eve service at my church. It is always the highlight of the Christmas season. Spending it with family and friends, and just holding on to the memories.
ReplyDeleteI am looking forward to relaxing and enjoying time with my husband. We have been so busy for a couple of months now, one of us is running in the other is running out the door. Thank you for a beautiful giveaway.
ReplyDeleteI am looking forward to getting back to normal life after 4 weeks away from home.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to get some of the beautiful Colette fabric.
Thank you.
I am looking forward to a promotion at work!
ReplyDeleteThanks for a chance to win!
merryorganic at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteI've been doing the 365 Block Challenge from Australia since January 1st, and the new year can't get here soon enough. I'll finally be able to clean my house--lol!
ReplyDeleteI am looking forward to getting started on some new quilts after the holidays. I have been intent on finishing lately and it will be fun to stsrt something new!Thanks for the giveaway. cotten.gloria@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI am looking forward to when things slow down and I can refocus on my quilting.
ReplyDeleteStarting a quilt for my neighbor who has breast cancer
ReplyDeleteI look forward to several smallish family events that will occur after the first of the year.
ReplyDeleteQuiet evenings with the fam!
ReplyDeleteI am still trying to convince myself not to buy this adorable Paris fabric.
ReplyDeleteParis is my most favourite town of all. Sorry, San Francisco.
I don't know, I just want to have peace and silence and time to sew.
Wait, I have 4 children. Never mind.
But I want to finish my 100days100blocks quilt. No, I don't want to, I WILL finish it.
Happy Holidays.
Some quiet time to quilt.
ReplyDeleteMEXICAN FOOD! after eating turkey and left overs it is time for my favorite food.
ReplyDeleteThe week after Christmas is so relaxed...everyone is happy and satisfied and all the work is done. I usually sew a lot that week.
ReplyDeleteMEXICAN FOOD! after eating turkey and left overs it is time for my favorite food.
ReplyDeleteWe look forward to going back to a normal routine. With winter half gone, can Spring be far behind :-)
ReplyDeleteI look forward for the me time. waiting to pick up new crafty projects.
ReplyDeleteAfter the holidays I look forward to putting everything away, and enjoying how much bigger my living room looks!
ReplyDeleteTake time to close up my books for 2016 and file everything away. And it's time to plan my "Christmas" lunch with the girls at the end of January. Thanks for the giveaway grinnie1961 at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteI love getting past all the rush and stress of the holidays and settling back in to my usual quiet routine.
ReplyDeleteRest and relaxation, getting back into a normal routine.
ReplyDeleteSad to say, but what I most look forward to is it being over.
ReplyDeleteI usually stop making quilts and make handmade Christmas presents during November and December ~ so I look forward to starting my new quilty projects for 2017.
ReplyDeleteIt's time to be with family. Those fabrics are adorable. jarvenpa1ne at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteHaving the busy-ness done!
ReplyDeletethe University of Alabama football game and getting back to sewing -- Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.net
ReplyDeleteI look forward to reviewing my patterns and fabrics and making a decision on my next few projects, including a few on my "must make" list!
I'll look forward to getting my sewing/craft room back in order and start quilting the tops I made this year.
ReplyDeleteSettling in to read the books I hope to find under the tree.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to the days getting longer. That means we're heading toward Spring! I'm done with winter/cold weather once Christmas is over. LOL
ReplyDeleteI look forward to getting back into a routine and making quilts! LOVE Colette!
ReplyDeleteI look forward to work slowing down and being able to get back in the "normal" groove of things. (It is our open enrollment time and it gets crazy!)
ReplyDeleteSandy A
The week between Christmas and New Year's Day is my husband's only vacation time, so I look forward to that the most this time of year!
ReplyDeleteI look forward to downhill skiing and quilting!
ReplyDeleteI look forward to watching all of the holiday movies with family!
We leave for the Philippines on January 2nd, just after we take down the Christmas decorations.
ReplyDeleteI am so excited to see my children and grandchildren. Best Christmas ever.
ReplyDeleteMy family has to come after Christmas so that's how life works for some people out there forced to work over the holidays. Then it will be sewing.
DeleteI have a January birthday and that is always something to look forward to. x
ReplyDeleteI love the new year and the lengthening days!
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas. I look forward to having my free time back and being able to sew. Thanks for the great giveaway. Love the fabric. Debbie@wowilikethat.com
ReplyDeleteMaking Valentine gifts. -- soparkaveataoldotcom
ReplyDeleteGetting back in the groove - thanks and Merry Christmas.
ReplyDeleteI love to be able to just relax after the holidays and not have to cook anything because of all of the leftovers. Thanks!
ReplyDeletePlease click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.
I have promised myself to take a little time everyday to sit quietly and work on my sewing projects. Just 15-20 mins can make a difference.
ooo I LOVE that fabric!! Our weather is frigid in January. I look forward to guilt free sewing and crochet time because what ELSE can you do with the blowing wind and snow on the other side of the patio doors?!?
ReplyDeleteI get to relax after the holidays. Plus we go visit "The Nana" in Florida and it is almost always warmer there than it is in Alabama in January.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to relaxing and organizing my sewing room for new projects.
ReplyDeleteWe have a right after Christmas birthday in our family - so we look forward to a fun Kid's party!
ReplyDeleteI look forward to my birthday the beginning of January.
ReplyDeleteSuch sweet fabric! Looking forward to family time. Hope to travel to visit my parents.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to cleaning up my decorations and having a little time for sewing, I have been too busy to do much sewing lately.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for the Honey Pot to be in full swing! I look forward to taking down my tree! I know...but after four weeks its time for a change!
ReplyDeleteI look forward to getting back to eating healthy because doesn't everyone eat all the goodies they can during the Christmas season.
ReplyDeleteI am moving, so I look forward to setting up my new house so I can once again have time for quilting.
ReplyDeleteI am looking forward to some calm quilting
ReplyDeleteI have the week after Christmas off.....simply not being at work and having time to sew will be heaven.
ReplyDeleteA time to get organized for the new year. And to relax and just sew.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I look forward to catching up on some long overdue sleep. When school's out, I have to write a class play...so I need to catch some z's before I gear up.
ReplyDeleteOur granddaughter and grandson are flying from NY to MS to spend a week with us! Yay!
ReplyDeleteI look forward to the craziness of the holidays being over and one day closer to spring!!
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to slower pace around here..whewie!! Been soooo crazy busy since early November! Ready to enjoy quilting & no rush to meet deadlines!

ReplyDeleteThank you for chance to win this Awesome bundle!!
Family being together & the look on their faces when they open up handmade goodies from me! I love giving! Merry Christmas!
ReplyDeleteReclaiming MY TIME for me, and joining in the Honeypotbee. Thank you.
Working on all the projects I had to put on hold for the holiday season. Thanks for the opportunity!
ReplyDeleteWorking on all the projects I had to put on hold for the holiday season. Thanks for the opportunity!
ReplyDeleteEnjoying time to plan 2017 quilt projects!
ReplyDeleteUninterrupted sewing! I can get back to the quilt I'm currently working on.
ReplyDeleteI like people remembering how to drive and not being in a super hurry in bad weather. We had a 59 car pile up last week. (no one badly hurt) People get so crazy around the holidays, it is so nice when it is over. esp. since we are a college town and we get to have some quiet before everyone gets back from break.
ReplyDeleteI'm ready to start my new projects.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to the quiet of January!
ReplyDeleteFinishing projects that I have had to put aside for the holidays and spending some time reading the new books I usually get for Christmas.
ReplyDeletelooking forward to reading, painting, drawing and quilting ... and oh yes the silence
ReplyDeleteThe peacefulness and contentment of having a happy family celebration. Merry Christmas!
ReplyDeleteI am looking forward to finishing my painted pineapples quilt. I have one more row to do!
ReplyDeleteI am looking forward to just sitting by a warm fire and getting back to reading the book I started before all the Christmas running around!
ReplyDeleteI enjoy spending time with family; all nine of our grandchildren & their parents were over yesterday and I spent time with all eight of my siblings today.
ReplyDeleteI always looked forward to visiting my grandfather on New Year's Day and wishing him a happy new years in French. He was from France, and though I didn't speak French, I could say those words and it always was a special time for him and I.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to starting my new years projects...all lined up and ready to go!
ReplyDeleteI look forward to no more Christmas sales and the quiet. And getting into my sewing room to start 2017 projects.
ReplyDeleteAfter a fun Christmas break with family it will great fun to start back to quilting with new kits & fabric accumulating since black Friday (also throw in a few UFOs that are bugging me).
ReplyDeleterozz01 at cox dot net
Ohhh--what a delightful stack of fabrics--I can see some of those being stitched into some fun items--
ReplyDeleteHappy Holidays to you and yours--
love and laughter, di
I'm looking forward to getting away with my family for a few days up to the mountains.....maybe we'll get to play in the snow! Merry Christmas!!
ReplyDeleteMore sewing and quilting time.
ReplyDeleteWe call that Christmas Adam. ;) I look forward to time with family the most. It's already happening and that makes me so happy!
ReplyDeleteI like to get everyone back to work so I can sew
ReplyDeletea fresh new start with a new year!
ReplyDeletePeace and quiet and time to sew!
ReplyDeleteHmmm... getting back to "normal". Whatever that is!
ReplyDeleteCalm sewing. No rush, no deadlines!
ReplyDeleteI look forward to slowing down so I can get sewing done for me.
ReplyDeleteI am looking forward to New Year's Day it is they inky day all year I stay in my PJ's.
ReplyDeleteEverything just slowing down and no more obnoxious Christmas ads; you can not take timeless Christmas songs and put your own words to them and think they are cute, funny, or entertaining enough for me to shop at your store. Sorry for getting carried away there. Thanks for the great giveaway chance.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to having more time to sew! That fabric bundle would make the perfect Christmas present!
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to things getting back to normal, with lots less stress & more time to sew.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to visiting my family. Come on February!! Thank you for a lovely giveaway.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to having some quite time to sew! Colette is soooo adorable!
ReplyDeleteI love pulling leftovers out of the freezer and remembering the joy everyone had celebrating together and eating til stuffed....
ReplyDeleteI looking forward to hosting Christmas dinner this year. It's been a while since I've had everyone at my house. Merry Christmas!
ReplyDeleteI look forward to slowing down a bit! November and December have been crazy-busy! I look forward to getting back to sewing, learning EQ7 and how to use my embroidery machine!!
ReplyDeleteOh, easy: we're going to move house early January. That's more on my mind than even the holidays ;))
ReplyDeleteI look forward to my son beating cancer.
ReplyDeleteNice calmness after Christmas and the New Year....sewing and quilting.
ReplyDeleteI am hoping that after the holidays I can spend some more time sewing on my older quilt projects, I am excited to see some of them get completed!
ReplyDeleteMy email is: bestbelle2010@aol.com
I look forward to setting down goals and starting work on them.
ReplyDeleteCelebrating my husband's 60th birthday after Christmas and honoring him. Plus, he's retiring in the new year, and that I'm really looking forward to!
ReplyDeleteJust getting back to the day to day living, working and quilting. Wishing for snow days. Grinnie1961 at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteAh, the best part about post-Christmas is getting to create with whatever fabrics/patterns/notions I might get as gifts!
ReplyDeleteMy Birthday in mid January!
ReplyDeleteI love the holidays and having everyone here. I have a wonderful job where I am allowed to take 7 weeks of vacation a year. I always save 2 weeks for the holidays! One before Christmas and the week after. The week after my husband and I get all the decorations down and then binge watch a tv series wrapped up in blankets with the fireplace on! It is the best "staycation" ever!
ReplyDeleteCjpike (at) indiana (dot) edu
I'm looking forward to putting my house back to normal, and getting to the stack of quilt tops that need to be quilted. I love Christmas, but the hustle and bustle... not so much.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to getting back to our routines! We took a 4 day vacation which turned into 5 days because we got stuck at Ohare airport! Then we made a quick turn around and drove 9 hrs to spend time with family. I never even decorated the house!
ReplyDeleteI look forward to spending my post holiday days off in my sewing room doing lots of quilting!
ReplyDeleteI look forward to making donation quilts and then getting my sewing room cleaned up a bit!!
ReplyDeleteGetting the house back in order and then waiting for my birthday on January 15th!!
ReplyDeletekakingsbury at verizon dot net
I most look forward to playing new board games with my kids after the Holidays. mtmom57@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI look forward to not having to shop and/or wrap gifts! Phew! Thanks for the give-away!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to sewing again! Finishing up some WIP.
ReplyDeleteI am looking forward to getting back in my regular routine.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to carrying on with some of my projects large and small and making lots of scrappy pouches.
ReplyDeleteSpending time with my family and just enjoying our time off together. Happy holidays!
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to quiet! And playing in my stash! Happy holidays!
ReplyDeleteI look forward to planning new quilts