Are you a joiner?

Monday, January 31, 2011
I know I am... I love quilt alongs. Isn't it fun to see what everyone does with the same block or quilt? There are a ton of quilt alongs going on right now in blog and flickr land. I hesitated to start another one among the myriad that are already available, but as I have been saying to some of the people who have commented, don't worry I am not taking it away. It will still be here when you get around...

The January Bag

Saturday, January 29, 2011
Hi Everyone,Remember back here when I told you about my city outlawing plastic grocery bags? I promised then that I would be making one bag a month this year so that in January of 2012, when we either have to pay for paper bags or bring our own, we would be ready. I almost let January slip past but just in the nick of time...The January bag.My garage doorknob is doing the modeling honors LOL.  I...

We Have a Winner....

Hi Everyone,Thanks so much for entering my "We Made it to 100" Giveaway. Our winner is:Anita said... Oh my word, a "simple" give away! I love it and I love love your blog, happy 100! January 25, 2011 7:14 PM Anita I have emailed you. I had a couple requests for a review of the book so I took some pictures and I will do that in the next couple days.Thanks again to all that enter...

Supply List for the 3C quilt...

Friday, January 28, 2011
Hi Everyone,First please notice that we won't start sewing until Monday 2/7 now. I forgot that something special is happening next Friday that you won't want to miss :) Second, though I did fabric estimates for the 3C quilt, I did not add a lot of extra in. So add fudge room if you are like me and make cutting mistakes sometimes. The ones that say 1/4 yd or an F8, if you get the 1/4 yd you will have...

Are You A Pretty Princess?

Thursday, January 27, 2011
Do you know one? I am not one, but I play one on TV... :) I do know a pretty princess. You think I am going to say my daughter don't you? Well, she is a girl and she is my princess but if I called her that, or especially "Pretty Princess", she would smack me (tomboy much?). No, my pretty princess is my niece Ashley... she loves all things pink. (You do still like pink right Ashley?) I designed this...

Blog Awards.... and my friend at Adventures of a Cross Stitch Drama Queen

Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Hi Everyone,Two of my good friends/blog buddies have given me blog awards lately...First by Anna aka "The Peaceful Piecer"Then by Hollie aka "The Undercover Crafter"I love these two ladies and their will notice that a few days ago I featured Hollie... but I really was in a conundrum. The purpose of these awards is to feature blogs with less than 300 followers... to post links to three...

The "We Made it to 100" giveaway...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Yep, we made it. So here is the giveaway:"Sew What Bags by Leslie Barnes and 5 fat quarters of Soul Blossoms from Amy Butler.There is only one comment necessary this time. This is a giveaway for my regular readers and followers so no need to post anywhere else. Just leave me any kind of comment on this thread and you are entered. Please only enter once. Please make sure there is a way for me to get...

And we have a winner....

My friend good old chose our winner out of the 213 qualifying entries....Number 4 was:Mommarock said...  I blogged about your giveaway at but I hope I still win ;) January 19, 2011 6:58 AM   Mommarock I have emailed you and will get your little lovelies out as soon as possible.  Thanks to everyone who entered...

Tonight is the night...

Monday, January 24, 2011
I pick the winners of the Sherbet Pips giveaway. Be sure to enter by midnight tonight. I will leave you with two words. Cupcake and Swimming PoolOkay it is three words but who's counti...

Wow... almost to 100....

Saturday, January 22, 2011
Wow, everyone! Thanks for following along. I am almost to 100 followers (actually there are a few more that follow through RSS feed) but the ones that show here on Blogger are the ones I am using to count. If I get to 100 this week I will do another giveaway... I mean we have to celebrate right?So how about this... five fat quarters of Amy Butler's Soul Blossoms and a really fun book "Sew What Bags".As...

Meet "The Undercover Crafter"

Thursday, January 20, 2011
I have been thinking about highlighting one of my blogging friends every week and today is the perfect day to start since I entered Hollie's giveaway for some Amy Butler fabric. Hollie is one of the Round Robin participants and she is an amazing artist. You should go check out her blog. She is so interesting. She just got back from her honeymoon to some very interesting places. Today is her one...

Just a reminder...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011
If you do not have an email address attached to your comment for the giveaway I can't notify you if you win. I had about 20 comments with no reply emails. So if you are a no reply commenter please mail me with your email address so that I can attach it to your name in case you win. You can email me at jewelsarmcandy at gmail dot com. If you did not receive a reply to your comment then you are one...

Sherbet Pips Giveaway

Hi Everyone,Like I told you a few days ago I was so lucky to get into Miss Julie's fabric shop and get some Sherbet Pips charm packs. I had a goal and that was to get some to play with and to give some to one of you to play with. I am giving away two charm packs. I have gone back and forth about whether to split them up or send them both to one person. I have decided to send them both...

First Quilt Hope In Quilt

Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Hi Everyone,A few months back... okay 6 months back LOL... I bought some charm packs to use for hexagons. I wanted to have something to do on the plane on the way to and from Rome. Here they are:So yesterday as I was cleaning up and re-organizing my sewing room (aka the living room) I came across the left over charm squares. They were mostly boy colors so I decided to make a disappearing nine patch...

Pour Some Sugar on Meeeee....(AKA I Has Pips and I's Gonna Share)

Saturday, January 15, 2011
(Yes, I was a teenager in the 80's, gotta love Def Leppard) Woohoo! I got some sugar in the mail today! Edit: I just realized that I didn't say why it was "Sugar" because it is "Sweet Divinity" and "Sherbet Pips" (which are a type of candy BTW besides being cute fabric) First from my favorite Fish (The Quilted Fish) Amanda....Holy Guacamole look at all this stuff Batman! I want to play with...

The Stash Buster Block

Thursday, January 13, 2011
Hi Everyone,I decided to try to get the center for my Good and Fun Round Robin Quilt done yesterday. I am on a mission to bust my stash this year. I  had a pile of fat quarters and half yards of Joel Dewberry's Modern Meadow so I took them out and thought I would do a film strip style block with them. My husband loves what I came up with but... I think it is the lack of Raspberry, Red or Tangerine...

Hey! I thought I lived in California!

The other morning I had to go to the dentist and I had to scrape ice off my car....After taking the picture of the ice I stepped back onto the porch and turned around... don't I have a lovely view? I guess I won't complain about the ice...

Why No Jewelry On Sew Jewely?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Hi Everyone,As those of you who have been following me a little while might know I don't just sew, I also make jewelry. I started making jewelry a couple years ago because I had an itch to learn something new. So why don't you see my jewelry on the blog? The simple truth is jewelry is super hard to photograph. No picture that I seem to be able to take can truly capture it. I am determined to get better...

Thirteen Years Ago Today...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011
I was in a hospital room, looking out at Mount Rainier, or at the TV (it was a Sunday and I was watching the NFL Playoffs... Redskins vs.... I don't remember), waiting for the girl who is the light of my life to show up... she finally did at 3PM after 26 hrs of labor :)  Here are some growing up photos.... she is 4 inches taller than me now... and it is 1/11/11 what a cool...

In need of a replacement bird....

Monday, January 10, 2011
Due to unforseeable circumstances one of the participants in the Good and Fun Round Robin had to withdraw. We are in search of one more participant. If you want to join in please let me know.Here are the rules in case you want to know what you are getting yourself into :)Rules for Round Robin1. Make a center square for your quilt any size you like. It depends on what you want to get in the end. You...

Whoop...the cat is finally out of the bag....

I can finally tell you all about the reason I have been so excited lately... That's right, Tracey, no more teasing...I am so honored and humbled to have been chosen by Amanda Herring of The Quilted Fish to be on her design team. She is calling us Creative Consultants aka. The A Team (for Amanda). The other ladies on the team are just amazing and I have no idea how I will keep up, but I will give it...

It is all rolling along

Thursday, January 6, 2011
Hi Everyone,I am excited that the Round Robin I am organizing is coming along. I sent out rules today and opened a flickr group (click on the button my side bar to see) even though there is nothing in there yet. I have high hopes for us...


Sunday, January 2, 2011
Remember this post Crafting resolutions ... what was I thinking? Like God wouldn't say "Oh you think so do you?" So forget about it all... I have decided that I am not going to hold myself to those boring goals... the only ones I am totally committed to are the two quilts for the Girl's home in Sacramento and doing as much as I can for Quilt Hope In... the rest doesn't matter. I am only making...

Something Super Exciting Is Happening.

Saturday, January 1, 2011
I will tell you about it as soon as I can. (jumping up and do...

Happy New Year

Happy New Year Everyone. Thank you for your get well wishes they mean so much to me. I have spent a little time on my Fig and Plum bed quilt. I finally found the perfect pattern for me. Pretty but not too fussy. It will look like this:The only thing I changed from this is that the peach diagonals are scrappy from the fat quarters instead of using yardage. The blocks are all finished I just...

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