What's coming next? And a day off from housework.

Thursday, March 31, 2011
Hi Everyone, I have finally gotten my website ready to be unveiled. It has all of the usual info and a coming soon page so you can see what I have ordered for the shop and when it is coming in. I am going to work this morning on making all of the images clickable so you can see larger images. I was so wiped last night that it is a miracle I got as much done on it as I did. You can find the website...

I sewed....

Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Hi Everyone, Up until yesterday it had been 3 weeks since I had sewn anything. I have been so busy getting the shop up and running that I haven't taken the time to touch the sewing machine. My daughter came in and saw it laying on the table and said "Wow mom! That is so not you, but it is pretty." She is right it is not my usual style. I picked up a Pom Pom De Paris charm pack when I was...

Don't miss out on this sweet ride...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Hi Everyone, I just came in to tell you all about this super cool contest one of my favorite companies is having. Riley Blake is giving away a beach cruiser bike (it is totally adorable) to one lucky seamstress. Go check out the deets Here and Her...

Welcome To My New Home...The Shop is Open

Monday, March 28, 2011
Let me show you around. To the right you see the button for my shop. I just have a small inventory at the moment but I am hoping to add to it a lot over the next couple weeks. The shop address might change but it will always be available through that button. (I am always happy to do reserved listings for special sized cuts all the way down to Fat Quarters so if you don't see the cut you need in...

Friday Fun day!

Friday, March 25, 2011
Hi Everyone... another great Friday! And since I know you don't have enough to do this weekend (wink wink) here is another awesome tutorial from The Quilted Fish's creative design team. Johanna brings you this adorable diamonds quilt tutorial...

Yummy new goodies....

Monday, March 21, 2011
Hi Everyone! I am so excited look what came in the mail from Amanda and The Quilted Fish: Sugar And Spice fat quarters and laminate. Love this line so much. And check out the adorable crown that the queen (Amanda) sent for us princesses. She is a doll! This is our fodder for new tutorials over at Amanda's blog. Aren't we the luckiest girls on earth? I made my first purchase for my shop today,...

Friday Fun day! A bit tardy...

Friday, March 18, 2011
I am sorry I am a little tardy for FFD. I went shopping this morning with my lovely MIL and just got back. So what is The Quilted Fish serving up for you today, you ask? A gorgeous scarf to keep that winter chill at bay. Go give Jackie some love for this adorable project tutorial....

Use it up....

Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Hi Everyone,If you remember a few days ago I had shown you some fabric that I bought while at In Between Stitches. I have not been buying a lot of fabric for myself because I wanted to save all my pennies for buying fabric for my shop (that is getting closer just a few days and I should have the last of the paperwork back). So when I buy fabric right now I have to have a project in mind for it or...

3Cs Quilt along the borders...

Monday, March 14, 2011
Hi Everyone,Here are the borders. Not that I didn't think you could do this on your own but just in case we have some newbies that haven't done it before. I know I promised a pre-view of the quilting but I am not ready with that yet. I got a little sidetracked this weekend making a bag and cleaning house becuase my in-laws are coming this week. I promise you show you when I get it marked and after...

It's Friday Fun Day again...

Friday, March 11, 2011
Hi Everyone,I can't wait for you all to see what my friend Candice has in store for you today over at The Quilted Fish. This adorable pillow tutorial:I can't wait to see how she made thos flowers... how about you?Talk so...

Happiness Overload!

Thursday, March 10, 2011
Hi Everyone!Oh my goodness! I had a wonderful morning/early afternoon. I took a little roadtrip up to Livermore to Inbetween Stitches. I had a special reason. My friend and fellow Quilted Fish Creative Consultant Team member, Brooke, is in California for her nephew's wedding. She and her delightful friend, Donna, met my daughter and myself there. Here we are in the front window area (sorry Erin caught...

We have some Winners!

Hi Everyone!We have 4 winners. It just worked out that the three that had a preference can have what they wanted... isn't that nice?The Rolie Polie goes to jjd05c who said :"I would love to win the Rolie Polie. But any of the bundles would be greatly useful for the hexagon quilt I am working on :) Thanks for the give away!"One Charm Pack goes to Lynn who said:"I find myself making quilts...

A little bit of Art and TTT

Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Hi Everyone,I was so bad today.... I spent the whole day working on these three little pieces of art..  they are only 4" square. I love them. They will be a little mini board book, a gift for a friend of mine that is having a hard time right now.For TTT it was 1.5 lbs this week. I just can't believe I am still losing... Weight Watchers seems way to easy. It probably helps that I work out...

3Cs Row 5 and some other stuff ...

Monday, March 7, 2011
Hi Everyone,I got to be lazy this week with the quilt along you will see what I mean :)1. From your blue on blue fabric and pink on pink fabrics cut three 7 1/2" squares each. From your cream background fabric cut 24 - 2" squares, or if you pre-cut them when you cut row one go and find them :)2. Make this row just like the one in row one :) Here alternating the pink and blue blocks.3. Add the...

Wow! Tons of messages this evening.

Saturday, March 5, 2011
I was out all day at my Modern Quilt Guild Meeting  "BAMQG" and came home to lots of messages. Thanks everyone I will be answering tomorrow.Talk so...

That's Two,Two,Two giveaways in one (post)

Do you guys remember double mint commercials? Am I dating myself? Actually, little known fact, I know one of the twins that was in one of those commercials when he was a baby LOL .... I digress...I was cutting the last row for the 3C's quilt along and realized I still had a ton of Sweet Divinity left so I decided to cut it into bite size pieces and give some of it to you (don't worry I still have...

It's Friday Fun Day!

Friday, March 4, 2011
Hi Everyone,Head on over to The Quilted Fish and checl out my friend Brooke's adorable quilt tutorial. While you are there enter that giveaway that Amanda is doing for a bit of her latest fabric line, really, you don't want to miss it. Amanda also has the kits available for all of the past Friday tutorials in her shop.Check out the adorable-ness...Talk so...

More Art and... A huge (at least for me) announcement.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Hi Everyone,I just wanted to show you a peek of my new art girl. I am so loving this workshop. Christy Tomlinson is so inspirational and generous with her time and encouragement. I highly recommend her. The group in  the class are all so encouraging. I promise that I will be back in the next day or two with lots of sewing and quilting stuff so don't run away okay?It says "She gave her dream...

TTT and an apology

Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Hi Everyone,Just want to apologize to all of my friends on The Quilted Fish Creative team for being so quiet the last few days. A few things happening here... daughter had a state composition test today and I went to one of my favorite blogs this morning and got a computer virus (thank heaven I can fix that, benefits of being a computer geek) and I have been working on my class as well...love you...

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