...and The Giveaway

Friday, March 30, 2012
Here is the Friday Giveaway: A Fat Quarter Bundle of the Blue Crush Colorway of Summerlove... to win you must go over to Diane's Blog and enter. Congratulate her on you 500th post for me too...


Hi Everyone, I actually got to sew for a few hours this week. I have had a Jelly Roll of Hello Betty Retro for a while. I don't know what it is about this collection that caught my fancy but for some reason I love it. Teal, orange, super dark almost black brown... I am not normally a repro/retro girl unless it is modern design from the 50's or something... anyway I finally found the...

Oops a little too much down time.... Name game winner.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Hi Everyone, I am sorry I have been so quiet. I know when I receive two messages in one morning asking how I am, that I have been taking a little too much time off  :) I am fine, just recovering from having family here for three weeks straight and such a crazy busy shop for the last couple weeks... all good I assure you! So what did we name her? Meet: Hanauma Bay: You can find her in the...

Peak Hour is here!

Saturday, March 24, 2012
ooops I forgot to mention... the cutest boy fabric ever is here in the shop: It is hard to pick a favorite print but the Newspaper Ads are right up there for su...

Playing with colors... a naming game.

Hi Everyone, When I was little I used to love to take all of my crayons out of the box and put them together in color order. I think I did it different every time. Light to dark or dark to light. Does that blue green go with the blues or the greens. Is magenta red or pink... on and on... so I guess that is why I like to take the fabrics off the shelves and do the same thing. Yesterday, I had a tiny...

Friday Fun Day...Cool Breeze Giveaway

Friday, March 23, 2012
Hi Everyone, Sorry I have been so quiet this week. I am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. So expect more interesting posts soon. :) Head on over to In Color Order for a giveaway of this Designer inspired bundle: Cool Breeze inspired by Jeni B. Do it quick because you only have a few days to enter :) If you want to buy the bundle it is available here as fat quarters and here...

The rumors of my demise are greatly exaggerated...

Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Hi Everyone, Contrary to popular belief I did not actually die in an avalanche of Flea Market Fancy. I did not drown in a sea of seedpods although I did need a snorkel a few times. :) I cut more than 300 yds of fabric over the weekend though...eep. Thank you to Jennifer who called to ask if I was okay and offer her services :) Today is my mommy's birthday... Happy Birthday Mom! These are some...

Friday Fun Day...Giveaways Galore

Friday, March 16, 2012
Hi Everyone, Can I admit that sometimes this business stresses me out? I was having one of those nights last night. But I woke up to the sweetest email from one of you and it totally made my morning and reminded me that I do this for fun, and friends, and pretty fabric... okay I admit it I still love to pet the fabric! If you are a Newsletter subscriber you got one in your inbox last night (or two)...

Summerlove - in'... it's here!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012
I love the taste of crow... mmm hmmmm The UPS guy was really nice he said his supervisor was watching and wanted him to put the boxes somewhere out of site. He says he will ring the bell from now on... yum love me some crow! Summerlove ... Everyone sing along... Summer lovin' had me a blast... summer lovin' happened so fast.... woohoo love me some Grea...


Hi Everyone, First of all if you didn't see this because I added it so late last night... FLOCK I love Thomas' designs :) Anyway, I don't really want Mr. UPS to go down. I don't wish that on anyone. I am just not enjoying our new Mr. UPS he doesn't take pride in his job like old Mr. UPS did. New Mr. UPS does not even knock or ring the doorbell when he drops things off. So sometimes they stay...

Cabana Blooms and Flock are here!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Two new collections are here but Summerlove won't be here until tomorrow... silly UPS Cabana Blooms is so pretty... I want to get better pictures after the rain stops the greys and aquas are so clear and beautiful and so is the yellow. I wish there was feel-o-vision because the hand on this fabric is so nice. I will have pictures of  Here is  Flock &nb...

Happy Monday!

Monday, March 12, 2012
Hi Everyone! Are you ready to get your work week on? I am... I am kind of hoping things calm down the tiniest bit now thtat the stress of opening the web shop is under my belt. We had a couple hiccups but I think they are mostly resolved... still have the 15 item limit but I am sure the website host is working on it. I actually got to sit down and do some hand quilting for a little while this weekend....

Friday Fun Day... woohoo!

Friday, March 9, 2012
Hi Everyone, If you are looking for this week's giveaway it is over at Happy Quilting here. Today I thought I would talk about a site I just discovered the other day. I know tons of you have probably seen it ... but believe me I haven't had time for scouring the web lately :) This is Design Seeds.  I had seen color palettes taken from photos of course. There is just something about...

I'm in love! Maya and Fruit Slice are here...

Thursday, March 8, 2012
OMGoodness you guys... These two knock my socks off... but honestly just feast your eyes on Maya! Isn't she gorgeous! The manufacturer's pictures don't do her justice at all! She is so yummy!!! I love the dreamy aqua mixed with the hot bright reds and gold... gorgeous gorgeous! And of course Fruit Slice is Awesome! Khristian Howell never lets me down. Couldn't you just take a bite out...

Grand Opening Sale and A Walk In The Woods is Here!

Hi Everyone, I decided to have a Grand Opening sale to celebrate the new website. So go see if there is something you can't live without and use this coupon code to get 10% off GRNDOPN10 Maybe some of this: I have to admit the reds are my faves....and those foxlets ... eep! Two more collections should be here today I believe... Fruit Slice from Khrisian A. Howell and Maya from Leah Duncan. Two...

I did it!! The shop is open! This week's giveaway!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Hey Everyone, Well it is official. I have an online shop. Come see The Intrepid Thread I can't tell you how happy I am that  this is finally done! To Celebrate the Grand Opening Melissa at Happy Quilting is hosting this weeks giveaway a few days early. So head on over and enter to win this: Poetica fqs in Rose Ballad! Well, you know I only giveaway good stuff, right? :) A Walk In...

Happy Monday!

Monday, March 5, 2012
Hi Everyone! Well, if you have been around here for more than a few days you know that there is a big project that I have been working on... I have been nose the grindstone all weekend even. I stopped for bible study yesterday afternoon for 2 hrs :) Every day for the past week I have been finishing my orders then immediately sitting down to get content up on the website. It takes much longer than...

Who oh who gets the pretties?!?

Saturday, March 3, 2012
We have a winner: Who get's this? Mr. Random says: And number 167 is: Mama Pea said... That is very cool about the pattern. I may have to grab one if for no other reason than to support the cause. :-) Hope you're having a great weekend! February 24, 2012 7:07 PM Yay! One of my favorite people in the whole world! Can't wait to meet ya at Market sista! Thanks for playing everyone!...

Friday Fun Day and Time For Another Giveaway or Two

Friday, March 2, 2012
Hi Everyone, First of all I have had a couple questions about Melissa's pattern and whether you are too late to buy it and have the proceeds go to charity. Not at all!  We are going to sell it and keep giving the proceeds to charity as long as you are still buying it. So if you haven't grabbed that cute thing up yet, here is the link. Here is what we are giving away today: To...

It is nice to do some good.... thank you!

Thursday, March 1, 2012
Hi Everyone, Remember the post from last week about Melissa's Quilt Pattern that we are selling for Charity?  Here is what we got to donate yesterday because of it. We've sold 20 patterns so far. With my matching donation we were able to send $240 to Heartline to help needy mothers. Melissa and I are so thankful to you for buying the pattern and helping us to give to such a...

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