We have a winner...

Sunday, September 29, 2013
Oops I forgot to post the winner of the Legacy Giveaway yesterday morning. Let's see who won some of this: Mr. Random said: and number 87 is: BillieBee (billiemick) said... I'm pretty much a hermit so I don't go out much at all. I just recently had a blast sewing with Chris that loves fabric making In from the Cold pattern and I do hexies and applique with Angie from A quilters...

Friday Fun Day... Fair Warning...

Friday, September 27, 2013
Hi Everyone, Since the blogger feed doesn't go out until night time I am giving you fair warning about a sale this weekend. You can use the Coupon Code GOTCHA15 from tomorrow (Saturday 9/28) noon Eastern time until Monday noon eastern time for 15% off your entire cart. Sale includes everything on the site except the fabric clubs. Yes, even the sale section and all of the new awesome gorgeous Fall...

Legacy and Dream a Little Dream

Thursday, September 26, 2013
Legacy by Angela Walters is here... I adore the blenders in this collection so exciting. Dream A Little Dream from Camelot is here too... such an adorable baby collection... ...

Sunnyside is here

Sunnyside by Kate Spain ...

Errors from the Newsletter

Sorry there were a few errors in the newsletter... Friday is 9/27 and that is what I meant to say.... The locals only page got published by accident without all of the information and before I had the new classes up on the website. The link will still work properly but it will be this afternoon before I can get it all of the classes listed on our Calendar. I am sorry for the confusi...

I love to see fabric in action

Wednesday, September 25, 2013
I bet you all do too... check out this quilt designed by Joel Dewberry out of Bungalow The Dewberrys will will have a free pattern on their blog next week for it. I see a little applique in my futu...

Twice As Nice is here

Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Twice as Nice by The Quilted Fish is here: If you loved Sugar and Spice this one should be right up your alley....

Are you local?

Hey locals... come on by to meet our instructors and see the new offerings for classes. This Saturday 11am - 2pm PS you can also enter the drawing for a giveaway of a Layer Cake of your choi...

Friday Fun Day... Copping out with a giveaway.

Friday, September 20, 2013
Hi Everyone, I am not really copping out. I am heading to a retreat though. Oh you have no idea how much I need this break. I get to spend time with bunches of my favorite people like Little Bluebell, TraceyJay Quilts, Let's Eat Grandpa, Mermaid Sews, and some friends that don't have blogs :)... etc... can't wait. So the second tutorial I am doing for you will be a little late... like maybe next...

Paloma Star Quilt Tutorial

Thursday, September 19, 2013
Hey everyone!!! I'm Sally, and I'm hijacking Julie's blog I'm so honored that Julie invited me over from Sally's Angelworks to share this fun, new tutorial with you!! My Paloma Star quilt! {get your Paloma right here in Julie's store!!} This is a super neat project you can whip up in an afternoon. So, let's get started! Cut: 8  4.5" squares of Paloma bird patterned fabric 8...

Christmas Table Runner Tutorial

Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Hi Everyone, If you have been a subscriber to my newsletter you are well acquainted with my guest today. Brooke is the Queen of quick fun pieced projects. Whenever I need to make a gift in a short amount of time I look for a project from her. It is no secret that I love Winter's Lane and I had grand plans for it but alas no time to execute them. So this project is near and dear to my heart... everyone...

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