Winner of the Market Givaway

Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Hi Everyone, Sorry this is a few days late. I came home from Market and promptly got sick. picked number 51 and that was Bonnie58 said... Check out all the vendors. Lovely. Thanks for sharing May 15, 2015 at 9:53 AM   I will be emailing Bonnie... thanks everyone!  ...

Memorial Day Sale

Sunday, May 24, 2015
Hi Everyone, Don't forget about our Memorial Day Sale! 15% off everything (except pre-orders and Gift Certificates) including our clearance section which still have more than 1200 items in it including some patterns that are already 50% off. It runs until Midnight Eastern on Monday night and the coupon code is REMEMBER...

Sample Spree and One for you Giveaway

Friday, May 15, 2015
Hi Everyone, Sample Spree didn't have everything I wanted but I got the lovely Cotton + Steel prints and Heather Ross' Tiger Lily.  Kaufman didn't have Rhoda Ruth :( and Art Gallery didn't have any of the new lines... I love them anyway though :) Can't wait to get on the floor today to see what awaits. Here is a picture of half my haul... I bought two sets of all of Cotton + Steel so that I...

A Small Break From Our Regularly Scheduled Programming...

Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Hi Everyone, In an attempt to get the shop ready for my absence this weekend (Quilt Market) I have piled way more on my plate than I should have and I am now running around like a chicken with my head cut off. So I shall distract you with pretty pictures and promise many more over the weekend. Especially on the Facebook Page and the IG feed... keep an eye out for all kinds of lovely. Ex Libris is...

Huge Clearance

Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Huge Clearance sale. I just marked down 722 items so there are now more than 1300 items in our clearance section. Including Tula Pink and Cotton & Steel get it while it last...

Getting Jumpy....

Hey Everyone, I am getting jumpy because I am so excited about all of the goodness that is coming to the shop this summer. Tula Pinks True Colors will be in tomorrow. Ex Libris will finally be here by Friday. The other reason I am jumpy is after a lot of back and forth I am going to Market. I had originally decided not to go but I am going after all. So now I have a week to get ready. It isn't...

Fashion You... Monday and Me Made May

Monday, May 4, 2015
Have you all been hearing about Me Made May? I have, and I am totally ready for that. I would say I am "Down with that!" but I am not cool enough. There are a few hashtags on IG like #memademay15 #mmmay15 #memademay... This is the month to make clothes for yourself.  Let's do it! I have been talking for months about teaching classes to alter patterns to fit a persons unique body type. I am calling...

So ... Yah, I have been sewing....

Saturday, May 2, 2015
I know it is hard to believe. I made stuff that didn't involve me wearing it :) I am in a swap that is inspired by Outlander. The stag is a symbol you see in Scotland often ... specifically Jamie has a stag brooch. Then what is Scotland without a Thistle? My partner is a knitter so this is a knitting project bag... the picture is sideways not the bag :) I pieced together all of the...

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