New! The Scrappy Stash Buster Club Is Now Free

Monday, December 12, 2016
New Info!!!!! IT's FREE!!!!!  Scrappy Stash Buster Club.  Every year almost everyone I know tells me they want to use the fabric they already have and not spend money on new fabric. This is my effort to help you with your effort. If you have been following me on Instagram you might have noticed my new obsession with planners. It is like quilting with paper. You may or may not have noticed my new found productivity. These two things go hand in hand. All of the posts on the blog have been updated with this new information. I had been trying to figure out a way to make this a free club and still offer you fun products to help with your organizing and I think I have.

This is the planner that I use:

It is not crafty specific but I love that it is a ring binder so I can add my own pages, neatly, to it.  It comes with all of those pretty monthly divider tabs and your weekly planner pages as well as month at a glance pages. It is split leather with a split leather interior and it has pockets inside the cover that I use for my cards so I can carry it around in place of my purse if I want to.

Another option is the Scrappy Project Planner by Lori Holt of Bee in My Bonnet.

The planner has a section for planning your projects and tips and tricks for organizing your crafting. It also has quilt patterns to help you use your stash. We will not be making those in the club but they are there for you to use if you choose.

This club will include the planner, if you need one :)

Each month you will have the option to buy a kit with items to decorate your planner such as:

  • stickers
  • stamps
  • pens
  • papers
  • die cuts
  • special inserts for planning projects and organizing your stash
What you get for free: 
  • tips and tricks to sort and use your stash
  • quilter friendly recipes (more time to sew)
  • an exclusive quilt block each month
  • quilt setting examples for the quilt block each month as well as a setting for a sampler at the end of the year
 You will not receive more fabric with this club but you will receive encouragement to use your stash. This club does not have an end date so you can continue as long as you want.  You can find the planners here. If you don't want a planner and just want to sign up for the club you can click here to sign up for the newsletter. We will be starting the 3rd week of December but you can join anytime and the back issues of the newsletter will be available on a special tab on the blog. 

Here is a button for your blog if you would like it :)

Also I thought I would show you the two custom bundles that I made this week and have up for sale on the website.
This is Winter Skies

And this is Greenery... the Pantone Color of the Year for 2017

Also tomorrow I will be doing something new on the Instagram feed... at about noon I will be posting some Two of a Kind bundles of fat quarters at great prices. You won't want to miss it... there will only be two available of each one. And Wednesday we will do One Off Wednesday again...

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6 comments on "New! The Scrappy Stash Buster Club Is Now Free"
  1. what a great idea. my goal for 2017 is to complete 5 big quilts, one for each family member and myself...all of which are already started in some form or fashion. I am using a planner to break down each 'project' and assign it to weeks/days in my planner. Hopefully, by the end of 2017 I will have finished 5 quilts and that will be 5 WIP out of the way.

    1. That is a great idea! I have emailed you with a question.

  2. awhhhhh I am so excited. A must have goal for 2017

  3. Wow, many thanks.Looking forward for it!

  4. Julie where did you find your planner? Does it have a section to list your goals for the month? I'm super excited about the Stash Buster Club but could you pm me with info on how it works. Love your blog. Merry Christmas!

    1. Hi Roxanne, I am sorry but you don't have your email connected to this account so I can't email you. I have the planners for sale on my website there is a link about for the planner. It does have a Monthly insert that has a place to put your goals as well as notes and birthdays. If you email me I can take a picture to show you.


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