A little more about what's going on around here...

Saturday, April 30, 2011
Hi Everyone, Thanks for all of the great comments on the 200th post giveaway, I really appreciate them. As I said in the post, it snuck up on me. Since I wanted to get the newsletter sign up going with that post I had to scramble to get it all set up for you guys to sign up. I didn't have time to write a post about what the newsletter will be for. I wanted to do a few things that were a bit more...

Friday Fun Day!

Friday, April 29, 2011
Hi Everyone, New tutorials over at The Quilted Fish will start a week or two after Quilt Market. Until then Friday Fun Day will be whatever I can come up with... :) Today I thought I would introduce you to one of my favorite tools. A lot of you might use this already but in case you haven't I thought I would tell you about Big Huge Labs. You can play with photos there to make some super fun...

The 200th post Huge Giveaway..WOW! It snuck up on me...

Thursday, April 28, 2011
I can't believe this is # 200... it snuck up on me so fast... Last year it took me 14 months to get to #100 this time it took me 7 months to get to #200. For those that weren't around for the picking of the prizes. I asked my followers to tell me what they would like to see in the 200th post giveaway. These are the things I picked from those comments: First: A half yard bundle of Happier in Blue Second: A...

And now for something completely different...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Hi Everyone, I am safely back from the root canal ordeal yesterday. I am happy to report that I survived. Now the day before Market I have to go and do the second part... goodie :) I thought I would show you guys my little work space this morning. Address has been blurred to protect the names of the innocent LOL Here is a pic of my cutting table with a bunch of orders ready to get wrapped and...

Winners of the Sherbet Pips and stuff.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011
 Hi Everyone, I have the winners of the Sherbet Pips chosen. Random. org did the picking. Rhonda said... I'm a follower! April 19, 2011 8:09 AM Little Bluebell (Adrianne) said... I'm a follower. : ) April 20, 2011 11:13 AM And because she was brave and was the first commentor... Sunnybec said... I am a follower April 19, 2011 7:26 AM Will get 3 fat quarters...

I sewed...and last day for giveaway and coupon.

Monday, April 25, 2011
Hi Everyone, These days I feel like it is a huge luxury to get an hour or two to sew. I joined the Sewn Spaces Swap on flickr it is called "The Great Coverup" we are to make sewing machine covers for our partners. I am afraid to show any pictures of what I made because my partner will almost certainly know it is hers immediately. She likes polka dots, green and pink, and black and white. Excuse...

Happy Easter

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The picker winners of the 200th post giveaway...

Saturday, April 23, 2011
Hehe that sounds funny... These are the items and people who picked them that I am giving away for my 200th post. Each of the people that picked will get what they picked and on my 200th post one person will get all of the things they picked :) I know it is confusing (and a run on sentence). A lot of people picked the same things so I am sorry but I have to pick the first person that picked each...

Friday Fun Day...last day to enter the 200th post picking giveaway giveaway.

Friday, April 22, 2011
Hi Everyone, Midnigtht tionight I close the giveaway for helping me pick the prizes for the 200th post giveaway so go here for the rules and enter because you don't wan to miss out. Sherbet Pips should be here by the end of next week yippee! Don't forget to enter the giveaway for the charm packs here either. I am not feeling well this morning so I think I will leave it at that.  I hope...

...There Was Much Rejoicing.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Hallelujah there is new fabric in the shop. I got part of my Free Spirit order yesterday. There will be more this weekend and more next week... but at least I got some of it. Yipp...

My new tutorial, a discount code, and a giveaway.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Hi Everyone, Here is the real pictures of my project that went live at Cutting Corners this morning. This an iPad carrier/ purse. Here are some more shots. Last One I designed this a few months ago and have just been waiting for them to schedule me :) It is a huge tutorial there are about 110 pictures. LOL I hope  you all will go check it out and leave me a comment over there. I met...

The Reveal...

Monday, April 18, 2011
Hi Everyone, Well here it is... that project I was working on that I told you about last week. I said I would show you a picture on Monday... Unfortunately I was one day off on when the tutorial was going live. That is tomorrow. So I can tell you it is a tutorial for Cutting Corners College the Riley Blake blog.  It will be posted tomorrow morning. I hope you will come by and see it. Thanks...

Friday Fun Day...let's have a party (and a giveaway)

Friday, April 15, 2011
Hi Everyone, Sorry I have been so quiet this week. Working on a project that needs to be finished up by Monday and it is keeping my nose to the grindstone. A little sneak peek of one of the other new lines that is coming in...eventually. I am a little bummed that my new fabrics haven't arrived yet for the shop so let's have a party to cheer me up. This is my 190th blog post just ten more to...

A sneaky peek and TTT

Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Hi Everyone, Wonder what this could be? Sweet Nothings by Riley Blake See that floral on top? It is Riley Blakes version of Minky called Dreamy...and boy is it ever. LOVE IT! You will get to see what I am making from this next Monday. Promise! For TTT it is 2 lbs this week. 33 Total... now if I could just lose another 100 before Spring Market... I mean hey... I have a month right? LOL Talk so...

We have a couple winners...

Monday, April 11, 2011
Hey Everyone, I am a couple days late announcing the winners of the Happier Charm Packs and I am announcing the winner of the Out Box Kit as well. The winners of the charm packs are: 1. Lethargic Lass who said: LethargicLass said... and I'm a follower :) and 2.SewCalGal who said:  SewCalGal said... Fun giveaway. I love your fabric selection, especially your happier cottons in...

Friday Fun Day!

Friday, April 8, 2011
Uh oh... it is a couple of weeks before we will be ready for the next round of tutorials for The Quilted Fish. We are going to be using Sugar & Spice and it will be so fun! But for now.... How about we do a tutorial hop? I found this adorable one this morning over at Noodlehead.You must go over and check it out. If you haven't been over to her blog yet... please, take some time and look through...

Blog Hop: Mom's "Out" Box. A tutorial for "No Housework Day" and a giveaway

Thursday, April 7, 2011
Welcome to the National No Housework Day Online Blog hop! If you have arrived not knowing until now about the hop, no problem...just go back to If It's Groovy where this hop starts and work your way through. You may find games, prizes, projects and how do-you-dos along the path :) We would appreciate it if you sign up to keep in touch with us by "following" and would love your comments!
Perhaps you arrived here fromScrapbookers Anonymous. Great! Hope you enjoyed that stop and the others so far!!!

We celebrate this national holiday by scrapping today and into the weekend with projects that remind us of housework or getting away from it!!! Take the day off, put up your feet and let's hop!

Let's make this "out" box to tell everyone to get out of your craft room so you can enjoy No Housework Day, or you could say "Put it in the out box , I'll do it tomorrow", you could make a tag to indicate this is for the Honey Do List (that you will do tomorrow) you get the idea! Most of my usual followers are fabric crafters so this is right up their alley but I made this simple enough for anyone to follow. It also makes a great little accessory for a paper crafters workroom.


2- Fabric pieces of fabric 19" square
2- Fusible fleece pieces 19" square
2- 3/4" Grommets
2" painters tape (optional)
Acrylic ruler with 45 degree angle marking (optional)
Ribbon, and embellishments of your choice
A sewing machine
Rotary Cutter (optional)


1. Cut your fabric and fleece.
2. Apply fusible fleece to the wrong side of each piece of fabric according to manufacturers instructions.

3. With a ruler mark all the way around the underside of both squares at 3 1/4". You can see I made a mistake so you have to do as I say and  not as I do here :)
This part is optional. I wanted to quilt the outside of my box to make it more fun. If you don't want to do thus part meet us at step
4. Go to the garage and steal your husbands painter's tape. If you don't have a garage, husband, or tape you might have to go to the hardware store (but that is okay because it is shopping not housework :) ) I used 2" tape here.
5. Use the 45 degree line on your ruler lining up your corner at 2 inches. Place a piece of painters tape on your fabric along the edge of the ruler.

6. Measure over 2 inches from the edge of the tape and put another piece of tape across the fabric there. Continue until you reach the opposite corner of the square.

7. Sew down each side of the painters tape. I do not use a walking foot here becuase the fleece is fusible so it won't shift.
8. Take your tape off but don't crumple it up. Just stick it to the side of your rotary mat or something to keep it straight. You will turn the square to one of the adjacent corners and do steps 5-7 again.

When you are done you will have these cute diamonds quilted into  your box.

9. Put the two squares together right sides facing.
10. Pin all the way arround leave 4-6" open on one side for turning. I like to mark my opening with 2 pins like this so that I remember not to sew through my opening. Sew a 1/4 inch seam all the way around.
11. Once you sew all the way around your square (being sure to leave an opening) put your hand inside and open up the corner like this:
12. Flatten your corner so that your seams meet in the middle. My thumb is on the seam and underneath the other side seam meets it. This will make more sense when you do it. Put a pin in your drawn line on the seam and through to the other side making sure that it goes through the line and the seam on the other side.
It is hard to see the pin here so I made an arrow ;)
13. Pin on each side the same way making sure that the lines are meeting on top and bottom.
14. Sew on your line making sure to back stitch at both ends.
15. Repeat step 14 sewing over your sewn line a second time. Repeat for all fourcorners.
16. Measure 1/4 inch from the sewn line and cut off the corner. You will get little squares like this:

You have a little box now :)
17. Turn your box right side out.
18. Use your thumb and fingers to get the seams turned so they lay flat around the top edge of the box.

19. Iron around the top of the box.

20. When you come to your turning opening turn each side in 1/4 inch and iron.
21. Pin the opening closed with the top sides turn in.
22. Top stitch all the way around the top of the box at approximately 1/8 inch.
See here is where my opening was and you can't even tell :)

23. Turn the bottom sides down and iron to make a nice crisp square bottom.
24. Turn the corners so they lay flat and iron to crisp those up too.
Voila a box...
25. Let's make her prettier. Measure to the center of the front of the box it should be about 6 inches from each side. Put a pin in it :)

26. Measure up 1 1/2 inch from the bottom and 2 inches to each side of the pin and make a dot with a pencil.
27. Put a grommet over the dot and make a circle the size of the inside of the grommet.
28. Cut a small circle where you marked. You want the hole to be a little bit smaller than the grommet so that the edges are covered by the grommet and it's washer. This is fabric so you need to cover those edges.

 I decided to use this adorable 7 Gypsies tag for my basket... I thought it was perfect with the "Do Not Disturb" but you can make your own to say whatever you like of course.
29. I used about a yard of two ribbons and tied them through the grommets.
30. Then I attached the tag and made another bow.

When No Housework Day is over you can use it for holding your 12" x 12" papers.

Hope you enjoyed this little tutorial. If you would like to make one for yourself. I have the fabrics available in my shop. I am giving away a kit for this basket it will include the fabric and fusible fleece. Leave a comment below to be entered in the giveaway.

Thanks for your visit, please head over to see Scrapbooking SOS. Enjoy!

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