I sewed....

Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Hi Everyone,

Everyday is a good day if you get to sew right?
I made this little quilted wristlet and matching wallet for myself. I haven't had a wallet in a long time and I kept wanting to make one but never took the time. This was a simple pattern I don't think it took me more than an hour and it came out so cute. It even has a zippered pocket inside for change. I quilted the bag with a meandering dragonfly pattern. It was a stencil I have had for a while but never used. I love how these came out and I am so happy to have some summery accessories.

That is what I did over 4th of July weekend... did you get some sewing done? Why not tell me about it?

If you want to make Sasha's wristlet now is the time to get the fabric. I am about to go over to the shop and mark down Lola's Posies to 30% off MSRP there are only small bits left on the bolts and when they are gone they are gone.... Farm Fresh should be coming this week... can't wait for that.

Talk soon!

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  • I sewed....Hi Everyone, Everyday is a good day if you get to sew right? I made this little quilted wristlet and matching wallet for myself. I haven't had a wallet in a long time and I kept w… Read More
15 comments on "I sewed...."
  1. Love your accessories! They do look fresh and summery!
    Jacque in SC

  2. I love them both!!! The shape of the bag is neat!! I love the fabrics too! Oh so cute and summery =D I've been meaning to make myself a wallet, but I've been lazy. Speaking of lazy...I didn't any sewing this weekend. I have no projects to share with you

  3. It had to be a great day if it involved sewing! Your wrislet and wallet are awesome. Such pretty fabric!

  4. Good for you in making something for yourself. I managed to quilt two flimsies and get the binding done on one - a finish!!

  5. Those are so pretty and cute! I love wallets! I got the Posey pouch from Sasha cut out but haven't YET to get started on it. I finished up some baby gifts yesterday for a friend.A outfit,booties, and a diaper clutch (from Noodle-head blog) Would love to see inside of your wallet. I do have a wallet fetish lol Probably no sewing today =(

  6. Love that set! What's the pattern for the wallet? I need a new one too!

  7. Great wristlet and wallet I worked on a Halloween quilt kit that my mom has had for years and finally gave to me, this morning I started working on some Cinnamon Stix from Ruby Street Quilts where I live. I love a good square exchange.

  8. Hey, hey!! I just bound a baby quilt in that exact fabric. It sure did make a cute purse. Love your work.

  9. Very cute wallet & wristlet!

    I did do some sewing this weekend - I put together a Jelly Roll Race top and cut out the applique for a wall hanging I'm doing for a raffle we're having at my work.

    Yay us!

  10. I need a new wallet. Maybe I should make one. Hmm...

  11. I never thought of making a wallet (only zippered pouches for change purses, I guess), it came out wonderfully. You really are inspiring! No sewing this weekend for me (unless you count mending), but we did find a new spot for watching fireworks (the best I have ever been to and can't wait for next year)!!! And my hubs who is a police officer (and forced to work all fireworks in the city he works in) got to come with us on the fourth because his department had them on the 3rd for the first time ever! Yay!!!

  12. Your wristlet and wallet are so cute - aren't you clever! I got started on my granddaughter's Christmas quilt - got about 3/5 of the blocks sewn together - and sewed borders on five flimsies that were donated to the quilt ministry. Plus we got the boat out on the lake several times. So it was a good weekend!!

  13. No sewing this weekend - I was gone for 6 days in Indiana visiting family, friends, and attending a wedding. It was a good trip, always good to be back home tho... and excited to get some sewing in tonight if I don't pass out first (home at 11 after a 12+ hour drive, alarm goes off at 5am for work, not good!)

    Glad you got some "sewing for yourself" time in! Looks great!

    ... by the way, soooo excited for Heirloom this month but I can't decide what prints I want, there are WAY too many and I don't love them all but its so hard! haha Just thought I'd share ;-)

  14. New follower here, love your blog and I think I just might HAVE to make one of those wallets!

  15. Very pretty! I love having a wallet that matches my handbag. Yours looks great, enjoy.


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